I have just finished going through the entire blog, I have fixed several spelling mistakes and fixed the label tags for every post.
It was quite interesting to read through everything I had written and see when I talked about doing things for the first time and how long it takes to get things done.
I have a few examples that stands out that I would like to mention:
- Blimp for the Dwarfs: This was first mentioned in a blog post way back in Novermber 2010 where I talked about building a Dwarf Airforce. This was many years before we got Kharadron Overords who are sky-travelling Dwarfs, and the only flying Dwarfs was a Gyrocopter set. And one of the things I talked about for this Airforce was to make a blimp. It took 3 years before I named the bimp the Badyear Blimp (pun on Goodyear). It is still just a few pieces here and there... The Airforce got a Gyrobomber for Armies on Parade in 2017, but that is all they have at the moment. I still have plans both for a blimp and for balloons,
- Building of towers: Back in January 2011 I said I would have several towers finished before the year was over. They are all built now, and I have started painting them. So maybe they will be done by the end of 2021 as sort of a 10-year aniversary.
- In 2014 I talked about my scary forest, and that is as good as done now. Only thing missing is to paint the rim of the base and that will be done as soon as I have cleaned up my desk a little so I have room to put it on the paper covers while painting. This mean I have to paint leaves on about 12 Sylvaneth Dryads first,
- In August 2015 I talked about having gotten some trees. Back then I think they were still part of the Wood Elf range, but now they are known as Sylvaneth and is their own standing army. These trees are some of the ones I am working on now... Some of them have been painted up before, but then they were primed again with a light primer when I decided to use Contrast paint on my trees. It is still the same minis that are released today, and the same sprues.
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