onsdag 14. november 2018

Ork Loota (Leman Russ Conversion)

I saw a short glimpse of this kind of tank in a video from Games Workshop and decided I had to try to make one. This is the chassis from a Leman Russ with the big tower from an Ork Battlewagon.
I have later found out that this will be one of three types of looted vehicles to use for the Orks, and a guide on how to build exactly this conversion will be part of the Chapter Approved book that comes out in about a month or so.
The base of the tower is a lot bigger than the little hole on the Leman Russ chassis, so I started by measuring how big the hole needed to be and then set to work with my clippers and knife to give the hole the right size and make it smooth around the edges.
I then took a spare armor plate from a Chimera box (the one part that is never used on the sprues), cut it in to the right size and glued it on under the turret base after I had assembled the turret and put it through my new hole. This makes it possible to rotate the tower 360 degrees, and it will not fall off. I read that the conversion model in the book have done something where they glued the bottom peg of the Leman Russ tower on to the Ork tower so they did not have to cut in the Leman Russ chassis.
The main gun is a big cannon that came with the Deff -Rolla upgrade sprue, but it looks a lot like a Battle cannon on a regular Leman Russ in size.

When you see it from the front it sort of look a lot like a Leman Russ Battletank still, and I am sure this will fool many Imperial soldiers and officers to belive that it is their tank that is comming and hold fire just a little too long to stop it.

Seeing it from the back, I think it sort of has a little World War II feel to it. I like how the turret has that round tower in the back.

The pictures are a little dark, but the orks have added their glyphs to the tank, one on each side, so that other orks shall see that it is on their side. Also this makes the tank better and stronger according to the orks.

This was a fun little conversion to do, and I might make another one at a later time, as I plan to convert one more Battlewagon so I will get another spare tower. It won't be in the near future though, so maybe I will see how Games Workshop have done theirs and copy that solution when the time comes.

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