I have made a command squad for my Abhuman Auxilia, this is assembled from my bitz box, and because of this they don't have a coherrent look. But this was exactly what I was going for, as the fluff indicates that the human officers and veterans serving in the Abhuman Auxilia have been transfered to this unit because of mistakes the have done or because their commanding officers haven't liked them much. Being a human in the Abhuman Auxilia is considered a punishement, all though some people actually find it rewarding, like their commisar that have found out that abhumans are much more easy to send in to battle. No one needs to be shot for being cowards, and especially ogryns and bullgryns have such a high respect for commisars that they obey his orders without question even though it will cost them their lives.
I have legs both from Cadian and Catachan sprues, and the commander is probably from the Baneblade kit. The bodies are also from several different boxes, some look like tank commanders and some are Cadians.
I think it is only fitting that the abhuman auxilia have an abhuman as a standard bearer, so I have converted a Bullgryn with a spare arm from my Ogres bitz box.
The standard is also from the ogre-range, so it is quite crude, but so are ogryns so I am sure that is ok. The idea is that the standard is something the Commissar has made to boost moral further.
In case I need to make it in to an all human command squad for games, I have also made up a human counterpart with a standard from a box of Cadians or Catachans.
When I made my bullgryn standard bearer, I made the remaining two miniatures in the box in to bullgryns wearing gasmasks and being armed with battle mauls and suppression shields, so I now have a complete unit of five. They will now be painted up before I make the final assembly of the head and the shield arm to the rest of the torso.
I have also started to paint up the second crewman for the Hydra Flak tank, and he is comming along nicely.
The Chaos Space Marines have gotten all the shafts of their power weapons painted, the only thing missing on them now are metal paint and a wash.
The guns and chain fists have gotten one side of the weapons painted with black, and next time I will paint the other side, and then I suspect it will be two more sittings with the metal, and I will do the finishing touches after the arms are glued to the torsos.
My first Inquisitor (the one where the arm was impossible to attach) is also comming along. He now have most of the letaher painted, as I found out that what I at first thought was a shirt probably is the front of his leather frock. I will paint these parts as leather too, and then I will paint his armoured chestplate like I have painted the armour on my Tempestus Scions.
I will also find some nice color to put on his pants for the very small places where they are visible.
Found this head in the ogre bitz box, and I think it has the quite fitting look of dedication and anger.
From this angle, the fit between the arm and hand is a little off. I plan to fix this and make it a little smoother with some liquid greenstuff.