søndag 16. februar 2025

Troggoths and Tank

This week I have been working on completing my Rockgut Troggoths. I find it a little weird that they are not among the units listed in the Gloomspite Gitz army over on the Warhammer homepage. But they are in the start collecting box or spearhead box, so they are no doubt still a part of the current army.
I discovered this as I tried to find some pictures of them to find out what colors to use on a few details.

All nine Troggoths are now painted, and their bases are done. What remains is to paint the rims, and I will do that as soon as possible.
I also did the base of Trugg the Troggoth King, that too need to get the rim painted.

For the Gloomspite Gitz army the next project will be six Fellwater Troggoths (they used to be called river trolls). They are online only normally but when I was at the warhammer store a customer had bought two boxes and returned them, but they had not been opened so everything is still in the boxes.
I will try and paint them up to look a bit like a pike, as that is a big, sort of slimey and mean fish. They will not look exactly like a pike ofcorse but it will be my inpiration.

I started to work on my Malcador Infernus tank, and I have gotten most of it done, there are just some of the belts and belt guards left, and then what ever I choose to have in the turret. I don't think I will have a commander, but rather go for a closed htch but with a pintle mounted weapon placed there. 

I enjoy building the tanks, especially the ones from the Horus Heresy as they are quite special. I also love the Super Heavies, and I do have one more unbilt of those to build at a future time.
I am still working out what color scheme I would like to paint the tanks, but I am thinking I should use mostly the same as I have on my modern tanks but maybe with a few ajustments.

tirsdag 4. februar 2025

Slow progress due to illness

This was the week where I had planned to finish all my Rockgut Troggoths and start working on my new tanks, but that did not happen.
Instead of working with my minis, I got the flue and quite havy fever so instead of sitting working on my minis I lay in bed under two duvets still freezing ans shivering.
But I got a little better during the weekend, so I manged to sit a bit and paint some.
I have most of the Troggoths painted now, but there are some clean-up left to do, and when that is done I will use a contrast paint thinned with contrast medium as a glaze to blend all the skin colors together and then I might drybrush a bit later to get some of the brighter colors back.

I also collected my package of tanks and flyers. I got an Arvus Lighter, a small unarmed flyer that comes with one gun that can be fired when the hatch is open and it is on the ground.
There were two tanks, a Valdor Tenk Destroyer and the tank I was really looking forward to starting to build, the Malcador Infernus. The Infernus is a big flame tank, and I have wanted that since I first saw it in resin and now it is out in plastic.

The Infernus is the first thing I will build as soon as I feel ok with my Troggoths.

mandag 20. januar 2025

Troggoths and Killteam

This period I have finished building the Killteam box called Brutal and Cunning. The box contains 10 Ratlings, 1 dog, 2 cunning traps, 6 Orks and 2 Bomb squigs and some scenery. Last round I built 6 of the Ratlings, and now I finished the rest of the box.  All the minis are primed Grey Seer. I have not primed the terrain yet, but I will do that next round. 
I look forward to painting these minis. The Ratlings will fit well with the sniper diorama I built and primed earlier, and the Orks will be a cool addition to my Waaaagh! Both Orks and Ratlings are quite detailed, so it will take some time to paint them up.

The Space Marine Terminators I built last round are now primed Grey Seer. I also bought a new box at the Warhammer store when I was there along with a box of 3 Primaris Eliminators. The Eliminators are snipers and can be built with an assortment of weapons and I have not decided what I will arm them with. I will see if they can have different weapons or if the entire unit need to have the same type of rifle. 
I plan to build these miniatures the next round. I had originally planned to do it now, but wanted to get some painting done too.

So I decided to paint up my 3 Rockgut Troggoths that I primed a while ago, and thought I would try to paint them to match a unit of 6 Rockgut Troggoths that I had started on a long time ago. When I looked at them again I decided I didn't like the way I had started to paint them. The skin was ok, it was painted Russ Grey and I wanted that color for the new ones too. But the older ones had their bellies and chests painted Morghast Bone and looking at it now I didn't like it anymore. There are lots of bones on the figures and I want those to be Morghast Bone and it will not look good to have the bellies the same color. So I decided to use Fenrisian Grey instead for the bellies and inner ears, and the chest were painted Russ Grey like the rest of the skin. I think I will need two coats to cover the Morghast Bone, but I have only painted one so far. 
I wanted the very thick skin to be a bit darker than the remaining skin, so I decided to use another Space Wolf color and went for The Fang for that purpose.  

The 6 previously worked-on Troggoths had some more colors done as well, I will keep the wood but paint the leather and maybe the cloth again. Also the Grot that one of them is holding in his hand will be repainted, as one of the new Troggoths do the same so I want them to be identical.
Here are two work-in-progress pitures of how they look now. The first pic are 3 of the ones that was painted before, and the second pic is one of the newcomers to the group. 

While painting I was very happy with the way the colors combined togehter, but I will try and figure out a way to make them blend a bit better. I am thinking that I can use a wash of some kind on everything when all the models are painted. It might just be a thin layer of Agrax Earthshade to make them look a little more dirty since they are Troggoths. I will do some checking and see if I can find some videos of things being painted in these colors and what other people have used. I will also need to go over the figures once more with the lighter colors to neaten up.

I also need to think about what I want to do with the bases, These are troggoths that live in the mountains, so I will have to decide if I want to give them bases that reflect that or if I want them to have the same dirt bases as the other armies. So far I am thinking the natural thing would be to make them with the same bases as the rest of the Gloomspite Gitz army as that is the army that they belong to and since they are fighting togeher they are probably on the same battlefield. But I will experiment a little and see if I can mix rock and mud in some way on some spare bases that I have. Another solution could be to glue on some rocks on their bases or something like that.

torsdag 9. januar 2025

Happy New Year! First update of 2025

This is the first update of 2025, and I have finished a few models, and will try to take pictures of them in a couple of days and then I will post them here.

I have continued to work on the models from 2024, and I managed to finish several of them.

Trugg the Troggoth King is painted up, and I have glued him (it?) onto the base. I need to do the basing, and then I can call him done. He is painted like the Dankhold Troggoths, and I am quite happy with how he turned out. I will take one last look after I have done the base, just to make sure that there isn't too many colors that have splotched over to other areas where they shouldn't be. Then pictures will be taken.

The Dankhold Troggoth and the Dankhold Troggboss are both done with finished bases, and I will post pictures of them in the near future. They are done to the best of my abilities at the moment, and I am quite happy with the way they turned out. 
I also painted up a smaller troggoth sculpted in much the same way. I don't remeber if he was made for Warcry or Underworlds, but it seems like this troggoth is no longer in the current range. I had no plans to play that game anyway but planned to add him to my Gloomspite Gitz army along with the others. He originally comes with several other smaller figures, like a flying squig, a rock with a mouth and I think there was one more. They are not done yet, but I am working on them, and they will be added to the army when they are done. I will post the picturee of the Troggoth though, along with the Dankhold ones.

I have also finished my first unit of Hernkyn Yaegirs for Killteam. Basically they are the Hernkyn Pioneers from the Leagues of Votann but on foot instead of riding bikes. I have finished the whole unit of 10 plus one "miniature of the month" making it 11 figs in total. However I saw someone showing a lore video of Squats earlier today, and the pictures there made me think that maybe I should add a few final details on their arms before I call them completely done. But no matter what I end up with I will try and get some pictures of them the way they look now. It is just a matter of adding some color to a small panel they have on their arms. I might do that after they are photographed too and show it off as I finish my next batch of 10 (they are primed waiting to be painted).

There is not a big update for Oldworld (Fantasy) but I have started to paint the guard shack for my mansion, and I am very happy with the way I painted the roof this time even if I changed it from the last buildings I panted so long ago. I had a great recepie for red roofs, but can't find it anymore so I changed to the classic blue that we have seen in a lot of Games Workshop pictures from back in the day. I will keep the red roofs as they are because they look good, but I think most new roofs will be painted in this "new" blue style. I plan to use a dark blue wash on the roofs later on in the process, but I will post a picture in a few days of how it looks now.

I have also used an old piece of fence to try out how I want to paint all the wooden fences that came with the mansion set, this piece is from the old fence set (but that is identical to the one they sell now, it has just gotten new packaging). I tried to paint a fence row of wooden planks and some braided willow and also a signpost. I am not 100% convinced on the braided part, but I love the sign. I will try to remember to take a picture of that as well.

Finally I have started to build some new stuff. For my Secret Grotmas exchange at the Warhammer store I got a box of  5 Terminators, so I have built them already. This is the new type that is more in line with the Primaris Marines. Most of my Terminators are the old type, but I think they will blend in nicely as long as I keep them as a separate unit, and I am sure there will be more. I know there are some in the Leviathan box, but I have only started to work on the Tyranids side of that box as of now.
I had planned to prime my new Terminators, but it has been either very cold or snowing so I haven't been able to do that yet. 
I have a Primaris Spacemarine that was "free model of the month" some time back, and I have been using him to find the way I want my Space marines to look, so I know how I will paint the terminators when I get to start.

The last thing I have been working on is the new Killteam box "Brutal & Cunning". I started with the cunning part, and have assembled 6 Ratlings, a dog and a few traps. I have to say the ratlings are really detailed, and it will probably take me quite some time to get them painted up for that reason, but this also makes them look very good so I don't really mind. 
I haven't played Killteam before, and I sort of doubt I will begin, but they will fit nicely in to the Walpurgian 3rd Imperial Guard army for Warhammer 40.000. 
The Brutal part of the box will be part of my Ork Waaagh! that is slowly growing.