mandag 29. oktober 2018

Armies on Parade! Results are in!

Today was parade day!
I managed to finish everything yesterday evening, but while doing so I discovered a lot of small holes in the expandable foam where the paint hadn't covered the foam. I covered all that I found yesterday, but while setting up the board today I saw several more. So I hoped people wouldn't notice it too much. Apart from that I was quite happy with everything.

I had not tried to put everything up on the board, but I had thought out how I would like to do it. Here it is all set up and ready for the parade.

There are a few different scenes on the board. One of them is this where the Big Mek (Mek Gyvva) meets with the team of Grot Mechs who build the crazy weapons he thinks up.

Here is a close up of the Grot Engineseers or Mechs, The one in front on the right is the leder and he has lifted his arm in salute for the Big Mek.

Here is a better picture of Big Mek Gyvva. I might give him a new name in the future if I find an ork that is quite a lot bigger, as I would like my biggest Mek to be big both in size and stature. But I am very pleased with the look of this one, and I am very happy to use him as Mek Gyvva even though I have another Mek who is just as big.

A Grot tank is out in the terrain, while the Rokkit trucks are driving up to the field where they will test fire their Grot missiles.

On the top, the Rokkit trucks are lining up to fire as a single grot tank armed with a  lascannon is standing guard looking for enemy aircraft. On this side you can still see the reegular mechanicum scull on the tower. I am sure the grots will change this too eventually (but I only had one skull to use).

The orks that ride in the Morkanaut are out in the field while the grots are working on fixing some minor electrical issues and reloading the weapons.

The Mech Grots have started to adapt the area to their liking, and have stated by making their own version of the mechanicus holy cog symbol by tearing down the human looking skull on the wall and replacing it with one more fitting for orks and grots.

On the hill the stompa Da Punisha is standing guard in case the Tyranids or the Dark Eldar from the neighbouring tables feel like trying something...

Here is a better picture ofthe skull symbol on the front. What the picture isn't showing so well is the weathering that I did with Doombull Brown and Ryza Rust on the spikes at the bottom of the skull. But when I take my table home from the Games Workshop store in a while I will line up the different units and take some pictures to present on this blog. I will then take better pictures of this.

There are several Grots outside on the stompa, worrking on small repairs. One of them is either being a daredevil, or he has slipped while working and is now hanging on for dear life. It's a good thing he is wearing a helmet...

I wanted to add a little color to the board, as it looked very brown, so I found a broken pipe from the Promethium relay pipe set, and glued it on. Then I used a bright green to paint the river of sludge and then pored on a solid amount of Nurgle Rot on top of it.

The people that came in to the store and voted liked what I had done this year, and I got my first Armies on Parade award, earning myself a third place. Here is the bronze medal on the table.

Here is a better picture of the bronze medal. I am very happy with winning third place, as this is the first time on three tries that I actually win something in Armies on Parade.

I was also awarded a diploma for "Best monster or machine" for my Stompa, and that was also very fun. But in all fairness I think it was because they had enough diplomas to go around, as the Tyranids on the table beside me were better. They were the best painted 'nids I've seen at Games Workshop, but he won "Best themed army" and also won the gold medal.

That sums up the Armies on Parade for 2018, and the #AoP tag can get a little rest until it is time to do some serious thinking about the 2019 entry. I already have a few things in mind that I will explore. If I do as I have so far, then next year should be a Age of Sigmar entry, and then I am toying with an idea of an entry with the Kharadron Overlords. If I go with Warhammer 40K then it might be a two level board with Imperial Guard and some urban warfare. But I am leaning towards the Kharadron as I would love to paint those models.

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