It took some time to decide how to transfer the dark lower legs of the regular soldiers over to machinery like the Dreadnought, but the way I have done it here will set the standard for all Dreadnoughts and Venerable Dreadnoughts to come (There will have to be more...). One Venerable Dreadnought is in the pipe, and will be started after I have finished some Chaos miniatures for the Warhammer FB.
The glue stains will dissapear when I spray the miniature with the final coat of varnish.
This Dreadnought has been painted with the following colorscheme:
Main body color is Ultramarines Blue
The lower parts have been painted Midningt Blue, as this is the one thing that separate this chapter from the Ultramarines chapter.
All tubing, exhaust vents and some other parts are painted Chaos Black
The golden emblem on the front is Shining Gold
The name tag and the lower part of the seals are Skull white
The "wax" on the seals and the tip of the rockets are blood red
All metallic parts are painted Boltgun Metal
The searchlight is Bronzed flesh
The sight for the cannon is goblin green (as are the sights on the sniper rifles of my scouts).
The base is painted Codex Grey, and then I washed with Badab Black, and then again with devlan mud and gryphonne sepia on selected spots to make a more multicolored base.
Below is a more detailed pick of the base and the bottom part of the Dreadnought.
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