This is my first finished infantry model in the new design. This is also my first time using a lightbox to take pictures, but I decided I much rather wanted to do that instead of taking my usual half-bad pictures with a lot of mess in the background. Hopefully I will find a better setup with time. Lord knows I have a lot of models to practice on when I get to work my brushes. It is an study to find the best spots for the lights and the camera.
This model is an Orgyn or Bullgryn (never understood the difference) bodyguard. He is either protecting a high ranking officer in the Walpurgian 3rd or one of the visiting Regimental advisors serving with them.
There is only one bodyguard model made by Games Workshop, and he is one of several versions you can build from a box of three. This bodyguard is the impressive Nork Deddog, but you can only have one of him in your army. So the remaining two gets to serve as something else, and if you do this three times you have three bodyguards and a unit of six Ogryns/Bullgryns with another setup.
I have done it twice as much, so I have six bodyguards so I needed to personalize them a bit. One of the six is Nork (but with a new name) but the remaining five have gotten some things changed.
The great thing with the Ogryn product line is that they are interchangeable with their counterparts in Age of Sigmar where you have many more choises of heads and weapons. Most of my Ogryns/Bullgryns have heads from the Age of Sigmar Ogors (because abviously they can't have the same name in both systems...), as I think they look much better with lots of hair and wild beards and most of the boxes of that range has extra heads in them anyway.
This bodyguard is based on the model of Nork Deddog, but I had to replace his head, so I gave him one from a Bone 'ead. They are supposed to be smarter than the regular Ogryn, so I felt that would be fitting. Would not want him to smash the head of the officer he is guarding...
Nork also has a great big knife, but I am not sure if that is something special for Nork or if that is standard equipment for bodyguards, so I replaced it with a big, heavy club. This is also from an Ogor box.
To make him stand out as a bodyguard I decided to give him the same gun as Nork with the round magazine. I also placed the mechanical Commissar head with the Commissar cap on his shoulder.