This weekend I have finished building and priming the gargants for my Sons of Behemat army.
The status now is one Mega-gargant completely finished, but as I want to use his base for King Brodd, I need to paint up a new base for him. I have placed a fence on the base so I need to paint that, but apart form that the rest is just filling the base with Stirland Battlemire and Stirland Mud, then drybush with various greens and paint the rim. Maybe put some grss tufts on there as well...
I also have a finished Mancrusher, he is glued to his base, and the base is done. He is slightly modified with a pegleg, the only gargant with that.
Then there are King Brodd and two other Mega Gargants standing primed and ready for pant, and two more bases with some fences on them.
That leaves 14 Mancrushers where 6 are partially painted with skin and pants done and 8 are just primed.
It is going to be a huge paintjob but a good thing with itis that there are many large areas to paint so it is not as fiddly as smaller models. I am very hopeful getting the army painted in time, so I will just have to work on and see what I can do.
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