My visit to the same store on Thursday brought home the remaining two boxes of Dark Angel Veterans that I need for my veteran marines to give them all a coherent look, and also the last terminators that I need. Two boxes of Close combat Terminators will complete the terminators of The Gatekeepers.
I have assembled all my plastic terminators, but I am waiting on 40mm round bases to base the ones from Space Hulk.
I bought a few metal ones, that will go with my metal captain for some apocalypse games, but they will be assembled at a later time.
The close combat termies have been equipped half with lightning claws and half with power hammers and storm shields, making it a total of 5 of each.
I am currently painting the 5 with power hammers and storm shields. Because of the placement of the shields they are currently not attached to the termies, but I will do that when I have finished the details on the backside of the shields (the power "cables") and the details on the torso that will be hard to reach with the shield attached.
So far all 5 have gotten the dark legs, and two of them have gotten the Ultramarine blue torsos.
For the remainder of my Terminators, 5 regular termies have gotten their dark legs painted, and the one I have been working on for a little while with the heavy flamer is 99% complete. He is only missing the gold on the terminator honors on his left shoulder.
The chaplain is now only missing the white on his seals, and I will do that later today. He also needs to have his scull fixed with some white as I decided quite spontaneously yesterday to give him red eyes after all. He looked ok with the black eyes in the white scull, but I have painted all other eye lenses red, so it would look more in style with the others if his lenses were red too.
The finished 3 termies and the chaplain will also receive a final looking over, to make sure that they are ready for the gameboard when the time comes, and then they will be placed in my hobby room in the tray where the other minis waiting for basework resides.