My Greenskins army is an army that I have mostly to have fun with, because I like the looks of the Night Goblins. The official name for the rulebook for this army is Orcs & Goblins, but I like to field this as an army without Orcs.
The army will consist mostly of Goblins of different kinds, but there will be more Night Goblins than other Goblins.
The Goblin Warlord Turnip (Skarsnik) is a mighty Goblin warlord, and he has managed to get a lot of different Goblin tribes to join his warband. He has also managed to gain the assistance of River Trolls and Giants, and who knows what will join his army as they march along.
I have bought several minis on Ebay for this army, batches of Goblins from the starter set that was released a loooong time ago with dwarfs and goblins (battle for Skull Pass I think it was called). So I don't have exact numbers of all minis in the army. There are several loose minis that is in plastic bags, among them extra metal Goblins for the Doom Diver, and other figures aquired here and there.
I have several Spider Riders on sprue, but I do not know exactly how many. But I am quite sure I can make several units.
I have almost finished a goblin standard bearer, he is only missing one or two colours of paint, some wash and basing. Then there are 39 Night Goblin archers with full command (because of the number I suppose that the standard bearer I just mentioned should go with this unit) and 42 Night Goblins armed with shields and spears (also with command figures) assembled and waiting to be painted up.
I also have 32 Night Goblins with hand weapons (short swords and clubs) and shields with command figures that are partially assembled.
In a plastic bag there are 8 Gnarly Cave Squigs, probably from Kromlech miniatures, as they are resin and looks slightly different from the Games Workshop squigs.
I have 7 characters that needs to be assembled and painted. 3 of them is the Forgeworld Night Goblin command set. Here there is a Night Goblin with a great double banner. I think he will be Turnips main standard bearer. There are four Goblin Shamans that will follow the army. Two blisters with one Goblin Shaman in each (one plastic and one metal), and one blister with two metal Shamans. There is also a blister with a metal and plastic kit of a warboss on wolf.
Of core elements to assemble, there are three boxes of Night Goblin regiments and two boxes or regular Goblin regiments (one old box and one from the current range). There is also one box of Forrest Goblin Spider Riders and one box of Wolf Riders.
The biggest set to assemble is probably the Arachnarok spider. This can have two different configurations but I have not decided what to use for mine. Might be one of each when time comes.
I have assembled one unit of River Trolls, and have one more box to assemble. Also I have a Giant to assemble.
There is also a metal Doom Diver, and I think I will need to make some sort of base for that to make it in to a small diorama.
Finally there are the Squigs, a creature I am quite fond of... I have one blister with three Gnarly Cave Squigs (metal), one metal blister with Squig Herders, one metal blister with Squig Hoppers and one plastic Giant Squig.
onsdag 9. juli 2014
What's left to make... Greenskins (Goblins)
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