What a find!
I have gone through my new lot of dwarfs. Unfortionately most of the metal dwarfs are missing their shields, but I bet there's shields to be found for a cheap price at Ebay.
Many of the miniatures were beautifully painted, some not that beautifully, some partially painted and some were unpainted.
But first, I checked the Vampire counts box, and found out I have 10 skeletons, 20 zombies and 10 crypt ghouls. Also there were some sprues with spare parts.
And now dwarfs...
Starting with the miners, I got 16 old metal Miners and 8 plastic Miners including a musician and a standard bearer. Miners should be 10 or more in a unit, but I have other plastic miners, so I will make two units of them, one metal, one plastic. The plastic Miners are painted a bit like I have painted the ones I already have, so I don't think I will have to repaint them. The metal ones will need to have their helmets repainted, but apart form that I hope to keep them as is.
27 metal Hammerers will be split up in to two units I think. I might add one standard bearer that I have spare, and that will give me standard bearer for both units and a musician for one unit. When I put things in to units I might have a Lord or at least a character with slightly different armament to use as champion. These dwarfs do need some painting as some dwarfs are partially painted and one is not even basecoated. This is one argument for making two units as I then can keep one unit with Hammerers that don't need paint and then repaint/paint the ones for the second unit.
The next units are Gunmen. 20 in total, where 8 have a gun pointing forwards, while the remaining 12 have a gun pointing partly upwards I've looked at some lots on Ebay, and it appears as that these Thunderers are used mixed together. It also seems that I have a champion for this unit, but no standard bearer or musician yet.
I also have 10 plastic dwarfs armed with what looks more like long pistols, and I also have a musician, a standard bearer and a champion included in the group.
The guy I got the lot from had some skills modifying, and I have a group of dwarfs modified to look like men of the forest. If I bring some minis that looks the same (without the modifications) we're looking at 13 plastic and 1 metal Ranger. I might call them two units when it comes to fluff, and claim that they fight together to give more punch when their scouting function is no longer needed. Hopefully I don't need to do any painting on these, as they look über-cool the way they are right now. The metal fits nicely with the others as it is one of the ones modified, only way to find it is not the same as the others is to lift it and feel that it is alot heavier than the others.
I have 5 cannons in all, 2 Organ guns and 2 regular cannons in metal, and 1 plastic cannon that came from the Skull Pass box. One of the organ guns have been given plastic wheels, but one wheel is missing... Again, I'll see what Ebay can bring. Shouldn't be too hard to find something that is cheap but has two wheels (or one if it is the right kind).
For the cannons I have something between 10 and 15 crew depending on what some of the minis are, this gives me some room. There are some lovely metal dwarfs with a lot of character that probably is cannon crew. One is brushing the sweat of his forehead with his arm while he holds the helmet in his hand. Another one is obviously working with what appears to be a measuring device or compass and I expect that is to find the right angle for the cannons to hit the target.
I also have 2 dwarfs with weird looking sticks, and it might be that these sticks are wicks to light the cannons with...
One of my dwarfs that I need to identify is a dwarf drinking beer (or at least so it seems), and he has a helmet with feathers in it. All I know about it is that it looks like a really old model, but I will have an Inquisitor find out a bit more...
The group also contains one metal slayer, but this is is the one conversion I don't like. His axes are replaced with a chain with three swords on the end of it. Originally I think he had a chain with a disc on the end in the other hand but that is broken off. I do want to have some slayers in my army, and I have the newest one on the shelf. Hopefully I can find a way to convert him back to an ax slinging slayer. But no matter what he will be a part of the Throng.
I have 2 plastic dwarfs that looks very old. They have hammer-like weapons, and the hammers are pointed on the back and look a bit like mining hammers really. I am not sure what unit to put them in, but they might go in to a unit of regular warriors or something like that. They look really cool, they just don't fit naturally in to a specific unit.
There are 6 dwarfs that I have categorized as Ironbreakers because of their flat helmets. They are metal, and 3 have axes, 2 have hammers and 1 have a double edged axe. These will need repainting because they stand out a lot from my other Ironbreakers and they also have some chipped paint. With these Ironbreakers and the metal ones I already have (both painted and still on the shelves) I think I have enough of them. That means the two plastic boxes (yes, they come in plastic now) can be made in to Irondrakes. Still, I might make one box as Ironbreakers just to get a feel for building them...
I also have 5 dwarfs with hammers (one has an axe instead)that looks a lot like Ironbreakers except that their helmets are pointed like the regular dwarf helmets. In some pics on Ebay I see them mixed in with the Ironbreakers, so I think I will use them as that.
There are at least 2 lords that I have identified in the group. 1 metal and 1 plastic, both with double edged axes. I hope these don't need much painting as they are beautifully painted as they are. I might have to change the wings on the helmet of one of them, but hopefully that's it.
Warriors are a big part of all dwarf throngs, and in this group I got 2 types.
6 warriors are metal, and 2 of them are a little older than the rest with 3 points on their helmets instead of the regular 2. They mix good together, and will be one unit. They need to be repainted as they are painted in different colors now, and one of them is just partially painted.
I also need to repaint the 14 plastic ones for the same reasons. This unit includes a musician, a standard bearer and I also have a Champion with a sledgehammer to go with this unit.
I have 4 standard bearers that I haven't placed with any special unit yet. 2 metal and 2 plastic.
There is also 1 carrying a banner (only banner in the lot for some reason) and he is only missing his base.
The last complete figure is a metal dwarf armed with a stone hammer and carrying some sort of scepter in his other hand. If dwarfs had wizards or priests I would say he was one of those, but probably this is a Runelord or something like that. It is a very nice model, and if I don't find any chipping on my final inspection I plan to keep him exactly as is...
I also got 1 pony with a mining cart with a lid on. This is not glued or painted.
The final dwarfs are 2 plastic ones with just one arm. They are both missing their left arms for some reason, and in their right they are carrying an axe and a crossbow respectively.
If I have managed to count correctly I have 150 new dwarfs and 1 mining pony, all for free.
tirsdag 14. april 2015
Looked over the dwarfs some more (warning, long post)
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