Here I have the 12 man strong start of a mortal chaos army. This will also include chaos knights and special troops (haven't decided what kind of special troops yet though, so suggestions are welcome).
After this picture was taken the boys had their final brush-up and the bases finished with static grass. I kept the colors exactly like on the first three, but stayed away from the ink this time.
I've really fallen for the chaos warriors, and I have three more boxed sets to build for now.
One of the sets will be exactly like this lot, but without the standard bearer and musician. I figure they can both go as one large unit, at least on paper. Don't know if it will be allowed in-game though, but I don't worry too much about that now (I can always make a standard bearer and a musician later if I need to). The third set will be done in silver (or chain mail) and gold, all armed with shields and swords. The last batch will be done with some red (though black will still be a primary color), armed with axes, to look more like followers of Khorne. I will have to do some thinking on the silver and gold batch to make them recognizeable as the same chaos army. The great thing about building an "undivided" army is that it's ok to mix elements from all four chaos beliefs and build a strong army to make life hard for future opponents...
There is a new rulebook out banning the use of deamons, but that doesn't bother me much as I already had opted them out of this army. There is rumors of a new rulebook this fall, so I will have to see what that book says before I buy more units than I have on the shelves at the moment.