mandag 5. november 2018

More Astra Militarum

I did a little search in my Imperial Guard boxes when I was at my unbuilt model-storage, and brought home most of my unbuilt vehicles.
I have two Basilisk ordnance batteries, one Hydra, one Manticore/Deathstrike, four Chimeras and four Leman Russ tanks. I left two Sentinels, two Tauroxes and two Valkyries in my boxes with the troops to be built at a later time.

I also did a check on my finished models, and I don't have any finished Basilisks from before, but looking at my almost finished Hydra, I think that is the one I remember putting together and painting up. But two Basilisk boxes is a good start, and I look forward to building them. I have two different generations of boxes, but the sprues looks identical. I plan on building these at the same time.
I would love to think up a canon to use to build another type of gun, as the cannon on the basilisk would look great on an ork vehicle, maybe even on a Stompa.

The four Chimeras are also two different generations. Two of the boxes are no longer available, they provide one Chimera and one 10-man squad of Imperial Guard Cadian troopers. This is the exact same Chimera that is in the single model box (still on sale) with identical sprues.
The fourth box is an older box, and this has different sprues. It is a lot more to assemble, and one of the major differences are on the tracks and drive wheels. It also have different communiation gear, but apart from that it seems identical so I don't think it will look much different when built.

I have started to assemble the Manticore/Deathstrike model, and decided I will build it as a Manticore. I also know that the Deathstrike missile looks way to good not to use with my Orks. To buld the Deathstike I need to take two of the rockets from the Manticore, so somewhere along the line I will build a manticore that has fired off two rockets. But that will not be this first one. There will also be a Deathstrike somewhere down the line.

The Leman Russ tanks are two different boxes. I have one that build the Battle tank version and three that builds the Demolisher. I have too few regular Battle tank versions, so I plan to build one now.
I would also like to take the Exterminator cannon from this box and put it on one of the Demolishers to make one of those. It is quite a common version, so I would like to have some of that in my ranks.
I do have several Demolishers, but I think it is ok to have at least a squad of those, so I might add one more from the four. Then the last one will be built as a Punisher. With these I have enough tanks for my first company and a squad for the second company. I do not know what tanks I will pair together in squads yet, but I will start to work on that as I paint them up as I need to paint squad markings as described in my last post.
What I do know is that my colonel and one major rides to battle in Vanquishers, but I do not think my seond major will do that, instead he will ride in an Eradicator or an Executioner.

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