søndag 16. februar 2025

Troggoths and Tank

This week I have been working on completing my Rockgut Troggoths. I find it a little weird that they are not among the units listed in the Gloomspite Gitz army over on the Warhammer homepage. But they are in the start collecting box or spearhead box, so they are no doubt still a part of the current army.
I discovered this as I tried to find some pictures of them to find out what colors to use on a few details.

All nine Troggoths are now painted, and their bases are done. What remains is to paint the rims, and I will do that as soon as possible.
I also did the base of Trugg the Troggoth King, that too need to get the rim painted.

For the Gloomspite Gitz army the next project will be six Fellwater Troggoths (they used to be called river trolls). They are online only normally but when I was at the warhammer store a customer had bought two boxes and returned them, but they had not been opened so everything is still in the boxes.
I will try and paint them up to look a bit like a pike, as that is a big, sort of slimey and mean fish. They will not look exactly like a pike ofcorse but it will be my inpiration.

I started to work on my Malcador Infernus tank, and I have gotten most of it done, there are just some of the belts and belt guards left, and then what ever I choose to have in the turret. I don't think I will have a commander, but rather go for a closed htch but with a pintle mounted weapon placed there. 

I enjoy building the tanks, especially the ones from the Horus Heresy as they are quite special. I also love the Super Heavies, and I do have one more unbilt of those to build at a future time.
I am still working out what color scheme I would like to paint the tanks, but I am thinking I should use mostly the same as I have on my modern tanks but maybe with a few ajustments.

tirsdag 4. februar 2025

Slow progress due to illness

This was the week where I had planned to finish all my Rockgut Troggoths and start working on my new tanks, but that did not happen.
Instead of working with my minis, I got the flue and quite havy fever so instead of sitting working on my minis I lay in bed under two duvets still freezing ans shivering.
But I got a little better during the weekend, so I manged to sit a bit and paint some.
I have most of the Troggoths painted now, but there are some clean-up left to do, and when that is done I will use a contrast paint thinned with contrast medium as a glaze to blend all the skin colors together and then I might drybrush a bit later to get some of the brighter colors back.

I also collected my package of tanks and flyers. I got an Arvus Lighter, a small unarmed flyer that comes with one gun that can be fired when the hatch is open and it is on the ground.
There were two tanks, a Valdor Tenk Destroyer and the tank I was really looking forward to starting to build, the Malcador Infernus. The Infernus is a big flame tank, and I have wanted that since I first saw it in resin and now it is out in plastic.

The Infernus is the first thing I will build as soon as I feel ok with my Troggoths.