Merry Christmas everyone!
All the presents are opened, and no new Warhammer stuff is in the house.
Got some other great gifts though, a cool laptopbag and 10 Lego minifigs (series 8) a Lego train and a station area. That's for another blog though (I have a Lego blog in Norwegian for the Lego stuff).
The first three Imperial Guard Heavy Weapon teams are now completed and washed. Still waiting for the wash to dry completely, but it looks very good so far. Was a little tricky to get wash everywhere because of the diorama bases, but all in all I am quite happy with how they turned out.
The next target now is to finish the three Commissars, they are just missing some detail work and their wash, and the 15 troopers that are more or less missing most of it (at least 13 of therm that are just torsos at the moment). But I will work with that in the next few days.
tirsdag 25. desember 2012
søndag 23. desember 2012
update December 23rd
It's one day until Christmas Eve, and amongst cleaning and tidying so that me and the Mrs. can decorate the house later today I have to fiddle a bit with painting.
While tidying the house earlier this week, the large sword for my Empire Witch Hunter was mysteriously cleaned away, as it was idling on the livingroom table by itself. So I have ordered another mini from Games Workshop. Luckily the Empire Witch Hunter comes with two options for the weapon carried on the back. So I can still make him a Whitch Hunter, even though he doesn't get my preferred weapon choise. Still if I am going to have two of them, then it is ok that they look slightly different. Most of the mini will be leather color, as he has a large coat and big boots. But I will try to vary the colors a bit where this is possible.
As of now I need to paint the weapons on his back (not yet attached), his face and hair, the gun, the gloves and the metal parts. He's looking good so far, and that's good as it is probably my favorite mini from the Empire miniature range.
As I might have written in an earlier post, I don't plan on building an Empire army (at least not yet), but I plan to build lots of towers and buildings and I would like to have some "town folks" to go along with them. This includes the Bretonnian miniatures I have bought when I still thought I would build a glorious Bretonnian army. Ok, I have a thing for knights, I admit that. But I do not like all the "weird stuff" you would need to make a really competitive list, like pegasus knights, hippogriffs, and those kinds. Also I am not too found of metal minis, and whooosh there goes my plan of a hard hitting army.
I do have some boxes of the plastic knights, the Men-at-arms and the Peasant Bowmen, and they will make great "town folks". Add to this two Empire Whitch Hunters, and some Empire troops, and you have a nice little army.
For the Imperial Guard, the three heavy weapon teams are almost done. Just need to fix some sloppy silver paint on the guns by doing some black paint cover-up. Then the last team needs to get their ammo pouches and water bottles glued on. After that it is just a matter of doing the washing and since almost everything is going to be washed Nuln Oil, then this will go rather quick.
The 5 infantrymen that needed completion have not seen much progress since the last update, but out of the blue there appeared 10 more. These 10 has gotten their pants and boots painted, and torsos attatched. Will paint torsos later tonight, and then start to do the arms for the 13 remaining troopers and equipment for all 15 during the following days. I'll do as much as I can tonight, but I also need to clean the house and decorate for christmas, and wrap a couple of presents.
While tidying the house earlier this week, the large sword for my Empire Witch Hunter was mysteriously cleaned away, as it was idling on the livingroom table by itself. So I have ordered another mini from Games Workshop. Luckily the Empire Witch Hunter comes with two options for the weapon carried on the back. So I can still make him a Whitch Hunter, even though he doesn't get my preferred weapon choise. Still if I am going to have two of them, then it is ok that they look slightly different. Most of the mini will be leather color, as he has a large coat and big boots. But I will try to vary the colors a bit where this is possible.
As of now I need to paint the weapons on his back (not yet attached), his face and hair, the gun, the gloves and the metal parts. He's looking good so far, and that's good as it is probably my favorite mini from the Empire miniature range.
As I might have written in an earlier post, I don't plan on building an Empire army (at least not yet), but I plan to build lots of towers and buildings and I would like to have some "town folks" to go along with them. This includes the Bretonnian miniatures I have bought when I still thought I would build a glorious Bretonnian army. Ok, I have a thing for knights, I admit that. But I do not like all the "weird stuff" you would need to make a really competitive list, like pegasus knights, hippogriffs, and those kinds. Also I am not too found of metal minis, and whooosh there goes my plan of a hard hitting army.
I do have some boxes of the plastic knights, the Men-at-arms and the Peasant Bowmen, and they will make great "town folks". Add to this two Empire Whitch Hunters, and some Empire troops, and you have a nice little army.
For the Imperial Guard, the three heavy weapon teams are almost done. Just need to fix some sloppy silver paint on the guns by doing some black paint cover-up. Then the last team needs to get their ammo pouches and water bottles glued on. After that it is just a matter of doing the washing and since almost everything is going to be washed Nuln Oil, then this will go rather quick.
The 5 infantrymen that needed completion have not seen much progress since the last update, but out of the blue there appeared 10 more. These 10 has gotten their pants and boots painted, and torsos attatched. Will paint torsos later tonight, and then start to do the arms for the 13 remaining troopers and equipment for all 15 during the following days. I'll do as much as I can tonight, but I also need to clean the house and decorate for christmas, and wrap a couple of presents.
tirsdag 18. desember 2012
Return to the Guard
Got a good buy on Ebay last night, won three pre-built Cathachan heavy weapon teams, so I thought I would finish my first three Cadian teams.
The three teams had the weapons painted and assembled, and also the gunners were assembled and glued to the bases.
The spotters were assembled and painted, but they were not attached to the bases yet. So I had to find out what spotter to assign to the different gunners, and then glue them to the right base in the right position.
When this was done I started to add the extra equipment. I had almost finished painting up 4 belts with bayonet holders, water bottles and magazine pouches, so I finished that and glued it to two of the fireteams. The remaining fireteam will have theirs in a couple of days, I have the equipment but need to paint it up before I can glue it on to the troopers.
I will also add small details like field showels and a bayonette to the bases. And I will add lasrifles.
The bayonette is half painted, as are the field showels. The lasrifles are primed, but needs to get the metal parts painted.
There are also four troopers and one sergeant that are awaiting completion. These five Guard soldiers will join a unit of five previously assembled troops to make up a unit of ten.
The status on these last five is as follows:
All five torsos are painted. The sergeant and the heavy weapons expert have both arms attached to the torso, but the three riflemen are missing the arms. During the long storage in the livingroom I have managed to loose one arm, but I will have to think of something extra for that trooper anyway as I have thought him to be the communication expert, and then it would be nice to find some way to keep one arm free. I think I have some spare arms in the bitbox, so I will find a solution for him.
I have all the extra equipment I need (backpacks, etc. and this just need to be painted). Then the five troopers needs their wash.
Also on my table there are three Commissars with most of their skin and uniforms painted. There are some details left though but this will be relatively fast to paint. I think I will take them in between the other troopers while the paint dries on those.
The three teams had the weapons painted and assembled, and also the gunners were assembled and glued to the bases.
The spotters were assembled and painted, but they were not attached to the bases yet. So I had to find out what spotter to assign to the different gunners, and then glue them to the right base in the right position.
When this was done I started to add the extra equipment. I had almost finished painting up 4 belts with bayonet holders, water bottles and magazine pouches, so I finished that and glued it to two of the fireteams. The remaining fireteam will have theirs in a couple of days, I have the equipment but need to paint it up before I can glue it on to the troopers.
I will also add small details like field showels and a bayonette to the bases. And I will add lasrifles.
The bayonette is half painted, as are the field showels. The lasrifles are primed, but needs to get the metal parts painted.
There are also four troopers and one sergeant that are awaiting completion. These five Guard soldiers will join a unit of five previously assembled troops to make up a unit of ten.
The status on these last five is as follows:
All five torsos are painted. The sergeant and the heavy weapons expert have both arms attached to the torso, but the three riflemen are missing the arms. During the long storage in the livingroom I have managed to loose one arm, but I will have to think of something extra for that trooper anyway as I have thought him to be the communication expert, and then it would be nice to find some way to keep one arm free. I think I have some spare arms in the bitbox, so I will find a solution for him.
I have all the extra equipment I need (backpacks, etc. and this just need to be painted). Then the five troopers needs their wash.
Also on my table there are three Commissars with most of their skin and uniforms painted. There are some details left though but this will be relatively fast to paint. I think I will take them in between the other troopers while the paint dries on those.
mandag 17. desember 2012
River Trolls completed
I am happy to report that the river Trolls now are completed.
Just finished adding the three different washes or glazes on them. First I used Nuln Oil on the metal hook that the barfing troll holds in his hand. The second layer of wash was Agrax Erthshade that went on the wood, rocks, finns and the ragged beard on their bodies. All the green on their bodies were finished off with Thraka Green.
I'm quite happy with the brown wash on the rock, and I think i will use that for other simple weapons in the future. I would also love to use it on all my towers, but somehow I don't think that is very economic. I will have to do some calculations when the time comes...
That's it for now, tomorrow I start to work on finishing up some 40K projects.
Just finished adding the three different washes or glazes on them. First I used Nuln Oil on the metal hook that the barfing troll holds in his hand. The second layer of wash was Agrax Erthshade that went on the wood, rocks, finns and the ragged beard on their bodies. All the green on their bodies were finished off with Thraka Green.
I'm quite happy with the brown wash on the rock, and I think i will use that for other simple weapons in the future. I would also love to use it on all my towers, but somehow I don't think that is very economic. I will have to do some calculations when the time comes...
That's it for now, tomorrow I start to work on finishing up some 40K projects.
Forgive me people, it's been too long since my last blogpost...
First a little update on the buying front.
Renewed my White Dwarf subscription and got the exclusive model. This year I do not have any plans at all for the mini, a Peter Jackson director dwarf is not something I feel I can fit in to my dwarf army.
Also walked out of the store with two Imperial Guard artillery pieces, the Basilisk mobile artillery platform. One old box and one new, only difference between them seem to be the size of the box (the old one is a little bit bigger).
And then I brought with me an Ogre Thundertusk/Stonehorn model. Not sure what it will be yet, but I will get to that when I get to building it.
and now...
Trolls! They are finally all painted up and all glued together.
I am sad to report that the deep water troll face (the dangling light) broke off while the trolls were being stowed away. Makes me a bit sad, but then at least I am 100% sure what I should use as one head for the next 3 trolls.
All I am going to do with them now is to let the glue dry, then give the trolls their wash.
I finally got around to pack up my lightbox, and my wife have used it with some success on taking some scrapbook pictures. So I will take pics of the trolls in that, and post them here this weekend (maybe even before that).
My plan now is to do my 40K project, as I do one Fantasy and one 40K and then one Fantasy again, one 40K and so on...
For my 40K project I will try to finish off some of my half painted stuff, like the imperial Guard Heavy weapon Squad, the Kommissars, and some Space Marines.
I have a bunch of Space Marines just needing a shoulderguard painted and some wash added, and I will see what I can do about that.
Renewed my White Dwarf subscription and got the exclusive model. This year I do not have any plans at all for the mini, a Peter Jackson director dwarf is not something I feel I can fit in to my dwarf army.
Also walked out of the store with two Imperial Guard artillery pieces, the Basilisk mobile artillery platform. One old box and one new, only difference between them seem to be the size of the box (the old one is a little bit bigger).
And then I brought with me an Ogre Thundertusk/Stonehorn model. Not sure what it will be yet, but I will get to that when I get to building it.
and now...
Trolls! They are finally all painted up and all glued together.
I am sad to report that the deep water troll face (the dangling light) broke off while the trolls were being stowed away. Makes me a bit sad, but then at least I am 100% sure what I should use as one head for the next 3 trolls.
All I am going to do with them now is to let the glue dry, then give the trolls their wash.
I finally got around to pack up my lightbox, and my wife have used it with some success on taking some scrapbook pictures. So I will take pics of the trolls in that, and post them here this weekend (maybe even before that).
My plan now is to do my 40K project, as I do one Fantasy and one 40K and then one Fantasy again, one 40K and so on...
For my 40K project I will try to finish off some of my half painted stuff, like the imperial Guard Heavy weapon Squad, the Kommissars, and some Space Marines.
I have a bunch of Space Marines just needing a shoulderguard painted and some wash added, and I will see what I can do about that.
lørdag 1. september 2012
Troll update
I'm sitting here working on painting my trolls, while my wife is working on painting the windowstill in the kitchen. I'm not sure she feels that it is the optimal sharing of work, but it works fine for me and she was the one wanting to paint anyway.
I have finished the troll torsos and painted most of the arms. Working on details now, and hope to start gluing arms on to the trolls tomorrow.
What I see right away, is that I will need to use some liquid greenstuff on the arm sockets in order to make it look smooth, but it won't be too much work. Will need to paint some base color after that, so I might not be done with the trolls until the beginning of next week.
I'm still pretty happy with the colors, and feel confident making another batch of 3 Trolls with the same color scheme at a later time.
I have finished the troll torsos and painted most of the arms. Working on details now, and hope to start gluing arms on to the trolls tomorrow.
What I see right away, is that I will need to use some liquid greenstuff on the arm sockets in order to make it look smooth, but it won't be too much work. Will need to paint some base color after that, so I might not be done with the trolls until the beginning of next week.
I'm still pretty happy with the colors, and feel confident making another batch of 3 Trolls with the same color scheme at a later time.
søndag 19. august 2012
Started River Trolls
Ok! I admit, I am weak...
I should have finished the Imperial Guard and Space Marines filling up my boxes, but I needed a boost to get the painting going again, and the River Trolls gave me just such a boost.
I painted for a few hours yesterday, and have gotten in a few hours today as well.
The result is looking promising, I must say. I am a long way from done, but the paint scheme is starting to show its effect.
I deviated quite a lot from my original thoughts on this project, but I really think that what I've done is for the better.
I figure rivers where Trolls can hide is pretty big, murky, and dark, so I went with that. I combined it with thoughts of the biggest fresh water predator I know about here in Norway, the Pike, and ended up with what I am painting now.
The Troll body is Castellan Green. This gives a sort of grimy and slimy body look. The effect was a little better than I dared to hope so I used that for the entire body.
Then the "hard" scales are done in a darker green, Caliban Green, as far as I know this is the new version of the Dark Angels Green that was my first choice for these parts of the Troll. But thinking I want to make more in the future, I decided to use as much paint from the new paint range that I could, so Caliban Green it was.
The fur and fins are painted with Vomit Brown. I had planned to use this a lot more, as it was first choise for the soft parts (if any part of a Troll really can be called soft), but seeing how the Castellan Green looked I toned the vomit Brown down a bit.
The teeth of the Troll is painted in Bleahed Bone. This was chosen because I use that color for bones on other armies, and I wanted to make the teeth stand out from the other sharp body parts like the nails/claws and the sharp part of the fins. These parts will be painted Adeptus Battle Gray if nothing else comes up shortly.
One of the Trolls in this group is vomiting, and the vomit is painted terracotta, and ths will also be the color of the fins on the fish that another troll holds in its hands. The bony bits of the vomit is painted Ceramite white to stand out.
I should have finished the Imperial Guard and Space Marines filling up my boxes, but I needed a boost to get the painting going again, and the River Trolls gave me just such a boost.
I painted for a few hours yesterday, and have gotten in a few hours today as well.
The result is looking promising, I must say. I am a long way from done, but the paint scheme is starting to show its effect.
I deviated quite a lot from my original thoughts on this project, but I really think that what I've done is for the better.
I figure rivers where Trolls can hide is pretty big, murky, and dark, so I went with that. I combined it with thoughts of the biggest fresh water predator I know about here in Norway, the Pike, and ended up with what I am painting now.
The Troll body is Castellan Green. This gives a sort of grimy and slimy body look. The effect was a little better than I dared to hope so I used that for the entire body.
Then the "hard" scales are done in a darker green, Caliban Green, as far as I know this is the new version of the Dark Angels Green that was my first choice for these parts of the Troll. But thinking I want to make more in the future, I decided to use as much paint from the new paint range that I could, so Caliban Green it was.
The fur and fins are painted with Vomit Brown. I had planned to use this a lot more, as it was first choise for the soft parts (if any part of a Troll really can be called soft), but seeing how the Castellan Green looked I toned the vomit Brown down a bit.
The teeth of the Troll is painted in Bleahed Bone. This was chosen because I use that color for bones on other armies, and I wanted to make the teeth stand out from the other sharp body parts like the nails/claws and the sharp part of the fins. These parts will be painted Adeptus Battle Gray if nothing else comes up shortly.
One of the Trolls in this group is vomiting, and the vomit is painted terracotta, and ths will also be the color of the fins on the fish that another troll holds in its hands. The bony bits of the vomit is painted Ceramite white to stand out.
lørdag 4. august 2012
Time to start painting again
The kitchen is almost complete now, and at least it is ready for use.
Me and the wife just need to add the opening mechanisms on the cabinet doors and the drawers, and then we can start to use it. We still miss some small details, but that will be solved next week when my handy father-in-law will come to visit.
This means I have some time to paint again, and the plan is first of all to finish the Imperial Guard models I have been working on for so long, in order to make room for the River Trolls that awaits in the cupboard.
Me and the wife just need to add the opening mechanisms on the cabinet doors and the drawers, and then we can start to use it. We still miss some small details, but that will be solved next week when my handy father-in-law will come to visit.
This means I have some time to paint again, and the plan is first of all to finish the Imperial Guard models I have been working on for so long, in order to make room for the River Trolls that awaits in the cupboard.
søndag 29. juli 2012
Break in construction
There has been a halt in the painting process. I've been away for a holiday for two weeks, and when I got back we started to tear down the kitchen. We are now in the last part of the process of building the new kitchen, but I expect I have to work on the kitchen for at least a couple more days and then I expect I will need at least one day to help the wife get everything back down from the attic and back in to the new kitchen cabinets. But as soon as that is done, the Imperial Guard will get their reinforcements, and I will start to paint my River Trolls for my Goblin army.
Had a trip to Games Workshop the other day, and brought home a solid reinforcement for my Space Marines. In 6th ed. the Stormraven is allowed as a flyer for all chapters, and as a result of that I had to have one. I had planned to get one some tine in the future anyway, but this gave me the kick to get it now. Imagine a Stormraven comming in to a hot landing zone flanked by two stormtalons...
I admit I only have one Stormtalon at the moment, but I expect to have at least one more sometime in the future. But I won't buy the second one until I have built my first. If it is crap to build, then I will manage with one.
I also got some more Ogres to make up my army. I will sum up what I have here in a later post, as I don't remember right now what is down in the basement.
The Imperial Guard get their first psyker later this week, the Primaris Psyker. He has been ordered through the collect in store option at Games Workshop in Oslo and they hope to have it in store on Thursday afternoon so that I can collect it after work on Friday. In the same shipment is also a unit of Regimental Advisors.
The Ogres gets a maneater in the shipment, but I am thinking of using him for another position after having a chat with one of the team at GW. It is the Maneater with the treassure chests (Paymaster Maneater), and I look forward to working with him.
The Goblins gets some Gnarly Cave Squigs. I have been wanting to get those squigs since I started to collect Goblins, so they might be bumped up to be the next Fantasy project after the Trolls. But they are really not a big job, so I might do them in between other projects as well. I'll see how it looks when they arrive.
The final item in that shipment is an Inquisitor. I will probably field him with the Sisters or my Marines, but I really got him because I love the model. I have been looking for it on Ebay for a while, but now it is released in Fine Cast and I felt it was the time to get him home. It is the Inquisitor who looks like he could have been on the Mayflower when it first came to found English colonies in North America.
Well, off to the kitchen for some IKEA assembly-work...
tirsdag 10. juli 2012
New edition, new rules
Warhammer 40.000 has now come out with the new rules (6th edition I believe) and the rulebook is massive. Hopefully there aren't too many changes in what is allowed for regular armament as I would hate to have units that is no longer allowed in the game before I even get a game in with them.
What I know is a new (or rather a returned rule I believe) is the rule about the allies. You are now allowed to take an army and add allied forces to it given that these allied forces uses a different codex. For me, this means that the Sisters of Battle might enter the battlefield alongside the Space Marines, or I will be able to field an army combining Space Marines and Imperial Guard in regular games and not just in Apocalypse.
I have decided to use the same basing material for all my 40K troops more or less, I will make some small variations, but the basic feel will be identical to make it believable that they all serve on the same planet when using them together. This also saves money, as I don't need to buy yet another basing material.
The basic feel is black, crumbled rocks or ashes, with some grey rocks for the bases of Dreadnoughts and some patches of grass or different kinds of mossy vegetetion on some of them.
For the Warhammer Fantasy armies there will be more variation for the different armies. Mostly different kinds of grass and rock, separate or in combination. Might also be some water effects or cornfields or other kind of terrain. I will see what I do when I work with each individual army.
What I know is a new (or rather a returned rule I believe) is the rule about the allies. You are now allowed to take an army and add allied forces to it given that these allied forces uses a different codex. For me, this means that the Sisters of Battle might enter the battlefield alongside the Space Marines, or I will be able to field an army combining Space Marines and Imperial Guard in regular games and not just in Apocalypse.
I have decided to use the same basing material for all my 40K troops more or less, I will make some small variations, but the basic feel will be identical to make it believable that they all serve on the same planet when using them together. This also saves money, as I don't need to buy yet another basing material.
The basic feel is black, crumbled rocks or ashes, with some grey rocks for the bases of Dreadnoughts and some patches of grass or different kinds of mossy vegetetion on some of them.
For the Warhammer Fantasy armies there will be more variation for the different armies. Mostly different kinds of grass and rock, separate or in combination. Might also be some water effects or cornfields or other kind of terrain. I will see what I do when I work with each individual army.
mandag 18. juni 2012
Guard and Marine update
I had a plan! That seems to be the way things are for me these days. And the thing with me and plans is that things never happen according to them...
The plan was to have the Heavy weapon squad finished this weekend and also the remaining 3 troopers of the 5 troopers needed to make a 10 man squad for the army along with the 5-pack built a long time ago (in a hobby room not too far away)...
I have fixed some flaws of painting on my Commissars, and also fixed some small chipping of paint after I had an accident with the box they were standing in. Apart from that I haven't gotten much done but I will try and do more this week.
When it comes to the Space Marines, I have painted the chapter markings on all my scouts, on my Chaplain Dreadnought and on a regular Dreadnought (my only "plain" dread so far).
This last dreadnought has been added to the 3rd company with a red rim around his missile launcher. I also did a refresh of the red paint on the missile tips, as this was poorly done originally.
For this dreadnought I had to paint over an Ultramarine insignia with Ultramarine blue, and I gave it a good wash later. I haven't seen it after the wash dried completely, but so far it looks like someone had fixed some battle damage on it, and that might be ok when it comes to looks.
While I was working on my Space Marine list, I also found a Chaplain in Terminator armour. He has a bolter in one hand and a crozius in the other. This is a metal miniature, and I see it is slightly modified when it was released in Finecast. Still, I like my old chap, and plan to add him to the Chapter pretty soon.
The plan was to have the Heavy weapon squad finished this weekend and also the remaining 3 troopers of the 5 troopers needed to make a 10 man squad for the army along with the 5-pack built a long time ago (in a hobby room not too far away)...
I have fixed some flaws of painting on my Commissars, and also fixed some small chipping of paint after I had an accident with the box they were standing in. Apart from that I haven't gotten much done but I will try and do more this week.
When it comes to the Space Marines, I have painted the chapter markings on all my scouts, on my Chaplain Dreadnought and on a regular Dreadnought (my only "plain" dread so far).
This last dreadnought has been added to the 3rd company with a red rim around his missile launcher. I also did a refresh of the red paint on the missile tips, as this was poorly done originally.
For this dreadnought I had to paint over an Ultramarine insignia with Ultramarine blue, and I gave it a good wash later. I haven't seen it after the wash dried completely, but so far it looks like someone had fixed some battle damage on it, and that might be ok when it comes to looks.
While I was working on my Space Marine list, I also found a Chaplain in Terminator armour. He has a bolter in one hand and a crozius in the other. This is a metal miniature, and I see it is slightly modified when it was released in Finecast. Still, I like my old chap, and plan to add him to the Chapter pretty soon.
There are a few small details to paint up still, and I need to wash some parts of him. Hopefully it won't be long until the 1st company has gotten a chaplain that wil fit in to a drop pod. The Venerable Chaplain Dreadnought Moses is a little to big, so he will have to come in his own pod.
søndag 10. juni 2012
Making a Space Marine Chapter..
I did NOT expect it to be such a time consuming puzzle to assemble my Space Marines in to the right companies and squads. I had thought I might do that and also repaint Chapter markings on my scouts and some of the few Marines that doesn't have it. But it has taken me most of the day to get the first part done.
Now I have one dreadnought, one devastator (the only one I've got painted up so far), one terminator and one vanguard veteran to fix minor details on. As well as 17 scouts that needs chapter markings (remaining 3 have capes over their shoulder).
I have managed to paint up a little under 2465 points of Space Marines. The reason I'm saying it is a little under is that I in some cases have had to take the points of an entire unit even though it is not complete yet. But I have all the minis needed to complete them all, so it's just a matter of getting the time and inspiration to paint.
I have several minis that is close to completion, so it will not be long before the army is more than 2500 points.
Some of the units waiting to be painted up is a Terminator Chaplain, terminators (close combat), assault marines and regular marines. So all I have to do first is to fix the remaining Imperial Guard troopers that are on my table at the moment, and then make 3 River Trolls for Warhammer Fantasy, and then it is time to add points to the Gatekeepers.
I will also see if I should re-write the fluff a little to make them more believable, and I will stretch the rules of the company strength a little, in order to be able to use all my terminators in a game of apocalypse in the future (If I add them all up, I believe I have about 100 terminators) while still being able to use sternguard and vanguard veterans.
Well, that's it for now, I'll try to put in an update on the progress with the small adjustments later tonight.
Now I have one dreadnought, one devastator (the only one I've got painted up so far), one terminator and one vanguard veteran to fix minor details on. As well as 17 scouts that needs chapter markings (remaining 3 have capes over their shoulder).
I have managed to paint up a little under 2465 points of Space Marines. The reason I'm saying it is a little under is that I in some cases have had to take the points of an entire unit even though it is not complete yet. But I have all the minis needed to complete them all, so it's just a matter of getting the time and inspiration to paint.
I have several minis that is close to completion, so it will not be long before the army is more than 2500 points.
Some of the units waiting to be painted up is a Terminator Chaplain, terminators (close combat), assault marines and regular marines. So all I have to do first is to fix the remaining Imperial Guard troopers that are on my table at the moment, and then make 3 River Trolls for Warhammer Fantasy, and then it is time to add points to the Gatekeepers.
I will also see if I should re-write the fluff a little to make them more believable, and I will stretch the rules of the company strength a little, in order to be able to use all my terminators in a game of apocalypse in the future (If I add them all up, I believe I have about 100 terminators) while still being able to use sternguard and vanguard veterans.
Well, that's it for now, I'll try to put in an update on the progress with the small adjustments later tonight.
lørdag 9. juni 2012
Creating armies
Today I decided to count up my armies, and also finally fix the washes and chapter insignia on my space Marine scouts.
I made my Imperial Guard troops in to units, marked them to show what trooper goes with what unit, and counted up their points. Each trooper has an individual number, so if I want to name the characters or a special trooper in the unit I can do it with reference to the number.
The system is very easy. Company - Platoon - Squad - Number in squad.
1st company, 1st platoon, 2nd squad sergeant would then be numbered 1 1 2 1.
497 points of infantry, 685 points of tanks, and 50 points of other units, adds my Imperial Guard army up to 1232 points.
This is 2 platoon command squads of 5 troopers, one 10 man infantry squad (decided to add it even though 3 troopers are under construction), one heavy weapon squad (missing minor details, but are ready to go to war if needed), one super heavy tank, one Leman Russ tank, one sentinel and a bodyguard for my company command squad.
This is not a legal composition to use in a torunament, but it could be used as a part of an apocalypse army where there are no unit composition rules.
Tomorrow I will do the same job with my Space Marines, to see what I have to work with here.
The numbers will be a little different here, as the first number will be the company, second will be squad, and third number will be number in squad. So the commander of the first squad of first company will be 1 1 1. This will be a captain wearing terminator armour.
For the masters of the chapter I will designate them 0 company, and I will make up designations to describe the other units that need to be explained.
I made my Imperial Guard troops in to units, marked them to show what trooper goes with what unit, and counted up their points. Each trooper has an individual number, so if I want to name the characters or a special trooper in the unit I can do it with reference to the number.
The system is very easy. Company - Platoon - Squad - Number in squad.
1st company, 1st platoon, 2nd squad sergeant would then be numbered 1 1 2 1.
497 points of infantry, 685 points of tanks, and 50 points of other units, adds my Imperial Guard army up to 1232 points.
This is 2 platoon command squads of 5 troopers, one 10 man infantry squad (decided to add it even though 3 troopers are under construction), one heavy weapon squad (missing minor details, but are ready to go to war if needed), one super heavy tank, one Leman Russ tank, one sentinel and a bodyguard for my company command squad.
This is not a legal composition to use in a torunament, but it could be used as a part of an apocalypse army where there are no unit composition rules.
Tomorrow I will do the same job with my Space Marines, to see what I have to work with here.
The numbers will be a little different here, as the first number will be the company, second will be squad, and third number will be number in squad. So the commander of the first squad of first company will be 1 1 1. This will be a captain wearing terminator armour.
For the masters of the chapter I will designate them 0 company, and I will make up designations to describe the other units that need to be explained.
mandag 28. mai 2012
Imperial Guard progress
This long weekend has actually been productive. I have three Commissars that has their uniforms and skin painted, and all that is left to paint on them is the details on two of them and the weapons on the third. Then they need a general clean-up to make sure that all areas have been covered in paint and that there are no places where paint have blotched on to where it shouldn't be.
I ended up doing one minor change from my original plan, and that was on the officer caps that they're wearing. I thought of painting them black with a red trim, but ended up painting them all black.
The heavy weapon squad is is ready to be sent to war if needed, but I'm working on adding the ammo pouches, canteens and other equipment. I had planned to add backpacks to the unit, but decided against it as they probably have to slog enough equipment around and don't need the extra weight of backpacks.
I ended up doing one minor change from my original plan, and that was on the officer caps that they're wearing. I thought of painting them black with a red trim, but ended up painting them all black.
The heavy weapon squad is is ready to be sent to war if needed, but I'm working on adding the ammo pouches, canteens and other equipment. I had planned to add backpacks to the unit, but decided against it as they probably have to slog enough equipment around and don't need the extra weight of backpacks.
I'll use the backpacks on another ten man squad at a later time instead.
The five man fireteam are now a seven man squad. The sergeant and the heavy weapon trooper can march in to battle if needed. The remaining three men needs to have their arms painted and attached.
I also need to paint all the extra equipment for these five troopers, but I will finish the extra equipment for the heavy weapon squad first so I don't mix it all up.
The five man fireteam are now a seven man squad. The sergeant and the heavy weapon trooper can march in to battle if needed. The remaining three men needs to have their arms painted and attached.
I also need to paint all the extra equipment for these five troopers, but I will finish the extra equipment for the heavy weapon squad first so I don't mix it all up.
lørdag 26. mai 2012
I love red!
That's one sentence I thought I would never write, but I do. More precise Mephiston Red...
I just painted the lining on my commissar with the bolt pistol and whip. He will be the first commissar to go in to action in the regiment.
For the time being he will be given the responsibility of keeping everything in order both for the foot sloggers and the cavalry, but he will get two more commissars with him quite soon. There will also be a commissar in the tank regiments, and I think he will ride to battle in a super heavy tank.
Paining my first commissar in black and red also makes me want to paint up a lot of Sisters of Battle, as the scheme I am thinking of for them is black, red and white for their uniforms. They will not get the white hair as most sisters have, but that is just because I like to do a little twist on all my armies.
onsdag 23. mai 2012
Commisar update
I haven't yet seen the result of my skin-painting test yesterday, so I am still not sure if painting can proceed with full speed or if I will have to prime this weekend.
But I have decided on the paint scheme I will use for my Commisars and Lord Commisar.
Their uniforms will be black with black overcoats. The overcoats will have blood red lining as is fitting for the Commisariat. The officer caps they wear will also be red and black. The front and probably sides will be red, while the top will be black. The brim will be painted black and then get a second coating with Tamia Semi-Gloss Black to give it the shiny look that officer caps usually have. I will also do this on the Imperial Guard officers I have painted so far, among them the commander for my Baneblade.
Some of the Commisars have what appears to be armor plating on their chests. This wil be painted chainmail, and the ornate eagles on the plating will be painted in one of the gold colours (not entirely sure which yet). If they have laurels on the plating the laurel will be green as usual.
Weapons will also be traditionally painted in black and chainmail, and the powerfirst on one of the Commisars will be black as well.
I am trying to decide on what colour to paint the book that one of the Commisars are reading from, and will probably end with green or red. Might be nice to paint it green as a contrast colour.
If they have orders or other kinds of cloth tied to their bodies (like the order on the Lord Commisar) I will try and find a good contrast colour to use depending on the other colours they have. Might be a light green, light blue, light gray or some other colour completely.
The three Commisars on the table at the moment is one standing with his right arm straight from his body, holding a bolt pistol, the other arm is on his back, and in that hand he is holding a whip.
The second one is reciting from a book that he holds in his left hand and his right arm ends in a powerfist.
The third one is positioned weirdly in some sort of running pose, with a plastma pistol (if I have understood Imperial weapons correctly) and a chainsword that is positioned a little strange in front of him. I think he might be attached to a penal company or something similar when the army grows.
But I have decided on the paint scheme I will use for my Commisars and Lord Commisar.
Their uniforms will be black with black overcoats. The overcoats will have blood red lining as is fitting for the Commisariat. The officer caps they wear will also be red and black. The front and probably sides will be red, while the top will be black. The brim will be painted black and then get a second coating with Tamia Semi-Gloss Black to give it the shiny look that officer caps usually have. I will also do this on the Imperial Guard officers I have painted so far, among them the commander for my Baneblade.
Some of the Commisars have what appears to be armor plating on their chests. This wil be painted chainmail, and the ornate eagles on the plating will be painted in one of the gold colours (not entirely sure which yet). If they have laurels on the plating the laurel will be green as usual.
Weapons will also be traditionally painted in black and chainmail, and the powerfirst on one of the Commisars will be black as well.
I am trying to decide on what colour to paint the book that one of the Commisars are reading from, and will probably end with green or red. Might be nice to paint it green as a contrast colour.
If they have orders or other kinds of cloth tied to their bodies (like the order on the Lord Commisar) I will try and find a good contrast colour to use depending on the other colours they have. Might be a light green, light blue, light gray or some other colour completely.
The three Commisars on the table at the moment is one standing with his right arm straight from his body, holding a bolt pistol, the other arm is on his back, and in that hand he is holding a whip.
The second one is reciting from a book that he holds in his left hand and his right arm ends in a powerfist.
The third one is positioned weirdly in some sort of running pose, with a plastma pistol (if I have understood Imperial weapons correctly) and a chainsword that is positioned a little strange in front of him. I think he might be attached to a penal company or something similar when the army grows.
tirsdag 22. mai 2012
Look out for the commisars!
I did a small test on the skin of my commisars, to see if I really need to prime or not.
I have painted several metal miniatures without priming them before, and I would love to avoid it.
I will prime the buildings and large models, but hopefully the regular miniatures will make due without. It should work as long as I spray them with varnish to protect the paint after.
So now I'm looking at pictures of commisars to see how I should paint them. I know I will have black uniforms and black coats but the rest of the colors need to be planned.
I will prime the buildings and large models, but hopefully the regular miniatures will make due without. It should work as long as I spray them with varnish to protect the paint after.
So now I'm looking at pictures of commisars to see how I should paint them. I know I will have black uniforms and black coats but the rest of the colors need to be planned.
Imperial Guard update
The heavy weapon squad is comming along. The base (except flocking) is done, and the wall of sandbags is painted and ready to work as something to lean rifles and the radioset towards...
The heavy bolter is finished, and the ammo box with a feed to the weapon are glued in place.
The crew is missing their heads and arms, but are painted apart from that...
All in all I think this set is ok to work with, and it comes along nicely.
The 5 troopers are also comming along nicely. The torsos and heads are painted. -What remains now is to paint the arms and the equipment and glue it on. I think it will be pretty nice with the mix of 5 single troopers and the box with 5 "simple" troopers.
There was something that hit me last evening, the troops does not have a Commisar yet. I should do something with that fairly quick, to make sure no one breaks the code of the Imperial Guard. Three Commisars are brought forth from the shelves and given the task of overseeing the establishment of the Xerxes Fourth.
They will be prepped for action during the tree day weekend that is comming up... Since they are metal minis I might have to spray them with primer before I start to paint them up, if that is the case it sounds like a plan for friday afternoon or saturday morning.
The heavy bolter is finished, and the ammo box with a feed to the weapon are glued in place.
The crew is missing their heads and arms, but are painted apart from that...
All in all I think this set is ok to work with, and it comes along nicely.
The 5 troopers are also comming along nicely. The torsos and heads are painted. -What remains now is to paint the arms and the equipment and glue it on. I think it will be pretty nice with the mix of 5 single troopers and the box with 5 "simple" troopers.
There was something that hit me last evening, the troops does not have a Commisar yet. I should do something with that fairly quick, to make sure no one breaks the code of the Imperial Guard. Three Commisars are brought forth from the shelves and given the task of overseeing the establishment of the Xerxes Fourth.
They will be prepped for action during the tree day weekend that is comming up... Since they are metal minis I might have to spray them with primer before I start to paint them up, if that is the case it sounds like a plan for friday afternoon or saturday morning.
mandag 21. mai 2012
Thoughts for cavaly
While reading the rules for Apocalypse games, I see lots of pretty wehicles that has been painted up. This makes me think more of how I want my vehicles to look as well.
I had originally planned to use gray, yellow and black as camo patterns, but now I am seriously rethinking this. I also planned to keep my super heavies dark grey, but this is also being reconsidered.
As I have already painted one Leman Russ in the old scheme, I will paint up at lest two more like it, and give them ranged guns. The idea is that they will be used in open areas where long range is important.
Then there will be tanks with the pattern of light gray, dark gray and black. These tanks will be for urban warfare, and I think this will be the general patterns for my tanks and vehicles. The specific pattern will vary a bit from tank to tank and unit to unit, as my fluff wil state that the tanks are delivered with the factory paint of dark gray as this will fit my painting routines nicely.
The Xerxes forces are so lucky that they have several super heavy tanks. This comes after they have been merged with other cavaly forces during several operations. I was thinking of keeping these tanks dark gray, but after reading the rulebook for Apocalypse I've seen a lot of very nicely painted super heavies with camouflage patterns, and I have started to think of painting mine in a three color scheme as well. If I end up doing this, it will be dark gray base, with light gray and black fields to add unity with the Leman Russ tanks.
The Sentinels will be gray for the ones used with cadian-type troops, and probably catachan green for the ones serving wih the catachan-type units.
I am a little uncertain on how I will paint up my flying units, but they will either be gray or catachan green base and probably with yellowish trim. I might add some camouflage patterns to them, but I'm not sure of that yet.
I had originally planned to use gray, yellow and black as camo patterns, but now I am seriously rethinking this. I also planned to keep my super heavies dark grey, but this is also being reconsidered.
As I have already painted one Leman Russ in the old scheme, I will paint up at lest two more like it, and give them ranged guns. The idea is that they will be used in open areas where long range is important.
Then there will be tanks with the pattern of light gray, dark gray and black. These tanks will be for urban warfare, and I think this will be the general patterns for my tanks and vehicles. The specific pattern will vary a bit from tank to tank and unit to unit, as my fluff wil state that the tanks are delivered with the factory paint of dark gray as this will fit my painting routines nicely.
The Xerxes forces are so lucky that they have several super heavy tanks. This comes after they have been merged with other cavaly forces during several operations. I was thinking of keeping these tanks dark gray, but after reading the rulebook for Apocalypse I've seen a lot of very nicely painted super heavies with camouflage patterns, and I have started to think of painting mine in a three color scheme as well. If I end up doing this, it will be dark gray base, with light gray and black fields to add unity with the Leman Russ tanks.
The Sentinels will be gray for the ones used with cadian-type troops, and probably catachan green for the ones serving wih the catachan-type units.
I am a little uncertain on how I will paint up my flying units, but they will either be gray or catachan green base and probably with yellowish trim. I might add some camouflage patterns to them, but I'm not sure of that yet.
Weekly update
I haven't been that active on the miniature front lately, but I hope this will change once again. I have been a couple of trips to Games Worskop in Oslo, and have gotten my share of inspiration along with some new sets as described in earlier posts.
I have also started to read up on Apocalypse rules, and reading those certainly adds inspiration to fixing up my Imperial Guard and Space Marine forces. Also the handful of Sisters of Battle, as they will fit nicely alongside my other armies. Reading the Horus Heresy books shows me that the Sisters can be used in more ways than just for combat, and so I find that they can have great use with my other units.
Yesterday I glued my River Trolls to their bases, and I think that is the last I'll do with them until the Imperial Guards I'm working on now is done. Then the trolls will get my full attention. I have decided what poses to give them, and placed the heads and arms alongside their torsos in boxes. But I see that in order to get the best result, I will need to paint them while assembling. Their heads consists of 3 parts, and some of the heads needs the middle part painted before I assemble the two other parts.
I have also started to read up on Apocalypse rules, and reading those certainly adds inspiration to fixing up my Imperial Guard and Space Marine forces. Also the handful of Sisters of Battle, as they will fit nicely alongside my other armies. Reading the Horus Heresy books shows me that the Sisters can be used in more ways than just for combat, and so I find that they can have great use with my other units.
Yesterday I glued my River Trolls to their bases, and I think that is the last I'll do with them until the Imperial Guards I'm working on now is done. Then the trolls will get my full attention. I have decided what poses to give them, and placed the heads and arms alongside their torsos in boxes. But I see that in order to get the best result, I will need to paint them while assembling. Their heads consists of 3 parts, and some of the heads needs the middle part painted before I assemble the two other parts.
The Imperial Guard is eagerly awaiting their first heavy weapon squad. So far two of the three fireteams are ready to go in to battle. They are missing some extra equipment, but like Clint Eastwood says in Heartbreak Ridge: "You got your weapons and you got your boots, so you can march in to combat! Fall out!"
The lascannon teams both have got some cover of sandbags, and I am also working on adding sandbags to the heavy bolter team. My plan is to add a radio to this team, and I need to have some sandbags to prop that up against. The problem with making scenic bases is that the weapons themselves takes up much more space than I had anticipated before I started. But the idea is to have each squad a little different, so I think it will work out ok in the end.
Another unit might get some barbwire on their bases, and others may be crouching in a entrenchment, behind a earth wall or in a ruin. Time will show!
The heavy bolter tripod is glued to the base, and is painted. The heavy bolter itself is 90% painted, only missing the chainmail on the scull and the Imperial Eagles. The gunner and spotter have their torsos painted, but their heads and arms are not attached or painted yet, but I hope to get some of that done tonight. I also plan to finish the ammunition box and get that glued on to the base, as this gives me the chance to finish the sandbags. I also hope to paint up some of the extra equipment like lasrifles, and get those placed on all three bases.
Alongside my heavy weapon squad I'm painting up 5 infantrymen (one sergeant with chainsword and bolt pistol, one trooper with grenade launcher, and three troopers with lasrifles). These will join forces with my five man team made from the five man box.
I have found that the box of five troopers will save some money for me, as most Imperial Guard soldiers carry lasrifles, and with a little use of my bitzbox, I can make these rather static poses look varied enough to work. At least I think so now, but I will pick up two boxes next time I am at Games Workshop and try it out. The 5 man box costs 70 NOK, so a 10 man squad will cost 140 NOK, while the regular box of 10 troopers costs 220 NOK. All I need to add to the boxes of five is a seargeant, and perhaps a heavy weapon trooper for some units, and this can be done by taking troopers from the regular 10 man set, or using spares from these sets on the troopers in the 5 man set . I will see how this can be done as the army grows.
The lascannon teams both have got some cover of sandbags, and I am also working on adding sandbags to the heavy bolter team. My plan is to add a radio to this team, and I need to have some sandbags to prop that up against. The problem with making scenic bases is that the weapons themselves takes up much more space than I had anticipated before I started. But the idea is to have each squad a little different, so I think it will work out ok in the end.
Another unit might get some barbwire on their bases, and others may be crouching in a entrenchment, behind a earth wall or in a ruin. Time will show!
The heavy bolter tripod is glued to the base, and is painted. The heavy bolter itself is 90% painted, only missing the chainmail on the scull and the Imperial Eagles. The gunner and spotter have their torsos painted, but their heads and arms are not attached or painted yet, but I hope to get some of that done tonight. I also plan to finish the ammunition box and get that glued on to the base, as this gives me the chance to finish the sandbags. I also hope to paint up some of the extra equipment like lasrifles, and get those placed on all three bases.
Alongside my heavy weapon squad I'm painting up 5 infantrymen (one sergeant with chainsword and bolt pistol, one trooper with grenade launcher, and three troopers with lasrifles). These will join forces with my five man team made from the five man box.
I have found that the box of five troopers will save some money for me, as most Imperial Guard soldiers carry lasrifles, and with a little use of my bitzbox, I can make these rather static poses look varied enough to work. At least I think so now, but I will pick up two boxes next time I am at Games Workshop and try it out. The 5 man box costs 70 NOK, so a 10 man squad will cost 140 NOK, while the regular box of 10 troopers costs 220 NOK. All I need to add to the boxes of five is a seargeant, and perhaps a heavy weapon trooper for some units, and this can be done by taking troopers from the regular 10 man set, or using spares from these sets on the troopers in the 5 man set . I will see how this can be done as the army grows.
onsdag 16. mai 2012
Update on the Armies
I see I did a "what to come in the future" for my armies some months back, and thought it would be nice to look in to the crystal ball again and look at my futrure plans:
As stated in my last post, there are things happening here. Temple of Skulls is the first thing I plan to work on, to try and get the good vibrations for my way of painting rocks before I get going on all my towers and buildings. I will also prime and paint the forrest that I have started to build, as I have a good idea on how I want that to look as a finished piece.
Bretonnians & Empire:
I don't think I ever will have my own armies for these miniatures, but I plan to paint up Brets and Empire to use as citizens for my town. I might get the Empire rulebook sometime in the future to use those rules if I end up playing with this army. But for now this will purely be a good exercise in Diorama making. I have several core units of Brets to paint, and with the new paint range from Games Workshop it should be cool to paint colorful knights. I also have an Empire witchhunter to paint up, and I think he will be done first as he is intended as an inhabitant of the Skullvane Manse.
Chaos (Warriors of Chaos):
This army is looking at an update containing more warriors (one unit of Khorne followers and some general units), more knights (currently only have two knights painted up, but these are not based yet), some chosen warriors, special characters, Lords and heroes and let's not forget the Marauders.
As stated in my last post, there are things happening here. Temple of Skulls is the first thing I plan to work on, to try and get the good vibrations for my way of painting rocks before I get going on all my towers and buildings. I will also prime and paint the forrest that I have started to build, as I have a good idea on how I want that to look as a finished piece.
Bretonnians & Empire:
I don't think I ever will have my own armies for these miniatures, but I plan to paint up Brets and Empire to use as citizens for my town. I might get the Empire rulebook sometime in the future to use those rules if I end up playing with this army. But for now this will purely be a good exercise in Diorama making. I have several core units of Brets to paint, and with the new paint range from Games Workshop it should be cool to paint colorful knights. I also have an Empire witchhunter to paint up, and I think he will be done first as he is intended as an inhabitant of the Skullvane Manse.
Chaos (Warriors of Chaos):
This army is looking at an update containing more warriors (one unit of Khorne followers and some general units), more knights (currently only have two knights painted up, but these are not based yet), some chosen warriors, special characters, Lords and heroes and let's not forget the Marauders.
I will also finish the bases for my hounds.
This is an army that I do intend to play with. The next things to come for this army will be Thundrers and Quarrelers, a Gyrocopter, some special figures (White Dwarf subscription minis for 2011 and 2012) and then I will expand the army with the minis I have on the shelves. There is at least two units of regular warriors, I have the metal Thorek Ironbrow and his smitty, a metal Goblin heaver, one or two cannons, and some minis bought from Ebay and other places (among them a unit of miners and an almost finished Avatars of War dwarf to lead some thunderers).
Next thing to do here will be my River Trolls, a unit of three trolls are already partly assembled and will be painted up as soon as I have finished painting my ongoing 40.000-project.
Then there are several units of Goblins of all kinds to paint up, along with an Arachnarok spider or two and a giant who can work both in this army and my Chaos army.
Imperial Guard:
The first thing to come here is the Cadian heavy weapon squad I am working on at the moment. Then there will be a veteran unit (Bastion's Bastards), the remaining 5 troopers to make a whole unit of my five loose troopers, and there is a myriad of troops and special characters to paint up here. I also have lots of vehicles to paint (including two super heavy tanks and several Leman Russ tanks). I should also finish up the unit of Ogryns and a command unit that has been standing on my table for a long long time. This army will grow in to a solid army over time, and what I plan to paint next changes from day to day as my mood shifts or inspiration comes and goes. But a good bet would be that I will do my best to get the units already started off my painting desk.
There are two items to paint up here. I have a unit of Leadbelchers that is standing on the shelves, and also a special figure (Bragg the Gutsman). Of these two Bragg is the one being painted first, but I would like to try and paint another resin figure that is a little cheaper before I start on him as he costs as much as a whole unit from another army.
Sisters of Battle:
There are some semi-painted minis on my work table, and I plan to finish painting these up. At the moment they will only be used for adding some detail in a Space Marine or Imperial Guard diorama, but in the long term I hope to be able to have a small force of Sisters to field in games of Appocalypse alongside my Space Marines.
Space Marines:
There are so many things to paint up for this army. I have started to paint lots of Marines, and I will need to finish them. Then there are all the Marines I have bougth that are assembled but not painted, and lets not forget all the units still in their boxes and on their sprues.
I have an entire first company in Terminator armor to paint up, and several other first company veterans. There are also lots of different troops and vehicles that needs to be painted.
This is an army that I do intend to play with. The next things to come for this army will be Thundrers and Quarrelers, a Gyrocopter, some special figures (White Dwarf subscription minis for 2011 and 2012) and then I will expand the army with the minis I have on the shelves. There is at least two units of regular warriors, I have the metal Thorek Ironbrow and his smitty, a metal Goblin heaver, one or two cannons, and some minis bought from Ebay and other places (among them a unit of miners and an almost finished Avatars of War dwarf to lead some thunderers).
Next thing to do here will be my River Trolls, a unit of three trolls are already partly assembled and will be painted up as soon as I have finished painting my ongoing 40.000-project.
Then there are several units of Goblins of all kinds to paint up, along with an Arachnarok spider or two and a giant who can work both in this army and my Chaos army.
Imperial Guard:
The first thing to come here is the Cadian heavy weapon squad I am working on at the moment. Then there will be a veteran unit (Bastion's Bastards), the remaining 5 troopers to make a whole unit of my five loose troopers, and there is a myriad of troops and special characters to paint up here. I also have lots of vehicles to paint (including two super heavy tanks and several Leman Russ tanks). I should also finish up the unit of Ogryns and a command unit that has been standing on my table for a long long time. This army will grow in to a solid army over time, and what I plan to paint next changes from day to day as my mood shifts or inspiration comes and goes. But a good bet would be that I will do my best to get the units already started off my painting desk.
There are two items to paint up here. I have a unit of Leadbelchers that is standing on the shelves, and also a special figure (Bragg the Gutsman). Of these two Bragg is the one being painted first, but I would like to try and paint another resin figure that is a little cheaper before I start on him as he costs as much as a whole unit from another army.
Sisters of Battle:
There are some semi-painted minis on my work table, and I plan to finish painting these up. At the moment they will only be used for adding some detail in a Space Marine or Imperial Guard diorama, but in the long term I hope to be able to have a small force of Sisters to field in games of Appocalypse alongside my Space Marines.
Space Marines:
There are so many things to paint up for this army. I have started to paint lots of Marines, and I will need to finish them. Then there are all the Marines I have bougth that are assembled but not painted, and lets not forget all the units still in their boxes and on their sprues.
I have an entire first company in Terminator armor to paint up, and several other first company veterans. There are also lots of different troops and vehicles that needs to be painted.
Productive trip to Games Workshop this week
Had two very nice trips to Games Workshop in Oslo this week.
First a trip on Monday, where I picked up Skullvane Manse, some paint that I needed to restock, and the remaining books from the Horus Heresy series. I managed to get one book that I had already, so on Tuesday I was back to swap it with another book and also to pick up some glue and liquid green stuff they didn't have on Monday. I got the rules for Apocalypse, so now I have the datasheet for my Baneblade so I can use it in games. I also picked up Deathknell Watch.
My plan is to build Skullvane Manse as the home of one of the greatest witchhunters the Empire has ever seen. He will not need an observatory, so I will take the observatory dome and place it on top of the Deathknell Watch tower to make that into an observatory. If I can get it to work, I might place this tower on a hill of some sort to make it higher (it is an observatory after all). Then I will take the skeleton that is placed on top of Deathknell Watch and use that on Witchfate Tor or another regular watchtower placed on a ridge. Not sure if I have a spare watchtower at home, but that is not a major cost from Games Workshop anyway.
On Monday I also picked up a can of black primer, so I will use that to prime my buildings before assembly. I don't really bother doing that when painting miniatures as the style I paint would mean I had to prime lots of small parts. If the miniature is fully assembled and then painted, then priming would be a must, but when I paint as I assemble I get to cover all the areas where one would usually need primer to get to with a good coat of paint.
The plan is to paint the Temple of Skulls first. Hopefully I can prime this big set this weekend. Then I can start painting it little by little in between projects. I got some good hints from the guys at the Games Workshop about what might look very good, so I will try their suggestions (that is usually a good idea) and see how it turns out. If it ends up like I hope, then I will use the same technique for the basic colorscheme for my towers and houses, and just add a few other gray-scales on some of the bricks.
I will like to have all the towers and buildings look like they have been built with rocks from the same region, as I plan to use the terrain together as some sort of town or township.
There will be a few watchtowers, a chapel, a graveyard (probably based around the Garden of Morr with some specially made statues that I bought on Ebay from a Polish dentist), the Fortified Manor, Skullvane Manse, Witchfate Tor and Deathknell Watch. Then I hope to add a few more buildings that I either scratch build (yeah, right!) or modify from other buildings.
Then on the outskirts of town, Dreadstone Blight and the Temple of Skulls will be located, and there will also be some trees as I have two forrest sets from Citadel.
First a trip on Monday, where I picked up Skullvane Manse, some paint that I needed to restock, and the remaining books from the Horus Heresy series. I managed to get one book that I had already, so on Tuesday I was back to swap it with another book and also to pick up some glue and liquid green stuff they didn't have on Monday. I got the rules for Apocalypse, so now I have the datasheet for my Baneblade so I can use it in games. I also picked up Deathknell Watch.
My plan is to build Skullvane Manse as the home of one of the greatest witchhunters the Empire has ever seen. He will not need an observatory, so I will take the observatory dome and place it on top of the Deathknell Watch tower to make that into an observatory. If I can get it to work, I might place this tower on a hill of some sort to make it higher (it is an observatory after all). Then I will take the skeleton that is placed on top of Deathknell Watch and use that on Witchfate Tor or another regular watchtower placed on a ridge. Not sure if I have a spare watchtower at home, but that is not a major cost from Games Workshop anyway.
On Monday I also picked up a can of black primer, so I will use that to prime my buildings before assembly. I don't really bother doing that when painting miniatures as the style I paint would mean I had to prime lots of small parts. If the miniature is fully assembled and then painted, then priming would be a must, but when I paint as I assemble I get to cover all the areas where one would usually need primer to get to with a good coat of paint.
The plan is to paint the Temple of Skulls first. Hopefully I can prime this big set this weekend. Then I can start painting it little by little in between projects. I got some good hints from the guys at the Games Workshop about what might look very good, so I will try their suggestions (that is usually a good idea) and see how it turns out. If it ends up like I hope, then I will use the same technique for the basic colorscheme for my towers and houses, and just add a few other gray-scales on some of the bricks.
I will like to have all the towers and buildings look like they have been built with rocks from the same region, as I plan to use the terrain together as some sort of town or township.
There will be a few watchtowers, a chapel, a graveyard (probably based around the Garden of Morr with some specially made statues that I bought on Ebay from a Polish dentist), the Fortified Manor, Skullvane Manse, Witchfate Tor and Deathknell Watch. Then I hope to add a few more buildings that I either scratch build (yeah, right!) or modify from other buildings.
Then on the outskirts of town, Dreadstone Blight and the Temple of Skulls will be located, and there will also be some trees as I have two forrest sets from Citadel.
tirsdag 8. mai 2012
What to come...
Thought I'd blog a little bit of what to come as I sit here and wait for the time to get my painting equipment set up again.
Next kit to be painted up is a Fantasy kit, and the choice have fallen on a unit of 3 River Trolls. I have 6 Trolls in total, but I haven't decided if I will make them as two units of 3 or one unit of 6. No matter what I end up doing, I will paint them up in the same paintscheme.
I'm looking forward to painting these Trolls as I've had them on the shelf almost since the plastic River Trolls were released.
I think they will be fun to assemble and paint up, as they have so many possible ways of assembly of extras.
I also tamper with the idea of making up some troops to go with my scenery. It will be a mix of Bretonnians and Empire, and will be painted up to look like an army assembled from the town the scenery represents.
I will also have knights recruited from the nearest castle. They will probably be two different groups, one made up of Bret knights and one Empire knights.
This will be done in between other projects and a bit over time, as my main task will be to get some playable armies for both 40K and Fantasy.
Next kit to be painted up is a Fantasy kit, and the choice have fallen on a unit of 3 River Trolls. I have 6 Trolls in total, but I haven't decided if I will make them as two units of 3 or one unit of 6. No matter what I end up doing, I will paint them up in the same paintscheme.
I'm looking forward to painting these Trolls as I've had them on the shelf almost since the plastic River Trolls were released.
I think they will be fun to assemble and paint up, as they have so many possible ways of assembly of extras.
I also tamper with the idea of making up some troops to go with my scenery. It will be a mix of Bretonnians and Empire, and will be painted up to look like an army assembled from the town the scenery represents.
I will also have knights recruited from the nearest castle. They will probably be two different groups, one made up of Bret knights and one Empire knights.
This will be done in between other projects and a bit over time, as my main task will be to get some playable armies for both 40K and Fantasy.
mandag 30. april 2012
Heavy weapon update
Finally I feel that I am making some progress. The two lascannons are what I am building first.
The first lascannon team will be ready to go to war tomorrow, but there will still be some details that needs to be fixed. I have backpacks, lasguns and other details to add, but that doesn't need to be there before they go to war if the call comes.
Right now, the gunner is missing his head, but all that needs to be done before I glue it on is to paint his goggles with Tamiya Semi Gloss Black, as I don't think Games Workshop have that effect in their paint range. The spotter is only missing an arm and the rangefinder, but hopefully that will be glued on before I go to bed tonight.
The second lascannon team is waiting for the lascannon to have it's black parts painted. The spotter is missing his right arm and the rangefinder, and that will be glued on tomorrow as I need to paint his laspistol.
I've also got a problem with the gunner, as the trigger broke while I painted it, so I will try to glue the trigger together while assembling. Should be possible to get it quite ok as the gunner is behind the weapon and might be partly covered by other details.
The third team is not yet painted, but I have begun the assembly of the gunner and spotter and the ammunition.
tirsdag 17. april 2012
Imperial Guard setup
I thought I would write a little bit about the diferent kinds of units that I plan to introduce to my Imperial Guard army and roughly how they will be organized on the battlefields.
Infantry: The infantry is the backbone of the army. Infantrymen are mostly humans, but there will also be units of Ratling snipers and of Ogryns.
The human infantrymen are consisting of riflemen, heavy weapon squads and special forces.
The infantry is split in two different branches, one is made up from Cadian miniatures, and the other is made up from Catachans. When everything is ready, they might all be just one force where the Cadians are urban warfare specialists and the Catachans are terrain specialists (jungle warfare).
Mobile Infantry: Some of the infantry will be set up with dedicated Chimera transports, and will act as rapid response troops and mobile infantry. They will serve as infantry protection for armored collumns, work with the cavalry and also be able to react fast to enemy attacks and give their support where the fighting is the heaviest.
Artillery: The army will probably not be the most artillery-heavy army in the Imperial Guard, but they will have their share of guns and rockets to soften the enemy or provide a heavy bombardment for the Infantry to use as a shield while they're attacking heavily fortified enemy positions.
Cavalry: There will be quite a lot of cavalry forces in the army. Some units of airborne cavalry, but mostly tanks. The cavalry units will have many of the different Leman Russ versions, and also some Hellhounds (and similar wehicles) and a small selection of Super Heavy tanks. Already there is one Baneblade ready to roll on to the battlefield.
The Leman Russ tanks will be painted up both for urban and terrain fighting, while the Super Heavy tanks will only be painted up for urban warfare.
I will see what I do when it comes to making up companies and regiments. I was thinking of having several different, but at the moment I'm thinking more along the lines of holding the army as compact as possible to keep the nessessary commanders down to a minimum.
Infantry: The infantry is the backbone of the army. Infantrymen are mostly humans, but there will also be units of Ratling snipers and of Ogryns.
The human infantrymen are consisting of riflemen, heavy weapon squads and special forces.
The infantry is split in two different branches, one is made up from Cadian miniatures, and the other is made up from Catachans. When everything is ready, they might all be just one force where the Cadians are urban warfare specialists and the Catachans are terrain specialists (jungle warfare).
Mobile Infantry: Some of the infantry will be set up with dedicated Chimera transports, and will act as rapid response troops and mobile infantry. They will serve as infantry protection for armored collumns, work with the cavalry and also be able to react fast to enemy attacks and give their support where the fighting is the heaviest.
Artillery: The army will probably not be the most artillery-heavy army in the Imperial Guard, but they will have their share of guns and rockets to soften the enemy or provide a heavy bombardment for the Infantry to use as a shield while they're attacking heavily fortified enemy positions.
Cavalry: There will be quite a lot of cavalry forces in the army. Some units of airborne cavalry, but mostly tanks. The cavalry units will have many of the different Leman Russ versions, and also some Hellhounds (and similar wehicles) and a small selection of Super Heavy tanks. Already there is one Baneblade ready to roll on to the battlefield.
The Leman Russ tanks will be painted up both for urban and terrain fighting, while the Super Heavy tanks will only be painted up for urban warfare.
I will see what I do when it comes to making up companies and regiments. I was thinking of having several different, but at the moment I'm thinking more along the lines of holding the army as compact as possible to keep the nessessary commanders down to a minimum.
søndag 15. april 2012
Been busy
I've been too busy this last week to get any painting done, but I've done some thinking.
I have decided to make both the gunner and the spotter at the same time, and also make two units at the same time. I will start with the first spotter and the second base tomorrow. And this time, it will really be tomorrow!
I have decided to make both the gunner and the spotter at the same time, and also make two units at the same time. I will start with the first spotter and the second base tomorrow. And this time, it will really be tomorrow!
mandag 9. april 2012
Imperial Guard update
Work on the first of the three bases is progressing nicely. I have built up the sandbags as much as I dare because of the issue with having enough space on the base, and if I get enough space, after the gunner and spotter are placed on the base I might add some more to the wall of sandbags.
The first base is with a lascannon, and status so far is that the tripod is glued on and painted. The lascannon is painted in Gun Metal and Chaos Black, and only thing remaining now is to paint on the fine details.
The cables are painted Blood Red on one of the sides, and the batttery box is painted Chaos Black on half of the box. The gunner is painted with Adeptus Battle Grey pants, Chaos Black boots and and Fortress Grey jacket.
The sandbags are glued on to the base, but not yet painted. I figure I can do that a little later on, as the lascannon can be removed from the tripod until I glue the cables to the cannon and battery box.
Now it's time to wrap up for the day and go to bed, but I aim to keep on painting tomorrow.
The first base is with a lascannon, and status so far is that the tripod is glued on and painted. The lascannon is painted in Gun Metal and Chaos Black, and only thing remaining now is to paint on the fine details.
The cables are painted Blood Red on one of the sides, and the batttery box is painted Chaos Black on half of the box. The gunner is painted with Adeptus Battle Grey pants, Chaos Black boots and and Fortress Grey jacket.
The sandbags are glued on to the base, but not yet painted. I figure I can do that a little later on, as the lascannon can be removed from the tripod until I glue the cables to the cannon and battery box.
Now it's time to wrap up for the day and go to bed, but I aim to keep on painting tomorrow.
Ogres are finally finished!
It sure took long enough!
I finally got the Ogres done this afternoon, and it sure feels good to have finished my first project in a long time.
Now I'm going to work faster with my Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad, so I don't have to write as many posts about them... That is not the motivation, but I do want to get them done as soon as possible for other reasons.
But before I go on about the heavy weapon squad, I would like to finish talking (or rather writing) about the Ogres.
The unit consists of six Ogres, and they all have some sort of extra equipment like a bag of food or a keg of grog or something similar, and they all have an extra knife or a butchers axe. All in all I am quite happy with the way they turned out, and I am pretty sure that this was the first batch, and that several more will come at a later time.
The lookout platform on top of the banner is tilting a little bit forward, as it was rather big to stand on a thin pole while the glue was drying, but I figure that is just the proof of the quality (or should I say lack of quality) on gnoblar engineering. The glue has dried well now, and it should stay on.
I have earlier said that my next Fantasy-project should be dwarfs, but something has come up. This something is that I found an old can of paint that was bought for one special GW set, the plastic River Trolls. The Trolls will be used in my Goblin army as either two units of three, or one unit of six (whatever works best according to the rules existing at the time I finally get my Goblin army ready for the gaming scene) . The project will be three of these trolls (one box), and if they turn out well, then the remaining three will follow shortly.
But before I start on those trolls, there is time to do a 40K project, and that project is a Cadian heavy weapon squad for the Xerxes Imperial Guard.
For this project I will add some Tamya 1:35 sandbags to the bases to make it look a little different than all other heavy weapon bases. The sandbags will be a little big, but I figure with all equipment available so far in the future they are sure to have something to help them lift heavy sandbags. After all they are transporting the heavy weapons around, and the lascannon is bigger than a man.
This first six man squad will be armed with two lascannons and a heavy bolter. I know it's most usual to have three of a kind, but there are no rules that I can find that says it has to be so. My reason for splitting it up is that as a commander I would be concerned about not being able to defend the lascannons against an infantry attack (that is where the heavy bolter comes in). So until someone tells me it is legally wrong, I will add one heavy bolter in each heavy weapons squad.
I finally got the Ogres done this afternoon, and it sure feels good to have finished my first project in a long time.
Now I'm going to work faster with my Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad, so I don't have to write as many posts about them... That is not the motivation, but I do want to get them done as soon as possible for other reasons.
But before I go on about the heavy weapon squad, I would like to finish talking (or rather writing) about the Ogres.
The unit consists of six Ogres, and they all have some sort of extra equipment like a bag of food or a keg of grog or something similar, and they all have an extra knife or a butchers axe. All in all I am quite happy with the way they turned out, and I am pretty sure that this was the first batch, and that several more will come at a later time.
The lookout platform on top of the banner is tilting a little bit forward, as it was rather big to stand on a thin pole while the glue was drying, but I figure that is just the proof of the quality (or should I say lack of quality) on gnoblar engineering. The glue has dried well now, and it should stay on.
I have earlier said that my next Fantasy-project should be dwarfs, but something has come up. This something is that I found an old can of paint that was bought for one special GW set, the plastic River Trolls. The Trolls will be used in my Goblin army as either two units of three, or one unit of six (whatever works best according to the rules existing at the time I finally get my Goblin army ready for the gaming scene) . The project will be three of these trolls (one box), and if they turn out well, then the remaining three will follow shortly.
But before I start on those trolls, there is time to do a 40K project, and that project is a Cadian heavy weapon squad for the Xerxes Imperial Guard.
For this project I will add some Tamya 1:35 sandbags to the bases to make it look a little different than all other heavy weapon bases. The sandbags will be a little big, but I figure with all equipment available so far in the future they are sure to have something to help them lift heavy sandbags. After all they are transporting the heavy weapons around, and the lascannon is bigger than a man.
This first six man squad will be armed with two lascannons and a heavy bolter. I know it's most usual to have three of a kind, but there are no rules that I can find that says it has to be so. My reason for splitting it up is that as a commander I would be concerned about not being able to defend the lascannons against an infantry attack (that is where the heavy bolter comes in). So until someone tells me it is legally wrong, I will add one heavy bolter in each heavy weapons squad.
Status on the Ogres
It's Monday again, and the beginning of a new week.
This Monday is a holiday, so I am sitting home working with my miniatures and watching time fly in front of my computer.
I know I could be down in my workroom, tidying it up and making space for me to sit down there instead, but I love sitting in the living-room working. And as long as I only have one box with all my stuff in it, and the box fits neatly under the table the wife doesn't complain that much.
All Ogres are now finished and can be used in a small game. What still remains is to add the lookout to the banner, but this will be done shortly. At the moment the platform and the large scull are given a chance to dry up before I add the Gnoblar to the platform and try to add it all together.
This Monday is a holiday, so I am sitting home working with my miniatures and watching time fly in front of my computer.
I know I could be down in my workroom, tidying it up and making space for me to sit down there instead, but I love sitting in the living-room working. And as long as I only have one box with all my stuff in it, and the box fits neatly under the table the wife doesn't complain that much.
All Ogres are now finished and can be used in a small game. What still remains is to add the lookout to the banner, but this will be done shortly. At the moment the platform and the large scull are given a chance to dry up before I add the Gnoblar to the platform and try to add it all together.
mandag 2. april 2012
new week, new chances
This week must provide me with some opportunities to paint, as the Easter holliday starts on Wednesday.
Saturday was my Wifes birthday, so the day was spent making ready for a family party, having the family over, and then cleaning up afterwards.
Sunday was spent assembling new furniture, removing the old and getting clothes and stuff in to the new furniture. I also got to spend some time in between the things that were done to read The Imperial Munitorium Manual. And after reading about punishment, I am starting to feel a little sorry for the Guard soldiers I'm assembling.
I think I will have to write some special adjustments to the general Munitorium rules to guide my Commissars on right and wrong to assure that I still have an army to fight with when I reach the gameboards. Fighting on a world with stone, ash and coal for surface and with heavy winds howling almost non-stop, then it is hard to look like a posterboy all the time.
Fortionately both Commissars with the 101st Infantry, Commissar Wayne and Commissar Scott, are hard but fair. So hopefully they will not punish fighting men for looking a little dirty as long as they are healty and fights well.
My Orges will be done in a couple of days now, there are small but several details that needs to be fixed, but if I manage to stay awake while sitting in my chair after work I might get something done quite fast. There are many small items with small details, so it is possible to work with several items at the same time. I have also gotten a great start, and apart from the big scull to add to the banner, everything is painted in a basic color. Then what remains is to get the items glued on to the bodies, and get it all glued in the right positions.
Saturday was my Wifes birthday, so the day was spent making ready for a family party, having the family over, and then cleaning up afterwards.
Sunday was spent assembling new furniture, removing the old and getting clothes and stuff in to the new furniture. I also got to spend some time in between the things that were done to read The Imperial Munitorium Manual. And after reading about punishment, I am starting to feel a little sorry for the Guard soldiers I'm assembling.
I think I will have to write some special adjustments to the general Munitorium rules to guide my Commissars on right and wrong to assure that I still have an army to fight with when I reach the gameboards. Fighting on a world with stone, ash and coal for surface and with heavy winds howling almost non-stop, then it is hard to look like a posterboy all the time.
Fortionately both Commissars with the 101st Infantry, Commissar Wayne and Commissar Scott, are hard but fair. So hopefully they will not punish fighting men for looking a little dirty as long as they are healty and fights well.
My Orges will be done in a couple of days now, there are small but several details that needs to be fixed, but if I manage to stay awake while sitting in my chair after work I might get something done quite fast. There are many small items with small details, so it is possible to work with several items at the same time. I have also gotten a great start, and apart from the big scull to add to the banner, everything is painted in a basic color. Then what remains is to get the items glued on to the bodies, and get it all glued in the right positions.
søndag 25. mars 2012
The end of yet another week
I was hoping to say that I have finished the Ogres, but sadly I still need a day or two. Lots of details on these fellows. Need 3 colors on the kegs alone, and I need to apply each color two times as the kegs need to rest on one side to dry. Same thing with knives and butcher axes. Still, even if I have some details to paint yet, it is nice to see the progress. I managed to find what I think is a good mix of equipment to help give each Ogre a little personality.
It just hit me that I have one more detail to fix up, and that is the teeth of the ogres. I have to find a good color to use on them, and i figure I could use the same color on the big scull for the banner. I just have to find something white-ish, but not scull white as I figure they don't have perfect teeth.
I'll have a look in my paint collection tomorrow and see what I can find.
While looking around for some other pieces today I found a small plastic lid lined up with half painted Spacemarines. This means I will have to finish them one of these days. Among other things are some Close Combat Terminators. Guess I can take them among my Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad, but time will show. For the Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad I will try to personalize the bases on most of them with sandbags and other things that might come in handy. This will also be a golden chance for me to try out the 40K basing set, as I might find something there to add to the large bases.
It just hit me that I have one more detail to fix up, and that is the teeth of the ogres. I have to find a good color to use on them, and i figure I could use the same color on the big scull for the banner. I just have to find something white-ish, but not scull white as I figure they don't have perfect teeth.
I'll have a look in my paint collection tomorrow and see what I can find.
While looking around for some other pieces today I found a small plastic lid lined up with half painted Spacemarines. This means I will have to finish them one of these days. Among other things are some Close Combat Terminators. Guess I can take them among my Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad, but time will show. For the Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad I will try to personalize the bases on most of them with sandbags and other things that might come in handy. This will also be a golden chance for me to try out the 40K basing set, as I might find something there to add to the large bases.
lørdag 24. mars 2012
Getting near completion...
Once again I have been able to spend a few hours with my Ogres, and I am really close to a complete project now. I have selected the extra pieces today and started to paint it up. I have a half crazy idea that I will add the rams-head (or what ever animal it is) to the platform on top of the banner pole. The head is originally designed to be glued directly to the banner pole instead of a banner, so I am not entirely sure if it will work or not.
On top of the platform there will be a Gnoblar lookout, and I hope it will be able to see something between the horns of the skull.
I hope I will find the time to do the remaining paitjob tomorrow, as I have to go and play a gig at a wedding tonight. Going to watch Formula 1 Malaysia Grand Prix tomorrow, so I think I will get some painting done during that. And hopefully later on as well, not much else going on tomorrow as far as I know.
On top of the platform there will be a Gnoblar lookout, and I hope it will be able to see something between the horns of the skull.
I hope I will find the time to do the remaining paitjob tomorrow, as I have to go and play a gig at a wedding tonight. Going to watch Formula 1 Malaysia Grand Prix tomorrow, so I think I will get some painting done during that. And hopefully later on as well, not much else going on tomorrow as far as I know.
lørdag 17. mars 2012
The next projects...
First 40K project is the Imperial Guard heavy weapon squad that I have already prepared for painting.
The next project after that will be a Vindicator Siege tank.
The next Fantasy project will be Dwarfs, but if the unit will be a Ranger, Quarreler or Thunderer unit remains to be seen. I guess I won't decide until I have opened the box and looked at all the parts.
The next project after that will be a Vindicator Siege tank.
The next Fantasy project will be Dwarfs, but if the unit will be a Ranger, Quarreler or Thunderer unit remains to be seen. I guess I won't decide until I have opened the box and looked at all the parts.
I will have all three units in my army, but I'll see what I end up with building first when the time has come to work with them.
New Ogre update
I have made myself a goal to have the Ogres ready for battle by the end of next week.
I know I can't do battle with only six Ogres, but that is not important.
I have to speed up my painting if I ever want to get an army ready, so when I do side-projects like these Ogres then it is important not to spend too much time with them. I want to paint them so they look good, but I can't spend six months on them either...
My 40K project isn't even started, and yet I have begun to think what I will do when that project is done.
I have not thought up what I will do for my next Fantasy project, but it has to be something that goes towards getting an army ready for the table.
The weapons are mostly painted up now, and the next thing I'll do is to paint the hands.
I still have no idea what to do with the banner, but I think I will paint it dark green for now and then add a symbol on it at a later time.
When the Ogres are painted up and ready with weapons, I will see what kind of extra details I can add to the miniatures, and also see if I can add some Snotlings to some of the bases.
I know I can't do battle with only six Ogres, but that is not important.
I have to speed up my painting if I ever want to get an army ready, so when I do side-projects like these Ogres then it is important not to spend too much time with them. I want to paint them so they look good, but I can't spend six months on them either...
My 40K project isn't even started, and yet I have begun to think what I will do when that project is done.
I have not thought up what I will do for my next Fantasy project, but it has to be something that goes towards getting an army ready for the table.
The weapons are mostly painted up now, and the next thing I'll do is to paint the hands.
I still have no idea what to do with the banner, but I think I will paint it dark green for now and then add a symbol on it at a later time.
When the Ogres are painted up and ready with weapons, I will see what kind of extra details I can add to the miniatures, and also see if I can add some Snotlings to some of the bases.
søndag 4. mars 2012
late night update
Time for one more update tonight.
I glued on the belly shields on five of the Ogres, and then I found out that you could see more of the back of the shield than expected. So I've done a little cover up to try to make it look better. It looks ok now, but for future Ogres I will paint more of the back of the shields.
I have painted their connecting belts, and will paint the buckles before I call it a night.
The next paint session will be the beginning of hands, hand weapons and the pole for the banner.
and speaking of the banner, I need to try and figure out what to paint as a symbol on it.
I glued on the belly shields on five of the Ogres, and then I found out that you could see more of the back of the shield than expected. So I've done a little cover up to try to make it look better. It looks ok now, but for future Ogres I will paint more of the back of the shields.
I have painted their connecting belts, and will paint the buckles before I call it a night.
The next paint session will be the beginning of hands, hand weapons and the pole for the banner.
and speaking of the banner, I need to try and figure out what to paint as a symbol on it.
That might be rather tricky as I am no good at all in freehand painting. After all, my Space Marine chapter symbol ended up being a thick golden line. But I digress...
The Ogre skin seems to be ok now. It seems that my last fix did the job. Also the facial hair looks rather good. I think the combination of blonde and red hair fits the unit well.
The Ogre skin seems to be ok now. It seems that my last fix did the job. Also the facial hair looks rather good. I think the combination of blonde and red hair fits the unit well.
New month
All of a sudden the calendar has gone from February to March, and spring is slowly coming.
Yesterday I spent several hours in the sun, playing with the dogs. Today it is a little colder outside, so I have returned to working on my unit of Ogres.
The skin seems to be all done now, but it is hard to say if I will need to go back once more.
I will need to do the skin on the hands though, as they are not yet attached to the torsos.
Right now I have painted the beards of the five ogres that has facial hair. Three of them got Terracotta facial hair, and the remaining two got the yellow of Vomit Brown.
The iron on the boots and the middle of the belly shields have gotten their Boltgun metal painted on, and the edges of the shields will be painted Brazen brass when the middle is painted.
Hopefully I will be able to glue the shields on tonight, and start to paint the weapons and hands next time I pick up the brushes.
Yesterday I spent several hours in the sun, playing with the dogs. Today it is a little colder outside, so I have returned to working on my unit of Ogres.
The skin seems to be all done now, but it is hard to say if I will need to go back once more.
I will need to do the skin on the hands though, as they are not yet attached to the torsos.
Right now I have painted the beards of the five ogres that has facial hair. Three of them got Terracotta facial hair, and the remaining two got the yellow of Vomit Brown.
The iron on the boots and the middle of the belly shields have gotten their Boltgun metal painted on, and the edges of the shields will be painted Brazen brass when the middle is painted.
Hopefully I will be able to glue the shields on tonight, and start to paint the weapons and hands next time I pick up the brushes.
mandag 13. februar 2012
Not a lot of activity this last month
There's been a lot going on in my life this last month, so there hasn't been too much going on on the painting front. Stressful days and also a week of fever and flu has effectively stopped my painting progress. Hope to get started again now though...
The Ogres are still waiting to get their skin painted. There are some exitement attached to this, as this will decide if I end up wih an army of Ogres some time in the future, or just a unit of 6 as decoration in my glass cabinets. I have already decided not to paint on any tattoos on the Ogres, but if they end up looking good, then I might add some warpaint on some of the units (like Mel Gibson and his men in Braveheart) in the future. The only challenge with that is to make it look like warpaint and not weird skin, but I'll tackle that when the time comes. First priority now is to get this unit painted up, and after seeing the result I can choose what to do next. I have decided to have two different hair colors on the troops, terracotta and yellow. Think this will look good, and it also adds some variation that might come in handy.
For Warhammer 40.000, the unit of 3 2-man heavy weapon teams are waiting for assembly and paint. The parts I need are cleaned up and ready to be assembled, but I am not entirely sure what to do when.
Every trooper is laying in a seperate bag, with the gunner with the base and the heavy weapon.
I have decided to make the 3 large bases into sort of mini-dioramas, using sandbags to protect the troops. I was thinking of also adding some ruined walls, but I don't find my 1:35 ruined brick wall set. So instead I will wait with this until I have some small building parts from Warhammer 40.000 buildings that I can use. This won't be a problem, as I know I will need several heavy weapon squads for my army. And making them look different is one of my goals. That is why I am a little dissapointed with the kit, as it seems like there are only one type of arm to use for the person who acts as the spotter or assistant in the duo. That arm is the straight arm pointing at something on the horizon. It gets quite boring to use that for 3 spotters in the same unit. A short look in my bitbox revealed at least one arm that I can use, and I am sure I will find more if I look more closely. Also I recon I will get more arms as I build more units in the future. A lot of the units will be troopers that hold lasrifles in both hands, thus freeing up other available hands in the kits. For now I have an arm holding a helmet, and I also found a head without a helmet to go with it.
I will also add a vox set to one of the bases, as I find it very weird that heavy weapon squads don't have this as standard equipment. It will probably be for diorama purposes only, but at least it will make some variation on the bases.
The Ogres are still waiting to get their skin painted. There are some exitement attached to this, as this will decide if I end up wih an army of Ogres some time in the future, or just a unit of 6 as decoration in my glass cabinets. I have already decided not to paint on any tattoos on the Ogres, but if they end up looking good, then I might add some warpaint on some of the units (like Mel Gibson and his men in Braveheart) in the future. The only challenge with that is to make it look like warpaint and not weird skin, but I'll tackle that when the time comes. First priority now is to get this unit painted up, and after seeing the result I can choose what to do next. I have decided to have two different hair colors on the troops, terracotta and yellow. Think this will look good, and it also adds some variation that might come in handy.
For Warhammer 40.000, the unit of 3 2-man heavy weapon teams are waiting for assembly and paint. The parts I need are cleaned up and ready to be assembled, but I am not entirely sure what to do when.
Every trooper is laying in a seperate bag, with the gunner with the base and the heavy weapon.
I have decided to make the 3 large bases into sort of mini-dioramas, using sandbags to protect the troops. I was thinking of also adding some ruined walls, but I don't find my 1:35 ruined brick wall set. So instead I will wait with this until I have some small building parts from Warhammer 40.000 buildings that I can use. This won't be a problem, as I know I will need several heavy weapon squads for my army. And making them look different is one of my goals. That is why I am a little dissapointed with the kit, as it seems like there are only one type of arm to use for the person who acts as the spotter or assistant in the duo. That arm is the straight arm pointing at something on the horizon. It gets quite boring to use that for 3 spotters in the same unit. A short look in my bitbox revealed at least one arm that I can use, and I am sure I will find more if I look more closely. Also I recon I will get more arms as I build more units in the future. A lot of the units will be troopers that hold lasrifles in both hands, thus freeing up other available hands in the kits. For now I have an arm holding a helmet, and I also found a head without a helmet to go with it.
I will also add a vox set to one of the bases, as I find it very weird that heavy weapon squads don't have this as standard equipment. It will probably be for diorama purposes only, but at least it will make some variation on the bases.
torsdag 12. januar 2012
New project decided
I have decided on what to do next.
For a little while I will just focus on getting manpower to the battlefields, and will build troops.
First unit out is a Cadian Heavy weapon team. In my army they will represent troops from the 101st Infantry.
I am not sure if I will do this as a permanent rule, but I am thinking of adding one heavy bolter in each group of 3 heavy weapons units. The two other weapons will be of the same type.
At the moment I am thinking that the Cadian boxes will produce mostly lascannons and missiles, while Catachan boxes will produce mostly mortars and auto cannons. There will be some of all types in both Infantry units, but most of the two things mentioned above.
For both kinds of hevy weapon units I will try to do something with their bases, as they are large enough to do something with. Ideas at the moment include adding ammo boxes, broken brick walls, sandbags (either just a few, or a built up position), and I am sure other ideas will follow...
I only have one box at the moment, so I will start with them and take it from there.
I am also working on getting the structure of the Army ready, how many squads there are in a platoon, platoons in a company and companies in a regiment.
Also what units get what kind of support permanently attached to them, where does the tanks and super heavy tanks belong in the hierarchy of things.
When it comes to Fantasy there are no change for the Ogres, they are still the unit I am working with, and they are waiting to get their skin painted. I'll try to start on this tomorrow afternoon.
I have done one minor change when it comes to earlier plans. They will have terracotta and blond hair as I saw someone who had made a blonde army and that looked very good.
For a little while I will just focus on getting manpower to the battlefields, and will build troops.
First unit out is a Cadian Heavy weapon team. In my army they will represent troops from the 101st Infantry.
I am not sure if I will do this as a permanent rule, but I am thinking of adding one heavy bolter in each group of 3 heavy weapons units. The two other weapons will be of the same type.
At the moment I am thinking that the Cadian boxes will produce mostly lascannons and missiles, while Catachan boxes will produce mostly mortars and auto cannons. There will be some of all types in both Infantry units, but most of the two things mentioned above.
For both kinds of hevy weapon units I will try to do something with their bases, as they are large enough to do something with. Ideas at the moment include adding ammo boxes, broken brick walls, sandbags (either just a few, or a built up position), and I am sure other ideas will follow...
I only have one box at the moment, so I will start with them and take it from there.
I am also working on getting the structure of the Army ready, how many squads there are in a platoon, platoons in a company and companies in a regiment.
Also what units get what kind of support permanently attached to them, where does the tanks and super heavy tanks belong in the hierarchy of things.
When it comes to Fantasy there are no change for the Ogres, they are still the unit I am working with, and they are waiting to get their skin painted. I'll try to start on this tomorrow afternoon.
I have done one minor change when it comes to earlier plans. They will have terracotta and blond hair as I saw someone who had made a blonde army and that looked very good.
onsdag 4. januar 2012
Baneblade completed!
Finally! *drumroll* The Baneblade is 100% finished, and ready for action! It turned out quite nice I must say, but I have found a few things I will do different when assembling future Super heavy tanks.
One thing I will do is that I will paint as I assemble. I know many people claim this isn't needed, but I feel that the painting will be a lot easier and the result better if this is done.
The good thing is that I now know where it will be helpful to paint before assembly, and where this is not needed. While painting up this Baneblade I have taken a lot of decisions on what colors to use on different parts, so I will just continue with this colorscheme for the rest of the super heavy tanks that will follow. So far another Baneblade and a Shadowsword is planned, but there might be more in the future.
Forgeworld has a lot of very cool tank models, buth regular tanks and super heavies, but I don't feel too comfortable working with so much resin and they are also quite expensive. So I will insead try to make do with the tanks from Games Workshop's regular product range and see if I can modify some of them a little.
Next project: I am a little undecided at the moment, trying to see if I should build a Hellhound, a Leman Russ of some sort or a Valkyrie. I will probably paint som regular infantry first.
One thing I will do is that I will paint as I assemble. I know many people claim this isn't needed, but I feel that the painting will be a lot easier and the result better if this is done.
The good thing is that I now know where it will be helpful to paint before assembly, and where this is not needed. While painting up this Baneblade I have taken a lot of decisions on what colors to use on different parts, so I will just continue with this colorscheme for the rest of the super heavy tanks that will follow. So far another Baneblade and a Shadowsword is planned, but there might be more in the future.
Forgeworld has a lot of very cool tank models, buth regular tanks and super heavies, but I don't feel too comfortable working with so much resin and they are also quite expensive. So I will insead try to make do with the tanks from Games Workshop's regular product range and see if I can modify some of them a little.
Next project: I am a little undecided at the moment, trying to see if I should build a Hellhound, a Leman Russ of some sort or a Valkyrie. I will probably paint som regular infantry first.
tirsdag 3. januar 2012
Baneblade update
I am happy to write that there has been a lot of progress here, and things are 99,9% done.
The Baneblade can go to war as it stands today, but there are a few small details that I need to fix before I can call it completely finished.
The Commander and the gunner are on duty in the tower of the tank, but their sholderguards are still on the ground. All that is missing on them is to paint the leaves around the skulls on 2 of the 4 shoulderguards. These will be painted green (Dark Angels Green) tonight, and then attatched to the uniforms. They also need to get their occulars painted (Blood Red) and this will be done at the same time. There are also some lights and wax-seals on the tank itself that needs some paint, and this will hopefuly be done tonight as well. So if all goes well, the Baneblade will be 100% finished tonight.
I have plans to build a second Baneblade and a Shadowsword, but I think I will prirotize to finish some of the smaller tanks for a while, and also get some troopers on the ground. Two command squads and 5 infantrymen is not much of an army...
The Baneblade can go to war as it stands today, but there are a few small details that I need to fix before I can call it completely finished.
The Commander and the gunner are on duty in the tower of the tank, but their sholderguards are still on the ground. All that is missing on them is to paint the leaves around the skulls on 2 of the 4 shoulderguards. These will be painted green (Dark Angels Green) tonight, and then attatched to the uniforms. They also need to get their occulars painted (Blood Red) and this will be done at the same time. There are also some lights and wax-seals on the tank itself that needs some paint, and this will hopefuly be done tonight as well. So if all goes well, the Baneblade will be 100% finished tonight.
I have plans to build a second Baneblade and a Shadowsword, but I think I will prirotize to finish some of the smaller tanks for a while, and also get some troopers on the ground. Two command squads and 5 infantrymen is not much of an army...
A third command squad, 5 more infantrymen (to make the troop complete), as well as 10 veterans are on their way as well. Also there will be more troops to follow, but I see that I need to get lots of troops before I can call it an army. However I will try not to drag more troops in to the house before I have painted up a lot of the stuff that is filling up the shelf at the moment.
søndag 1. januar 2012
Happy New Year!
All of a sudden 2011 have passed over to 2012. A new year, with new possibilities, new goals, and who knows what Games Workshop (and maybe other miniature making companies) will throw my way this year...
Last year I had a goal of making at least one army large enough to use in a real game of Warhammer (fantasy or 40K) but it never got to that.
This year I will not make myself such a promise, or take a pledge to paint more than I buy. However I promise myself to enjoy the painting I do and try my best to paint as much as I can.
On this first day of January, I'm putting the final touches to my Baneblade after having it almost ready for way too long. Hopefully it will be done no later than tomorrow.
My plan is to try and keep two projects going at the same time. I will try to keep one project from 40.000 and one form Fantasy, but I'm not sure I will manage that all the time.
So Happy New Year everyone, and keep the games going and the models coming out.
Last year I had a goal of making at least one army large enough to use in a real game of Warhammer (fantasy or 40K) but it never got to that.
This year I will not make myself such a promise, or take a pledge to paint more than I buy. However I promise myself to enjoy the painting I do and try my best to paint as much as I can.
On this first day of January, I'm putting the final touches to my Baneblade after having it almost ready for way too long. Hopefully it will be done no later than tomorrow.
My plan is to try and keep two projects going at the same time. I will try to keep one project from 40.000 and one form Fantasy, but I'm not sure I will manage that all the time.
So Happy New Year everyone, and keep the games going and the models coming out.
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