I bought this knight as part of a chaos lot on Ebay. The lot had many of the old chaos warriors, this knight and 3 more horses. The other chaos warriros are built, but some of them are not painted. Some had a little damage from the shipping, so I fixed them up. I'm going to give them all a new paintjob, but I will see if I can make them like some of them look now cause despite the basic paintjob they have some nice details.
I'm not sure what this knight really is, but judging from another set I have on the shelf, it might be a second or third edition Lord of Khorne or perhaps a chaos knight. I decided to paint it as I would a regular knight though, as I haven't decided on what to do with the old chaos army. Still I am pretty pleased with this knight, and it can be used both as a good guy and a bad guy.
The Horse is painted Chaos Black.
The armour on the horse and knight are painted Bolt Gun metal.
The lance is painted Chain mail
The golden details are painted Shining Gold.
The cape on the knights back is painted Midnight Blue.
The middle of the shield is Terracotta
The tackle on the back of the helmet is painted Red Gore, as I would like it to be red but not so red as it clashed with the other colors of the miniature.
Under the raised foot of the horse I painted the grass Goblin Green to make it as close to the static grass on the base as possible.
This was a fun and rather easy model to paint, and it came out looking almost as I had thought it would do. In the future I will try to do more out of the shields, at least paint them in two colors or perhaps putting a sort of symbol on them.
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