The first scouts of 2.Ultras have been standing on my shelf for a little while now just waiting to get the insignia added. As the pic shows this is not done yet, but it will be done as soon as my new batch of scouts are finished. They are at the moment in the final phases. They will all have the mark of the Ultramarines as they are an Ultramarine successor chapter. Also they will have the normal marks of the 10th squad.
Represented here is a knealing scout from the Sniper sprue, but the unit consists of 3 metal scouts and 5 plastic ones. 6 of them have sniper rifles, and 2 have missile launchers.
I have decided that my scout unit will be built up around 10 teams of 8 troops plus some special units (bikes and land speeders).
One of these 10 teames is the sniper unit (not sure if there might be a second team of snipers as well as I sort of like them so...), then there will be 2 teams with special skills for clearing buildings, and 6 or 7 regular sniper teams.
The colorsceme used on my snipers are as follows:
Shoulderpads, bodyarmour and gloves are Ultramarines Blue
Shirts and pants are Bleeached Bone
Boots are painted Chaos black with Vermin Brown soales
There are also some Midnight Blue parts on the back of the boots (to match the legs of the regular troops)
All leather's painted Vermin Brown
The eagle on the chest is painted in Shining Gold
The breathing aparatus and the scull in the middle of the eagle are Boltgun Metal
Some of the snipers also have capes, these are painted in a camouflage pattern of Chaos Black and Catachan Green with Bleached Bone spots.
Lasersights have been painted Goblin Green.
The weapons are painted a combination of Chainmail and Boltgun Metal for the metal parts and Chaos Black for the ceramic or rubber parts and the tubes (for those weapons that have this). Also the tip of the weapons are painted Chaos Black to give the barrels some depth.
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