My Dwarf board looks like something a 10-year old has put together at the moment, but I am hoping that with a little touch-up with some more paint and details it will look ok before I go to bed on Friday night.
I have encountered almost every snag possible on this project. First of all my glue did not set as I supposed. I bouth special glue for styrofoam, but insted of melting the two plates together it made a small gap between them. But they stuck togehter for the most part... This was very obvious when I started to cut the plates in to the correct basic shapes.
Then the plates were cut in to rough shapes, but now it was almost impossible to cut them in to the detailed shape I wanted to make the mountan sides. Here you can see my design drawn on the styrofoam, but it diodn't end up quite that way.
I thought I could make some nice terrain with plaster, but that dried so fast it was dry before I got it out of the mixing bowl.So the result looked like this when I gave up. The rest of the board was painted over with PVA glue. This took 24 hours to dry, so I lost a lot of time to work on the board while I waited for this. I had thought it might take some hours, but not 24...
There are quite a lot of dwarfs that needs to be painted up and based. Here are some work in progress pictures from the weekend. They are now painted up, but still needs their bases done and a thin layer of wash.
My centerpiece on the top board is the tower gate, and this is what it looks like after wash but before I tried drybrushing it. I was so sure I had gray dry-paint to use for the drybrushing, but that was about the only paint pot I didn't have when I looked through my paint boxes. So I ended up using regular paint and making sure I got most of it out of the brush before I stated. This is the one thing I am satisfied with on the board so far.
The plan for Friday is to base about 60 dwarfs, wash about 30 more and about 25 goblins. Then I will clean up some paint on the boards and add some streaks of gold and silver down in the mine and glue some turf and moss to the top board. Somehow I don't think my wife will see a lot of me before after the AoP event is over...
I will add some pictures of the finished board when I set it up at Games Workshop on Saturday, and post it here when I get home.
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