I recently got the last pieces for my giant, so I just had to celebrate by starting to paint him up.
The body is done, but I have to detail his face and assemble and paint his arms and hands.
This is done in between painting my Goblin core units. I'm working on a unit of 40 Night Goblins armed with spears and shields with a full command group. They are mostly out of the "Battle for Skull Pass" set, but I'm not sure if they all come from that set as I've bought them on Ebay.
The command group is almost finished, and I hope to be able to do the rest of the painting on them tomorrow. The regular troops are in every state from "almost finished" to "just started". Hopefully they will all be done within a few weeks, as my table is rather full with 40 Night goblins with shields and hand weapons (and some netters too) in pieces waiting for their initial paintjob followed by assembly and detailing. There are also 40 goblin archers and some more armed with spears and shileds.
I also started on Skarsnik & Gobbla. This will take some work as it is a metal kit. I like the details in the metal minis, but sometimes it is a lot of work getting the different pieces to look good when glued together. I've started to glue together Gobbla, and it is quite clear that it will take quite a lot of greenstuff to make him look "good". The main issue at the moment though, is thinking out what color to paint the skin. I'm leaning towards Scab red with Catachan green and Bleached bone details. But I have to see how the different colors fit together when I get there. At the moment his feet are glued to the body, and I'm working on painting the mouth in order to glue the bottom jaw on to the rest of the body.
Here is a wip (work in progress) pic of my first Standard bearer.
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