I'm glad to say that the Venerable Dreadnought is ready for action. I think it ended up looking very nice, and I will take pictures and post with all 3 available right arm options.
I haven't washed it with the different washes yet, but I will do that tonight or tomorrow, along with 7 Space Marines from the 1st Company that have been upgraded with the new Chapter insignia. Pictures will follow after that.
My plan is to upgrade all the painted Space Marines with the new insignia, and the ones that haven't been washed yet will receive a wash at the same time. When adding the new insignia I also need to repaint the legs of the oldest marines, because their legs are currently Midnight Blue and this looks very different from Necron Abyss when you get the two colours on the same miniature. Luckily it is a very simple paintjob to redo the legs, so it takes just a short time for each Marine.
I am looking forward to getting all the finished miniatures in to the new look, and while doing so I will also assign them in to squads and mark them so that I know what miniatures belongs together. The plan is to make it very simple, and just mark them under the bases, as I am not too found of the minis with a lot of text on the bases.
While I have the paint boxes for the Space Marines out, I will also try to complete some of the many half painted/half assembled Marines that are standing around on my worktable. Might as well make an effort now, so that I can get them over to the pre-basework stations and get a table that I can use for basework in the same process.
torsdag 24. februar 2011
Venreable Dreadnought complete
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