søndag 16. februar 2025
Troggoths and Tank
tirsdag 4. februar 2025
Slow progress due to illness
mandag 20. januar 2025
Troggoths and Killteam
torsdag 9. januar 2025
Happy New Year! First update of 2025
I had planned to prime my new Terminators, but it has been either very cold or snowing so I haven't been able to do that yet.
lørdag 28. desember 2024
Last update of 2024
I have my dog again this week and will have her to after New Years Eve, so this will be the last formal update for this year. I think I have been fairly active this last period, and I look forward to finish some of these units.
Last update I told that I built 3 Rockgut Troggoths and Boss Snikrot, and they have now been primed and are ready to be painted up. Snikrot is primed white and the Troggoths are primed grey. As I have already partially painted up 6 of the Rockgut Troggoths I plan to paint this 3 the same way, or at least as close as I can remember.
They will be painted mostly with regular paints. Boss Snikrot will be painted in a mix of regular paints and contrast paints.
I have maneged to build several figures and units, and everything I built I also had time to prime.
First out was the Commemorative series of the Red Gobbo called The A-Bomb-inable snowman. This is the Christmas special model for 2024. Lsst year we had two of these, one with the red gobbo on a rooftop (that is about 97% painted on my desk) and one where his sort of nemesis, a blak dressed santa-gobbo, was riding a big squig (standing primed on my desk). This years second model was from Age of Sigmar and was two Witch-hunters (Galen and Doralia ven Denst) that can be used as separate figures or as a diorama on a larger base. I plan to build them as the diorama, and I just got the set yesterday.
For the Necrons I built and primed Orikan The Diviner who is a so called master Astromancer who gides the Necrons to their future of his own choosing. I haven't painted Necrons for a long while, but I look forward to painting him up, and I expect he will have quite a lot of golden details (well yellow/brown contrast aint really, but it looks sort of golden on the shiny silver below). As my Necrons have more of this the more important they are I figure this one will be pretty golden.
The Tyranids got a medium size figure built and primed, a Neurolictor. This is a mind destroying saboteur and one of the more stelthy tyranids according to the description. It has lots of details, and I think it will take a little time to paint it up.
The final single figure that is built and primed is the Bloodpelt Hunter from the Ogor Mawtribes. This is a rather weird hunter with small elk or moose horns on his forehead. I haven't seen those horns on any monster figure yet, but who knows what the future might bring.
I also built and primed two units, the first one is a unit of 7 figures from the Inquisition, the box is just called Inquisitorial Agents. They come in the army called Imperial Agents, where everything from the Inqisition, including inquisitors and their retinues (so said to be the Deathwatch as well), Adeptus Arbites, Imperial Navy breachers, and not to forget the assasins.
These 7 figures will be joined by an Inquisitor, and I think that will be either my version of Eisenhorn or Greyfax as they are the two inqisitor minis I have.
The last unit I biult and primed I also started to paint up, and that is another unit of Hernkyn Yaegirs. I am painting this up along with the single Yaegir I got as a miniature of the month last month.
I have gotten most of the base colors on, only missing a few facial detils like hair / facial hair and some cloth used to cover up the lower part of their fasce. Then I will need to add layers and drybrushes and do the bases.
I also got to do a lot of painting on my Trugg the Troggoth King figure. He is still some way from being finished, but he has gotten along quite nicely. Most parts have gotten the basic colors on, but he will need some drybrushing and detailing before he is done.