I first used black primer as I always do, and then I tried the Leadbelcher spray for the first time.
I think the result was a little bit grainy, but that is probably because of the weather conditions when I sprayed as the air might have been a little to moist at the time. Still it looks more than good enough for the future plans that I have as I intend to wash or re-paint everything.
This first pic is focused on the Nurgle warrior. The green stuck really well to the Leadbelcher, and I am currently debating if I should paint the green details before or after adding the wash as I had a little clash with the green paint and wash on one of my plague drones. On this model the details were painted after, and I have not painted the shoulder clasp as I found I wanted to do that later in the process so I will go back and do it for this one.
Update: I decided to do the wash before the details, so the entire thirty man unit is now washed in Biel-Tan green.
The red one didn't come out that bright and clear, but you can certainly see a red glow on all the metals still. The thought I am working after is that these warriors have smeared their armour with blood from fallen enemies, and if that is true then I guess it would not shine bright red anyway. But that is just some fluff to be decided in the future. I am thinking about trying one more red wash to see how that will turn out.
Update: I tried one more wash but it didn't stand out more anyway. So the twenty-eight warriors are now washed with one thick layer and have their red armour plates painted on.
I also added a picture of the purple I did before, just to compare. I'm not sure I can replicate the other colors exactly, so I'm leaning towards keeping this unit as a unit of twelve, perhaps as a unit joined by Prince Sigvald hiself, and making a new unit of appropriate size.
I have some issues getting the gold and the fur exactly the same, as these paints have been replaced and rebranded by Games Workshop since the last time I painted warriors. I don't think there will be a big notable difference, but it might just be enough that it looks weird in the same unit.
I will start painting the Nurgle and Khorne and see how it looks as they will have the same capes, fur and gold as the Slaanesh ones.
And a final shot of the two new looks together. I have high hopes for this chaos army now, all it takes is the stamina to finish it as there are a lot of models to paint...
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