mandag 6. mai 2024

WIP Dankhold Troggoth

I proised I would post some pictures of the Dankhold Troggoth if I was happy with the colors. 
Like I suspected there were several white spots left after the first layer of paint, so i had to add another layer on the skin. The loincloth was ok with just one layer, and it looks like both the rock club and the nadle is ok too. 

I will look more at the figure next time I sit down to paint and see if I can make the changes between the light and the dark skin look more natural. I have tried to make if follow the changes of the skin, but I think I might need a little clean-up.

I plan to paint the stems of the fungus in a offwhite color and the hats will probaly have some sort of red. And the round chorals that seem to grow on the skin will also get a gray or a white color. This will also make the colors blend more on the skin I think.

mostly painting this period

This period has been dedicated mostly to painting, but I have done a little building too.

I built a unit orginally made for Warcry, but they are also in the rulebook for Cities of Sigmar in AoS. That is the unit known as Wildercorps Hunters. It consist of 7 people and 5 dogs where 4 of the dogs are separate creatures mounted on 25mm bases. 
I armed my unit mostly with crossbows, but there was also options for giving them axes or spears so I might get another box in the future and give them that treatment. I will see how well I manage to paint the dogs first as I feel they are the key part of this unit.

I also assembled some Space Marines that I bought off E-bay many years ago, they come from the Space Hulk box game and are pretty impressive Space Marine figures. One of them (I have 2 sets) is holding the remains of a Tyranid creature, so I think they will fit my army perfectly as one of the hostile armies I paint up that my Space Marines might meet on a display board will be my Tyranid fleet. They don't appear to come with bases originally (although I might be wrong) but they are now mounted on the appropriate bases to be used for games of Warhammer 40K or just be displayed with them.
There is quite a special figure that is a Terminator with a skeleton head sitting on a throne, and I have worked in to my back story for my chapter that they that hey have teminator armour found from a chapter that is extinct, so I will think up a color cheme for that extinct chapter and paint that terminator as being part of that. The rest of the terminator suits have been re-painted in the Gatekeeper colours and are serving the Gatekeepers well, after an agreement with the right authorities. Being so far out near the end of the known galay it was deemed better that the Gatekeepers got to use the suits as there were no chapter left to claim them. Had the chapter still been existing things would have been very different though.
They are now waiting to be primed, and I might need two thin coats of priming as the dead one is dark blue plastic while the others are bright red. I will have a go at priming them as soon as time and weather allows.

The rest of my time has been spent painting. Mostly Gargants, and I have met a little problem. After painting the base skin they looked all too red (Bugmans Glow) but I was aware of that before I started, so I washed them with Guilliman Flesh as I liked that look when it was originally done one some of my Gargants earlier. This time I still felt they looked too red. So I did something different... I tried to drybrush them with Cadian flesh, but I am obviously not a skilled drybrusher so I got way too much color on some areas and now they look "patchy" like they have some sot of skin sickness. So I am struggling with what to do next. Should I repaint their skin with Bugmans and try again, or maybe just try a wash to blend? I will need to figure that out. But while I do I cointinue to paint other details on them, and by now everyone has their pants (for the Manccrushers) and their leather clothing (for the Mega-Gargants) painted up. The leather will need a light drybrush of some lighter brown a little later down the line, but the hing with leather is that it is naturally in different tones so I am not worried about that. 
I have also painted up all the wooden parts , like handles on their weapons and the beer kegs, and there are a few different colors of that in the army, but I figure that is ok as there are many different types of wood and they roam a wide area so they can have picked up wood from totally different places.
The only wood left to paint is the bark on the weapons on two of the Mega-Gargants (King Brodd and the Beast-Smasher) as I would like the bark to look a bit like birch with black and white, so I need to figure out how to make that look good. 

Just on a whim last night I started to paint a troggoth called a Dankhold Troggoth. I painted the stone club and the wooden handle while painting the same parts on my Gargants. It has been standing on my workbench for a while, I was almost done wit hthe skin but then I really disliked the colors I had used so it was re-primed. I am much happier with the choises now, although I am not entirely sure how it will turn out yet. But it looks kind of good after the first layer of contrast paints, but it needs one more coat as the paint is thin so some primer is shining through at the moment. 
I used a sort of blueish green /turqoise color for the "soft" skin and a more clear mid-tone blue for the "harder" skin. It is not colors I normally use, but I wanted him to look  a little pale even though he has color as he is mostly under ground or only out on the open by night so he don't really get a lot of sun on him (I think he might turn to stone if he did).

He has a lot of fungus, mushrooms and chorals growing on his skin, and they will all be painted in more color strong colors to create a contrast. He also have a loincloth of fur and that is painted the same way I paint fur for other armies, with a brownish contrast paint (Gore-grunta fur). So Far I think that contrast between the skin and the fur looks very good. I plan to work more on this model after work today, and if I'm still satisfied after that I will post a WIP picture of him.

I think I have one more of the same miniature with another weapon or at least another pose, and I have one or two called a Dankhold Troggoth Boss (or something like that) so hopefully I can manage to paint them with the same colors but with some differences in the growths on them to make it look "uniform" while still being single miniatures. 
I hope the colors will look good now that they have dried a bit, as the paint was still sort of wet when I last saw them last night. I like troggoths and have worked out a color scheme for river trolls (sort of greenish like dark water), rock trolls (kind of traditional light blue and tan) and now I might have a good scheme for the bigger Dankhold troggoths too.
I am thinking of adding the big female troggoth to the bunch in the future, but that will not be for some time yet. I might have to think up a new scheme for her if I do.

I have also gone through my piles of built but unpainted minis that I have at home and sorted them. The primed and partially pained minis are plased in boxes to go on the shelf, and the ones that are just built are put in cardboard boxes so that I can prime them as soon as possible. I ended up with nine soda can boxes with minis. Some are rather full while some only have a few minis in them. One of the armies that has a lot of minis both to prime and paint are the Gloomspite Gitz. I have lots of spider riders and infantry models with shields and spears that are "regular" Goblins and noot Nightgoblins. Also a unit of wolfriders.  I also found the troggoths i thought I had, but I didn't have what I thought. I had the Dankhold Troggboss as I believed but the third troggoth was a different type, it was from either Warcry or Underworlds but is no longer in the current range so I don't remember what it is called now. I still plan to paint it up like the Dankold Troggoths.