Quite frankly not a whole lot!
I have finished my room and moved in. It looks very nice, and I will try to take myself by the neck and post some pictures of the finished room shortly. Come to think of it, I do believe I owe you readers a whole lot of pictures by now. I promise to read through the blog and post a big picture post one of these days as I have most of the pictures on my computer, I just need to post them here.
The hobbyroom didn't turn out quite the way I had thought, as the furniture took a little more space than anticipated in the "design" phase. The stone walls are also a little weaker than expected, so I don't get to put up big shelves on one of the walls where I had planned to do so for my dioramas. But in some areas it actually turned out better than my fears, and I am quite happy with the solutions I have ended up with.
I managed to get my old worktable in, along with a desk drawer where I can keep my diorama stuff, two glass cupboards with lights (for finished miniatures), and shelves to store the unfinished models. I also managed to get a rack for all my Citadel and Tamiya paints set up at the wall directly over my worktable.
I got my old and faithful desk down with me, so I have the old computer and some space to do paperwork and work with stuff that doesn't smudge too much (like finally getting to build some buildings out of cardboard and stuff like that).
I also have a filing cabinet where I will keep my sheet music, so my wife can get her linnen closet back. As a big band leader for about 10 years I have collected a lot of sheet music, and it still seems to drop in new stuff from time to time. This used to float around the house until it finally got stored in and on top of the linnen closet, but now it will get a good home in the filing cabinet. This piece of furniture will also work as a stereo table, so I have a place to keep my amp and cd player.
The worktable is now filled with a 1:35 diorama of a German self propelled flak gun from WW2 (don't remember the name of it right now), and it stands on a base along with a ruined farmhouse and some trees. The plan is to make some mud, so that the flak gun stands partially with it's tracks down in the mud. This is because it was the first model I made after starting up again and I was a little clumsy with the hot iron when I was supposed to weld the tracs tight around the drive sprockets. The result was that I needed to use staples to keep the tracks in place, so that needs to be hid. Also a soldier climbing up onto the firing platform from the ground has his foot a little bit above ground, so by adding a thin layer of mud he gets his foot on the ground.
Along with this diorama is a whole lot of Space marines in different stages of production and painting. Many of them are based on Dark Angels or other special chapters and will work as elite troops in my 1st Company. They will get the look of the 2nd Ultras, but still keep some of their special characteristics. They are all based on spare parts from the bit box or pieces bought on Ebay, and some of them also gets some modification work done to them.
Also I have a cowgirl waiting for the final stages of painting. She's a little larger than the usual miniatures I build, and the plan is to mount her in a small plastic box and make a mini diorama with her.
I don't know exactly when all this will be finished, as my mother is terminately ill with cancer and is in the hospital. So at the moment most of my spare time is spent there. But I will return to my hobbyroom when I get the time and keep on working.
tirsdag 20. oktober 2009
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