lørdag 28. desember 2024

Last update of 2024

I have my dog again this week and will have her to after New Years Eve, so this will be the last formal update for this year. I think I have been fairly active this last period, and I look forward to finish some of these units.

Last update I told that I built 3 Rockgut Troggoths and Boss Snikrot, and they have now been primed and are ready to be painted up. Snikrot is primed white and the Troggoths are primed grey. As I have already partially painted up 6 of the Rockgut Troggoths I plan to paint this 3 the same way, or at least as close as I can remember.
They will be painted mostly with regular paints. Boss Snikrot will be painted in a mix of regular paints and contrast paints.

I have maneged to build several figures and units, and everything I built I also had time to prime.

First out was the Commemorative series of the Red Gobbo called The A-Bomb-inable snowman. This is the Christmas special model for 2024. Lsst year we had two of these, one with the red gobbo on a rooftop (that is about 97% painted on my desk) and one where his sort of nemesis, a blak dressed santa-gobbo, was riding a big squig (standing primed on my desk). This years second model was from Age of Sigmar and was two Witch-hunters (Galen and Doralia ven Denst) that can be used as separate figures or as a diorama on a larger base. I plan to build them as the diorama, and I just got the set yesterday. 

For the Necrons I built and primed Orikan The Diviner who is a so called master Astromancer who gides the Necrons to their future of his own choosing. I haven't painted Necrons for a long while, but I look forward to painting him up, and I expect he will have quite a lot of golden details (well yellow/brown contrast aint really, but it looks sort of golden on the shiny silver below). As my Necrons have more of this the more important they are I figure this one will be pretty golden.

The Tyranids got a medium size figure built and primed, a Neurolictor. This is a mind destroying saboteur and one of the more stelthy tyranids according to the description. It has lots of details, and I think it will take a little time to paint it up.

The final single figure that is built and primed is the Bloodpelt Hunter from the Ogor Mawtribes. This is a rather weird hunter with small elk or moose horns on his forehead. I haven't seen those horns on any monster figure yet, but who knows what the future might bring. 

I also built and primed two units, the first one is a unit of 7 figures from the Inquisition, the box is just called Inquisitorial Agents. They come in the army called Imperial Agents, where everything from the Inqisition, including inquisitors and their retinues (so said to be the Deathwatch as well), Adeptus Arbites, Imperial Navy breachers, and not to forget the assasins.
These 7 figures will be joined by an Inquisitor, and I think that will be either my version of Eisenhorn or Greyfax as they are the two inqisitor minis I have.

The last unit I biult and primed I also started to paint up, and that is another unit of Hernkyn Yaegirs. I am painting this up along with the single Yaegir I got as a miniature of the month last month. 
I have gotten most of the base colors on, only missing a few facial detils like hair / facial hair and some cloth used to cover up the lower part of their fasce. Then I will need to add layers and drybrushes and do the bases.

I also got to do a lot of painting on my Trugg the Troggoth King figure. He is still some way from being finished, but he has gotten along quite nicely. Most parts have gotten the basic colors on, but he will need some drybrushing and detailing before he is done.

mandag 9. desember 2024

There has been too long (again) since I updated this blog.
This last week I have been working on catching up on my Warhammer and have managed to get some things done.

Just a few weeks ago, Games Workshop relased a little "vignette" with two ratlings taking cover and having a meal during combat. The set is called Provisionally Prepared. I don't know if this will get its own rules to be used in games as is, but if not it can still be used as a Ratling sniper and spotter I guess.
I built and primed this and look forward to painting it up using both regular and contrast paints.
They will be painted up as members of the 1st Abhuman Regiemnt of the Valpurgian 3rd.

I also built and primed a Leagues of Votann unit called Brokhyr Iron-master. This includes an Iron-master, a robot the size of the votann and 3 smaller simpler robots. This will probably be the next Votann unit I paint up from scratch, but I am still working on painting my Grimnyr and his two flying robots and hope to finish them soon too.

I had a session priming up a lot of units that I had already built. This included the 3 Hernkyn Pioneers on their hoover bikes I mentioned in an earlier post. I am still not sure how I will present these, but right now I am thinking of adding some cork on their bases to get them to hover or leviate a little more, but not too much. But I think I can raise it a bit and then maybe put some flowers or tufts underneth to make it look like they are flying more in terrain.

And speaking about Votann I also primed a unit of 10 Hernkyn Yaegirs to go along with last months miniature of the month that was a single figure that could be assembled from this set. I primed it along with my Old World Mansion last time I was priming and it was primed White Scar. The minis I primed now were primed Greyseer but I don't think that will be any "problem" when the minis are painted as the main thing on these minis are their great coats and they will be painted in dark brown to be leather.

I had 2 units of Ork Boyz and they were also primed when I was at it with the rattle can. Each unit consists of 10 Boyz and 1 Nob. They were also primed Greyseer as I have found that I like to use a dark green contrast paint to paint the skin of my orks. For this reason I am thinking abour re-priming my Ghazghkull Thraka that is primed all black so that I can use the same recepie for skin on him and his little banner bearing assistant.

There was also another Ork that I primed this round, and that was the newest Big Mek model. 
He is quite big compared to the Boyz , and  I think I will use some flashy contrast colors on him to make him stand out a bit on the battlefield, while still having the sombre Big Mek look that I give to all my Meks.

The final unit I primed up this round was an Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum) unit of 10 Kasrkin. This is originally a Killteam set, but I plan to use them as Special Forces soldiers for the Valpurgian 3rd.

After all the priming was done I still felt like building some more minis, so i built another Ork. This time it was the single figure of Boss Snikrot, the Ork Kommando who is the most Kommando of all the Ork Kommandos. He will get a new name (no idea what it will be yet, but probably something fitting to Arnold Schwarzeneger, Sylvester Stallone or Dolph Lundgren or something like that) and Snikrot will be the leader of all my Ork Kommandos.

When he was done I was sort of in the building groove so I built myself a unit of 3 Rockgut Troggoths. They will join the 6 Rockgut Throggoths I still haven't finished painting. I have't decided exacly how to paint them yet, but I think I will try my best to paint them up like the 6 I have already started on. I don't remember exactly what colors I used but I have a good idea, and they are Troggoths so I don't think they mind  if there is a little color vatiation as long as the main color sceme is about the same...

Finally I finally started to paint up Trugg the Troggoth King. I painted his horns and fur and some banners and shields. Next step is painting the skin, and I will start on that next time I get time to sit down and paint. Tomorrow I will pick up my dog again so next week I will be with her as much as I can. This week will be the last rehersals and concerts with the big bands before Christmas, so when my Shelte girl goes back to my ex wife in a weeks time, I will have two more evenings in the week to sit and paint so hopefully that means that I can be a little more productive.

onsdag 13. november 2024

First November update

Since last time I have finally gotten around to finish the last models of my Leagues of Votann intro box that was released when the Leagues came to 40K. Now I have 3 Hernkyn Pioneers on their magna-coil bikes ready to prime and paint. I look forward to this as I think they will look good on the tabletop.

I have also built the mini of the month for November from the Warhammer store, a Hernkyn Yaegir (basically the same dude as the ones on the bikes except that he is on foot). So while at the Wahammer store I ordered a box with 10 Yaegirs to add to my army.
I also bougth a Hekaton Landfortress. This is the biggest transport for the Votann and I plan to build that next.

The Fortified Manor is built and is right now waiting for better weather to be primed along with lots of other miniatures.
I have not yet decided on how I want to do the setup, as I am not a big fan of how some of the fences go together, but I plan to get more of these as I would liike to have other buildings (certainly an Inn and maybe another chapel) and some more towers, so then I will get more fences. I already have a plan for some of the walls that come in this set and an Inn I plan to build, but there will be plenty of fences to go around. I would like to use the wall with gates as pictured on the box art (but I will not glue it on, just put it in place when dispalying as it will surely break in transport if glued) and wen I get more fences with other sets I would like to use the brick fences on both sides. I will see next time I sit down how tight they fit together and decide if they sould be glued in to 90 degres fence or a square or just left as stand alone pieces and placed down for display. 
The walls from futures sets I would like to add together back to back to make a fenced in Inn.
I have done some meassurements and it looks like it could be done. 

All in all I am quite happy with the way this Manor ended up even though the instructions made me assemble the tower wrong so that the fix between the tower and the building didn't fit as snug against the tower as I would have liked. I had to us quit a lot of greenstuff in the gaps. I am not great with that, and it didn't help that my greenstuff is getting old and a little dry. But I hope it will look quite ok after I paint it up. I don't think this will be somethng people notice on a causal look, but I would not put the building on an Armies of Parade board. But it will be great for games and display.

fredag 1. november 2024

October roundup

October has just passed over to November, and it is time for an update.

Warhammer usually calles October for Orktober, and I had planned to do more painting on my Stompa, but that did not happen. But still I have managed to do a little Ork stuff. I have built the newest Big Mek model and he is ready for priming. I have also made two boxes of Ork Boyz (giving me twenty Boyz and two Nobs). I wanted to do a little of all on my Boyz, so I made six of them with two handed big shootas, two with the rocket gun, two with what I would call the machine gun (heavy stubber?) and the rest with guns and any sort of stabba. Most of them got swords or big crude knives, but two of them got the heads with long hair and I gave them axes to give them a more barbarian look. If I buy another box of Boyz I might make four more with the big guns and also see if I can make a Nob with a weapon like that to have a unit full. 

I have also ordered the last two Megatrakk Scrapjets I need to finish my Top Gear team that I have wanted to make for the longest time. James May, Richard hammond and Jeremy Clarksoin in Ork shapes. If I remember right there are not too many ways to build that model, but maybe I can add some spare parts here or there to make them a little different, and I am sure I can do a headswap or something for the driver. I am sure I can find some pilot heads that will fit this purpose.

I have also built and primed the Kasrkin special model that was a Warhammer + subscription mini if I remember it correctly. I hope I can use him as an offices for my Special Forces. Also I have started to assemble the Killteam box with Kasrkin troops. I have built two out of ten so far, the sergeant and the medic.

The miniature of the month for November is a Hernkyn Yaegir, and if they have them in the Warhammer store already I will get one tomorrow as I have to go there to collect my finished model for last month, a Chaos Warrior that I built and painted up in October. I had lot of fun painting up the warrior, except i had problems withe the pot of Balthazar Gold that was thick and lumpy so I didn't get the best result with it.
I have lots of ideas to build and paint my chaos warriors and I have decided I will mke the Khorn, Nurgle and Slaanesh warriors with contrast paint over a silver coating. Then the warriors that used to be called "chaos Unlimited" but now might be the Slaves to darkness in the Age of Sigmar range. The Chaos warriors wil be used both for Age of Sigmar but also for The Old World for the ones that are built on square bases. I will paint them up the same way though.

søndag 29. september 2024

Troggoths and scenery (and some Imperial Agents)

I have been working some more on my Troggoths today, and as soon as the weather is nice when I have time I will prime the Troggoth King.

Last weekend I was at the Games Workshop store in Oslo and picked up some paint and a few mail orders, among them a box of Old Word Dwarf miners the Kasrkin Stormprooper model that is exclusive for Warhammer+ members, a pair of hills for The Old World and the mansion also for The Old World. 
Also I got two inquisitorial agents, one priest and one navigator. 
The Priest, Navigator and Kasrkin Stormtrooper are all built now and will be primed alongside the Troggoth King, the Malcador tank and the two hills (as they did not require any assembly).

I love the Old World models and have started to build the mansion. I have assembled most of the house/chapel, but now I need to figure out how I can solve a few issues. The building has a hole in the roof, and I don't like that. So I will try to see if the little annex you can add to the roof can be put so that it covers that hole instead of being on the other side of the roof where it is supposed to be. If that works I can put the pipe on that side (it is optional to use that, the annex or a hatch).

søndag 18. august 2024

Glomspite Gitz and a Tank

The Goblins are done, I will take some good pictures of them when I have fixed the lights in my workshop and post here after. I have 36 of what I call "forrest goblins" and I will need to make 4 unit fillers to make a unit of 40.

The next installment for that army will be another box of 40 where 20 will have spears and shields and 20 will have bows and arrows, both with full command.

Then it is the Dankhold Troggoths that are being painted up, the regular troggoth and the troggboss have just a few details left, and I have started to work on their bases, the one that comes from the skirmish game still needs a little more work, but it is also comming along nicely. I plan to add a little water on the base of that one. The trogggoth bases are quite big, so it might be a nice place to add some of the new flowers I bought online. I talked to the staff at the Warhammer store and they said it was ok to use them even if I wanted to use the figures for games or competitions in store. I will post pictures of them too when they are done. So far I think there are just a few details left, like eyes and nails and I think there are a few more things left on the Troggboss. Next Troggoth to be built is Trugg the Troggoth King. I have bought him and the box is waiting to be opened. 

In the mean time I had fun putting together this not so little tank. It was actually a little bigger than I had expected. This is the Macarius, also known as a Macarius Heavy Tank.  

I decided to built it wit hthe Vanquisher cannon as I love those long barreled guns. The yare not so common anymore, so I felt it would be cool to have it on this relic as the tank is from the 31st century. I am thinking that this might be newer, as some forgeworlds seems to be making them still, or at least made them for many years after the Horus Heresy so this mighr be one of those. I will read some more about it in the background and work out some background for them.

The Macarius will fight along side troops from the Solar Auxillia and some of their armored transports and Leman Russ tanks in my Imperial Guard army, so I will paint them up to match that army. But I will also have the possibility to field them as troops for The Horus Heresy if I would like to play that sometime, so I will only use weapon options that are legal for that.
I have another Macharius and I will build that with the classic look of two lascannong in the turret. Since I liked building this one so much, I might add a third one to the army at a later time and give that the regular battle cannon. 

mandag 1. juli 2024

WIP Troggoths and Goblins

I made myself a little goal, I wanted to paint up my entire unit of 36 Goblins to a decent standard this week, and I am happy to say i made it. It was actually kind of satisfying to do it this way and on a short time instead of doing it over many months as I usually end up with.
Now I am not 100% finished to tell the truth, but the figures are done. I bought myself a very fine Kolinsky sable brush so I will try to paint their eyes when I do their bases.
I plan to do the their bases in the same style I do all of my Age of Sigmar bases, but I am trying to decide if I want to add the barbed brackens from Games Workshop like I have on the Squig hoppers or if I want to add some non-GW colorful flowers. This will not be on all the bases as they are small, but where they will fit. My thoughts with using the plastic barbed brackens is tht it will unite the squig hoppers and these goblins, but the colors I use for painting will also do this and by adding the flowers it will show that they live in a different area. After all the Night Goblins and their Squig hoppers lives in caves while these Goblins live outside in the hills in huts.I will lesve the option open until it is time to work on the bases and see what might look the best.
I think I will wait until my Wolf riders are done as they are the cavalry for this tribe, ab from the same area. Their bases are bigger so I will have more room to put things on the bases. 
I have started to paint up a few of the wolves and one rider to test if the same scheme will fit and it certainly looks like it will look good on them as well. It takes some getting used to brown wolves, but they are already starting to grow on me so I am quite sure I will like it in the end. It also explain the fur that the infantry uses for loincloths as I am sure some of the wolves die of age or on the battlefields.

I liked these models so much I have decided to get another unit as GW have re-released them for The Old World. I might get one unit to use for my Gloomspite Gitz army, and another to have with The Old World if I decide to make an army there. I would also love to get a unit of Wolf Riders. There are 15 in a unit, and for my AoS unit I have 13 so I will either see if I can find two more on Ebay or try to think out some unit fillers like I need to have with my regular Goblins as the unit should be 20 strong, so 40 in total.

I have also worked a bit more on my Troggoths while I was at it, and they are also getting close to completion. I was actually supriced to find that the Dankhold Troggoth and the Dankhold Troggboss are the same kit, as they look so different. But apparently they are as the box makes either one.
There is also a smaller Troggoth that has some od the same looks, this one is made for Warcry or Underworlds but looks like it is retired. 
I have painted the skin of all the Troggoths and some of the mushrooms they have on them, but not all of them yet. I need to paint the stems and the underside of the mushrooms and the hard choral things that grow on the Troggoths and the club of the smallest one. I am very pleased with the big mushrooms on the smallest Troggoth and I will try and take some pictures in the near future. This is the first time I have painted spots on mushrooms, and I will try to do this more often at lest on the biggest ones. 

søndag 23. juni 2024

WIP Goblins

It is time to show off another work in progress project. This time it is Goblins. Like the Troggoths in the previous post they will be part of the Gloomspite Gitz army. 
The Gloomspite Gitz used to be known as Night Goblins, and these figures were just Goblins. Today these figures are out of production and there are only Gloomspite Gitz (the old Night Goblins with some new models) left in the range. But since these figures have the same weapons and equipment as the current Gloomspite Gitz I figure they can be used with the same stats if I should decide to play.

I am working on changing my hobby nook and as part of that I took all my cardboard boxes out of a storage unit that I plan to throw out and repalce with cler boxes that can be stacked. In one of those cardboard boxes I found 36 of these old Goblins. 
The lore of my Gloomspite Gitz army will say that these Goblins live in the hills in the thin forrests (the spider Grots live in the deep forrrests under the hills),  so they don't need to wear robes to protect from the sun like the Night Goblins do. I also have several (17 I think) of the old Goblin Wolf riders and they will be part of the same tribe as their cavalry units. I think they will be staying in the hills, and then the new Wolf riders will live higher up in the low mountains and then you will have the Ogors higher up in the hills where there are snow on the peaks.

I have used mostly Contrast paints on these figures, and I think I will use these colors for painting up all of the Grots/Gitz going forward. I might even re-paint some of my old Night Goblins, but I will wait and see what they will look like with this color scheme first. There are some things that need regular paints, but most if it will be contrast.
Everything is primed white or light gray depending on what I have available when I do the priming. Then I try to paint everything from the inner layer and out. So I start with the skin, and for that I use Gutrippa Flesh. It gives the figures a nice light green color, not too different from the color I used before but with more shadiows in the recesses. 
Then I use different browns or reddish browns for clothes and wood. I use Snakebite Letaher for the shoes and the leather vests they wear, and I figure I might need to use another color for the studs on the vests that have them, but I haven't decided yet. Think I will drop by my local Warhammer store and ask for their advice on this.
Another color that looks almost the same is Gore-Grunta Fur, and I used that for the fur on the helmets for the Goblins that have them. Some have bare heads and some have helmets without fur on it. They also have fur on their loincloths. I have used this color on the animals for my Ogor cavaly, and I also plan to use this on the wolves for the Wolf Riders.
For the banner and pants I have used both Black Legion and Black Templar, but I am leaning towards continuing with two coats of Black Templar in the future as that gives a finish that looks more like worn cloth. The first layer is sort of gray, but it turns to a quite nice black when the seconnd layer is applied.
The wood for the spears, banner poles and wooden shields are Wyldwood. This is a rather dark wood color, but it looks good. It is this color I use for much of my Sylvaneth army as well.
The shields that look like they are vowen are painted in Nazdreg Yellow to show that this is a softer material than the regular wood. All metal are painted with Ledbelcher, this is a Base color.
For the minis I have painted now, this color has been used on the spikes on the shields, the helmets, the tip of the spears and the insturment of the musician. I wanted to use this color as I don't like the gray contrast paint that many use as metal if they paint everything with contrast. I plan to paint the mouths and teeth in purple (or dark pink) and off-white and that too will be either Basepaint or layer paint, and I will also paint the eyes with a red from one of these ranges.
I have also used a rather dark gold for the details on the instument of the musician, If I remember correctly it is called Bathazar Gold.
I have decided to add a little brightness to some of the models so I use Flesh Tearers Red for the tassels hanging from the end of the sword of the leader and from a trophy pole. I'll see if there are other places I can use this as well, and I already know there are some areas where I can use this on some of the Wolf riders to tie these units together.
Finally I use Skeleton Horde for the skulls on the wooden shields and for the thin leather straps that some of the Goblins have on their spears and around their wrists to keep the spear solidly in their hands. nd also wrapped around their spears.

The bases will be the classic dark brown Stirland Mud or Stirland Battlemire, that I use on all my AoS models and if I have room on the bases then some of them will get some of the brbed brackets that I have on the bases of my Squig Hoppers to tie the army together,

Now for some pictures...

The first two pictures are of a Goblin with a solid wooden shield. The skull symbol on the shield was not painted when the pictures were taken. The pictures are a little dark, so I will make sure to have better light when taking pictures of the finished models.

This is the other version with the vowen shields with a big metal spike on it.

At the moment I have painted 10 of these to the leverl you can see on these pictures, and I have started with the skin on the next batch of 10.
I just deliverd my dog to my Ex so now I have a week where I can do a lot of Warhammer stuff, so I hope to do quite a bit of painting and maybe a little building this week. I will post an update on it in a week to tell how much I managed to get done.

mandag 6. mai 2024

WIP Dankhold Troggoth

I proised I would post some pictures of the Dankhold Troggoth if I was happy with the colors. 
Like I suspected there were several white spots left after the first layer of paint, so i had to add another layer on the skin. The loincloth was ok with just one layer, and it looks like both the rock club and the nadle is ok too. 

I will look more at the figure next time I sit down to paint and see if I can make the changes between the light and the dark skin look more natural. I have tried to make if follow the changes of the skin, but I think I might need a little clean-up.

I plan to paint the stems of the fungus in a offwhite color and the hats will probaly have some sort of red. And the round chorals that seem to grow on the skin will also get a gray or a white color. This will also make the colors blend more on the skin I think.

mostly painting this period

This period has been dedicated mostly to painting, but I have done a little building too.

I built a unit orginally made for Warcry, but they are also in the rulebook for Cities of Sigmar in AoS. That is the unit known as Wildercorps Hunters. It consist of 7 people and 5 dogs where 4 of the dogs are separate creatures mounted on 25mm bases. 
I armed my unit mostly with crossbows, but there was also options for giving them axes or spears so I might get another box in the future and give them that treatment. I will see how well I manage to paint the dogs first as I feel they are the key part of this unit.

I also assembled some Space Marines that I bought off E-bay many years ago, they come from the Space Hulk box game and are pretty impressive Space Marine figures. One of them (I have 2 sets) is holding the remains of a Tyranid creature, so I think they will fit my army perfectly as one of the hostile armies I paint up that my Space Marines might meet on a display board will be my Tyranid fleet. They don't appear to come with bases originally (although I might be wrong) but they are now mounted on the appropriate bases to be used for games of Warhammer 40K or just be displayed with them.
There is quite a special figure that is a Terminator with a skeleton head sitting on a throne, and I have worked in to my back story for my chapter that they that hey have teminator armour found from a chapter that is extinct, so I will think up a color cheme for that extinct chapter and paint that terminator as being part of that. The rest of the terminator suits have been re-painted in the Gatekeeper colours and are serving the Gatekeepers well, after an agreement with the right authorities. Being so far out near the end of the known galay it was deemed better that the Gatekeepers got to use the suits as there were no chapter left to claim them. Had the chapter still been existing things would have been very different though.
They are now waiting to be primed, and I might need two thin coats of priming as the dead one is dark blue plastic while the others are bright red. I will have a go at priming them as soon as time and weather allows.

The rest of my time has been spent painting. Mostly Gargants, and I have met a little problem. After painting the base skin they looked all too red (Bugmans Glow) but I was aware of that before I started, so I washed them with Guilliman Flesh as I liked that look when it was originally done one some of my Gargants earlier. This time I still felt they looked too red. So I did something different... I tried to drybrush them with Cadian flesh, but I am obviously not a skilled drybrusher so I got way too much color on some areas and now they look "patchy" like they have some sot of skin sickness. So I am struggling with what to do next. Should I repaint their skin with Bugmans and try again, or maybe just try a wash to blend? I will need to figure that out. But while I do I cointinue to paint other details on them, and by now everyone has their pants (for the Manccrushers) and their leather clothing (for the Mega-Gargants) painted up. The leather will need a light drybrush of some lighter brown a little later down the line, but the hing with leather is that it is naturally in different tones so I am not worried about that. 
I have also painted up all the wooden parts , like handles on their weapons and the beer kegs, and there are a few different colors of that in the army, but I figure that is ok as there are many different types of wood and they roam a wide area so they can have picked up wood from totally different places.
The only wood left to paint is the bark on the weapons on two of the Mega-Gargants (King Brodd and the Beast-Smasher) as I would like the bark to look a bit like birch with black and white, so I need to figure out how to make that look good. 

Just on a whim last night I started to paint a troggoth called a Dankhold Troggoth. I painted the stone club and the wooden handle while painting the same parts on my Gargants. It has been standing on my workbench for a while, I was almost done wit hthe skin but then I really disliked the colors I had used so it was re-primed. I am much happier with the choises now, although I am not entirely sure how it will turn out yet. But it looks kind of good after the first layer of contrast paints, but it needs one more coat as the paint is thin so some primer is shining through at the moment. 
I used a sort of blueish green /turqoise color for the "soft" skin and a more clear mid-tone blue for the "harder" skin. It is not colors I normally use, but I wanted him to look  a little pale even though he has color as he is mostly under ground or only out on the open by night so he don't really get a lot of sun on him (I think he might turn to stone if he did).

He has a lot of fungus, mushrooms and chorals growing on his skin, and they will all be painted in more color strong colors to create a contrast. He also have a loincloth of fur and that is painted the same way I paint fur for other armies, with a brownish contrast paint (Gore-grunta fur). So Far I think that contrast between the skin and the fur looks very good. I plan to work more on this model after work today, and if I'm still satisfied after that I will post a WIP picture of him.

I think I have one more of the same miniature with another weapon or at least another pose, and I have one or two called a Dankhold Troggoth Boss (or something like that) so hopefully I can manage to paint them with the same colors but with some differences in the growths on them to make it look "uniform" while still being single miniatures. 
I hope the colors will look good now that they have dried a bit, as the paint was still sort of wet when I last saw them last night. I like troggoths and have worked out a color scheme for river trolls (sort of greenish like dark water), rock trolls (kind of traditional light blue and tan) and now I might have a good scheme for the bigger Dankhold troggoths too.
I am thinking of adding the big female troggoth to the bunch in the future, but that will not be for some time yet. I might have to think up a new scheme for her if I do.

I have also gone through my piles of built but unpainted minis that I have at home and sorted them. The primed and partially pained minis are plased in boxes to go on the shelf, and the ones that are just built are put in cardboard boxes so that I can prime them as soon as possible. I ended up with nine soda can boxes with minis. Some are rather full while some only have a few minis in them. One of the armies that has a lot of minis both to prime and paint are the Gloomspite Gitz. I have lots of spider riders and infantry models with shields and spears that are "regular" Goblins and noot Nightgoblins. Also a unit of wolfriders.  I also found the troggoths i thought I had, but I didn't have what I thought. I had the Dankhold Troggboss as I believed but the third troggoth was a different type, it was from either Warcry or Underworlds but is no longer in the current range so I don't remember what it is called now. I still plan to paint it up like the Dankold Troggoths. 

tirsdag 16. april 2024

quite a productive week...

This period has been quite productive even if I don't have anything finished to show off.

First of all I have primed all my built models, and re-primed to big scenery pieces (was originally primed black, now they are white, although one has sort of a senital spray in some areas). The Scenery pieces are a mountain area with some collumns and a tiled floor with a chaos pattern in it (would think it is primarily for AoS (although I am sure when I bought it it was for Warhammer Fantasy) and a wasteland area with craters, dead trees and a scrapped and battele damaged Rhino for Warhammer 40K.

I have also sorted my minis much better, so that the primed modles now stand in boxes with their kin. I will work on this a little furter when I have my dogs, as I plan to buy more plastic boxes and move the unfinished models from soda-boxes of cardboard to plastic bins with lids as they are much more stackable. I have bought and installed a new shelf this weekend, that gives me room for 9 low boxes or 3 tall and 3 low boxes (so I will see what I ned most to have my armies in). I can also stack the boxes in another location in the hobby room, so the ones that don't fit in the shelf will be stacked there. 

I also re-packaged all my unbuit boxes in to small cardboard boxes, moved a lot of them to my storage unit and stacked the ones I wanted to keep in a tidy manner.

This combined with giving a lot of books to a local flea-market made the room a lot cleaner and I got some floorspace back.

On Saturday I was at my local Warhammer store, and they had the Bretonnian Old World Army box (the one that was released along side the Tomb Kings). It contains a lot of models to build and paint in the future. I think it is 76 models, with a mix of soldiers on foot and on horses and 4 on winged horses)

I have finished building a unit of five Attilan Rough Riders (the horse cavalry) for my Imperial Guard army. I was not too happy about how to attach their right arms as I felt I could not connect them the way it was suggested in the instructions, but apart from that the set was pretty nice. I think it worked out ok in the end though, and I am sure they will look fine once they are primed and painted. I have one more box of them to build, and I am trying to figure out how I want to arm them and if I want to field them as one unit of 10 or two units of 5 (maybe I'll need to get more in the future). I figure if I should have them as one unit then they should all have the same kind of weapon tips on their lances, so I might go for two units of 5 to begin with.

While cleaning up and looking through the boxes I found 4 Ogor Leadbelchers that was partially assembled, so I finished them and put them in a cardboard box together with the Attilan Rough Riders ready for my next priming session.

When that was done I sat down with my Sons of Behemat army and started to add to their skin. All skin was origninally painted with Bugmans Glow, a base paint, and now all the skin got a round with the contrast paint Guilliman Flesh. This gives them sort of a grimy look that I think work well for gargants. 

I discovered a few areas that should be skin that I hadn't painted on a few of them, so I managed to fix that with Bugmans Glow and Guilliman Flesh. I will take a good look on all the gargants one more time to make sure all skin is painted now, before I call it done.

I have also painted most of the pants on my Mancrushers. I have 15 of them, and only have 3 more pants to paint now, and I know what colors I would like to use on them so that will be fixed in the next sitting. The Mega-Gargants mostly wear skin, and there are some skin details on the Mancrushers too so that will be next. 

tirsdag 9. april 2024

Rascal Town Knight Goblin arrived...

I was very happy to recive a notification today that my package from Rogue Hobbies containing my Rascal Town Knight Goblin had arived at my local post office (or rather post in store as we don't have a dedicated post office anymore just a storage room and a counter beside the checkout counter at one of the local food stores. So as soon as I could log off from work I went to the store to collect this beauty.

I got home and unpacked the beautiful box with Rascal Town on it, and looked forward to seeing my Knight goblin (the third goblin in the series).

Unfortionately he had been badly wounded during transport, and both his legs and the arm holding the club had broken off, and the club itself had also broken in to a few pieces so the joy got a big kick in the nuts.

But I checked over on the home page of Rascal Town and they say that some damage might happen because the figure is very fragile, but that it is fixable with superglue.
I am not an expert with resin, but the breaks on both the arm and the legs looked very "clean" so I think I can fix it if I use the right amount of superglue and some patience.

I also ordered some scenery (Two barrels and a chest) and they arrived in the same box undamaged.

It is important to say at this stage that I do not blame Rogue Hobbies for the damage, I only blame the companies that has handled the package in transit from UK to my local post delivery. The goblin appeared to be packaged safe enough in his little box, but being a small package I am sure it was damaged while being tossed around with bigger and heavier things that was sent from UK to Norway at the same time.

I have collected all the pieces and will take my time glueing him together and then I will do my best to give him a nice paintjob so that he can stand on display somewhere in my hobby room.

I will try to get the first goblin as well, as I see it is possible to order, but I am unsure if the second one will be available as they have a fishig one caled nr 1, a christmas one called nr 0 and the knight called nr 3. Would love to collect them all.

I will keep you updated on the repair process and the painting. I hope to get to sit down this weekend and start the repairs.

tirsdag 2. april 2024

Sons of Behemat update

I felt I managed to put in quite a nice little workout on my giants today.

I managed to put the first layer of skincolor (Bugmans Glow) on 1 Mega-Gargant who is my version of the Beast-smasher, and no less than 5 Mancrushers. This means that all my gargants at least have their skin painted. Several of them have gotten a lot further but they are far from done yet.

I also managed to paint the hair on 3 Mancrushers. 2 of them got the light brown hair (XV 88) and I think it looks nice even though I haven't tried that color for hair before. The last Mancrusher got the yellow hair as I have used tht before and like the color. Originally i was thinking to use some sort of terracotta to make them red haired, but I couldn't find the right color. But there are plenty of gargants to paint yet, so I am sure I will find it so I can use it later.

mandag 1. april 2024

Spring update...

There has been a little while since my last update, so I have managed to do a litte more building than usual since the last time I updated..

First I built an Ork Boss for 40K called Ufthak Blackhawk. He has a big hammer with spikes, and a big gun mounted on his squig. I think the only one who can use the hammer is an Ork or a Space Marine as it is very big. 

Also for 40K i built an Adepta Sororitas Hospitaller. The hospitaller is the Sisters of Battle equivalent to the Space Marine apothecary. She stands over a wounded (or maybe fallen) Battle Sister laying on the ground one what I believe is a 50 or 60 mm base. I am not sure how I would like to paint the hospitaller, as I think she should be a little different from my regular sisters to show that she is another order. 

Then we go to Age of Sigmar, and the first unit I built was for the Cities of Sigmar range, and was a Freeguild Marshal & Relic Envoy. I basically built them as the models on the box, where the Marshal has a sword and shield. There are also a version you can buld with the sword and shield in the other hands or with a warhammer instead of a sword, and also with two pistols instead of sword and shield. I am thinking I will get one more box in the future and make the version with pistols to fight alongside my fusiliers.

Next up was another Cities of Sigmar model, the Freeguild Cavalier-Marshal. He is basically a General of the Army for the Cities of Sigmar range, and my plan is to spilt my army in two. I will use the old Empire and Bretonnian models as a militia and use the Cities of Sigmar figures as regular army. I might paint them up a little different too, I will see about that when I start painting the new Cities of Sigmar stuff.

When I had a Cavalier-Marshal, it was also natural to build a unit of Cavaliers. So I started to build a unit with five cavliers armed with hand weapons and shields. Before I was done I got the dogs, so I took a little break, but when the dogs were back with my Ex I finished this unit. It was quite clear in the manual that you had lots of choises for parts, but when it came down to it there was a lot that did not fit seemlessly on everyone. One good example were the horses, where you built the legs first and then you built the barding and the rider and joined them together later. But the legs basically only fit on one specific barding, so the variation if you make more units is not as great as you are led to believe.
I think I will get one more box and make a unit of 10. I also have riders in the militia and Bretonnian knights, so I think that might be enough.

One thing that bothered me with the Cavaliers and the Cavalier-Marshal was the banners. When you ride, it is natual that the banner flows backwards as it is flapping in the wind. But on the Marshal the banner goes forward and on the Cavaliers it goes sideways. How is that possible? I'm just asking...

Next I assembled two metal minis that came in an old fashioned blisterpack (only whing missing was the foam). They were supposed to be released in the Bretonnian range back in Warhammer Fantasy, but for some reason they were never released. But for The Old World they have been released as they were originally intended in metal on slotted bases. The blister is called Lord with great weapon, and it is a Bretonnian Lord with long flowing hair leaning on his longsword (or maybe it is a broadsword) and a squire carrying his helmet. The mort work with them was cutting away the metal treads left from the casting, then it was only a matter of glueing the sword arm to the Lord and the models were done.

Next I went back to the Cities of Sigmar army and built a Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk. This is one of the weirder models for the range as it is a totally new ogor model that looks nothing like the ogor range, except maybe his height. He is not as bulky and muscular, but looks more like a really big human. He has a rig around his waist with a big pole sticing out from it, and on the top of the pole there is a lookout platform where the Fusil-Major stands and gets a good view of the battlefield. From there he shouts orders to the lines of fusiliers on the battlefield. I have a few boxes of those so that is a build for the near future. I think I will get one more Fusil-Major so I can have one on each side of the battlefield.

I then wanted to build something completely different, so I built the Rogal Dorn Battle Tank for my Astra Militarum (Imperial Guard) army. I did a mistake (not sure what really happened, except I built it like I have done with all my other tracked vehicles) with one of the side sponsons so the first belt did not fit as snuggly as it is supposed to do, but I think once I paint it up it will not be very visible. It is just a track at the back that looks a little crooked. The second side sponson I assembled exacly like the instructions said and then it worked as it should. So guess it is some issue with the belts and sponsons needing to be supported from all ides during the build to be steady or something like that. Now I know that for the future. Apart form that it was a very nice build and I don't mind that there is a big part under the middle of the tank that is open. It gives me an excuse not to paint too much underneath...

After the tank was done I wanted to do one more build, so I found a box of Ogor Leadbelchers and built them. But instead of building four of them with the big cannons as the box lets you, I made one of them with a sword and a banner. I don't remember what set the banner is from originally, but I modified it with adding a big skull a long time ago and it has been laying on my desk since. So I made one of them a banner bearer, and I think this unit might be a sort of command unit rallying lots of other Leadbelcherst to their side when the Ogor Mawtribes (as they are called now) march to battle. 

I have quite a lot of Ogors in various stades of painting, some are almost complete while others are primed white or in various stages of painting. 

I see now that the square bases are back in stock, that is one reason I stopped making Ogors as the new models had round bases, but I have checked now and the old ones are on 40x40 mm bases so I can increase the army further by buying boxes for Age of Sigmar and just buy packs of square bases to glue them on. It is not that I need to have a square base army, but when most of them are mounted on thst I think it looks better to have all of them on that. I don't think it will be a big issue as I don't think I will play with them that much, but they will be a display army. Maybe I can bring them to a future Armies on Parade? Time will show... All my Existing ogors are on square bases except the pirte one who seems to be on a round 50mm tht is sculpted. I will see what I do if I move him to a square base and give it some extra love, or if I keep him on the round. His small followers (two squats, a bird and a monkey are also on round bases, but they should be easy to move if I decide to do so).

Another plan I have (maybe I will do something about it tomorrow after work) is to get some more paint on my Sons of Behemat army. I think I have 5 regular gargants and one Mega-gargant that only are primed, so I would like to start and paint some skin on them so I can batch paint my gargants and try to get them finished.

mandag 26. februar 2024

And now for something completely different...

I just watched Louise Sugden (I hope I wrote her name right) promote and paint her new Goblin. She has a Youtube channel called Rogue Hobbies, and her love for Goblins are even bigger than mine. So much so that she has started to make her own in a larger scale. This is her third figure in the series, and I already regret that I never ordered the first two (they are no longer available).

I discovered "Sugs" back in the days when she was part of the Games Workshop team, but like Duncan Rhodes and Chris Peach ("Peachy") she has since left Games Workshop and started her own channel. 

She has sort of a fresh look on minis and colors (she has some very cool swords on her Rainbow Warrior Space Marines) and I really like to watch her videos and hear her chat as she paints. 
I will never be able to paint half as good as her, but I will do my best to do this Goblin justice, and hopefully I will manage to paint it up in a nice way. 

If you like to watch her video, and maybe order something from her webshop, you can find the video HERE. The channel releases new Goblins from time to time and also have hoodies and tshirts (unfortionately they are not in my size, at least not yet) so I can't get those. But for now I got myself a goblin with some scenery, and I look forward to getting my package and start on this little Goblin adventure. And supporting Roughe Hobbies at the same time. 

I will show off the mini here once it arrives, and also show the progress once I start  to paint it. 

lørdag 24. februar 2024

Warhammer 40K or really Neromunda this time

Since the last update I have built some Adeptus Arbites units for Necromunda, and maybe I can find a way to field them in 40K too. I am sort of blending the background for Necromunda and 40K as everything sort of happens in the same planetary system.

I have built two full units that are now ready for priming when the weather wil let me do that.
One unit is a Palanite Subjugator patrol with six figures armed with shields and five of them have guns while the last one has a weapon to blow open locked gates. I have another box of Subjugators to build, and I plan to build them with shields and clubs.
The other unit I have built is a Palanite Enforcer Patrol with 10 figures. 
I would love to have some transports to these units, but the special tansports the Arbites uses are no longer available to buy from Games Workshop, and they are quite special. The lore states that they use other vehicles that are still in the range, so I guess I will have to go with Rhinos or Chimeras for them.

I would like to have at least one more Enforcer unit, and there are a few other sets I would like to add. One of them is the new Palanite Enforcer Tauros Venator. That is a car with one driver and one gunner, and it is based on the car that the Elysian Drop troops had before the entire range was removed. The Venators are officially used to patrol the Ash Wastes.

Also I would love to have some Cyber Mastiffs for this army, as I feel that would work well with the Adptus Arbites look, but the only unit I have found that is on sale is a resin set with a psycher called Scrutinator-Primus Servalen. I will probably get that if it comes back in stock, but I don't feel I can have more than one of that unit and I would love more dogs than that.

The last unit I am thinking about is something called Enforcer "Sanctioner" Pattern Automatas. This is two "robots" with heavier weapons than the human Arbites. I am nor sure just how big they are, but from looking at them I think they might be about the size of the walkers the Imperial Guard use, maybe a little smaller.  I would like to have two of these units, so that I get four models in total.

onsdag 7. februar 2024

Been building more Cities of Sigmar

Since the last update I have finished building the final 3 models of the Freeguild Command Corps, so it is now 6 figures (5 persons and a Gryph hound or something like that).

I have also built Pontifex Zenestra - Matriarch of the Great Wheel. This is a slightly bigger moel mounted on a cavalry base. I have not glued it on to the base though, as I think it will be easier if I prime it and do some painting on the underside of the model before I glue it down. This model consist of two men carrying a throne between them with the Pontifex sitting facing forward and a skeleton facing backwards. 

The last thing I have built since the last update is my first unit of Freeguild Steelhelms. This is 10 figures.

I wanted to take some time to talk about the new Cities of Sigmar range, as the unit of Steelhelms are the first real unit I have built with the new figures. 
It strikes me that the old Empire models were easier to modify compared to the new ones. On the old models you had legs that you glued to the torso at the hips, these new models have a leg and the back in one piece, and grooves made to fit the front of the torso down in the groin area. I must admit I have not tried to modify too much on this first box, but I would like to do so in the future to make the units look different and I am a little worried that this will be a lot harder when you need to find a front piece that both fit the sides as well as the protection covering the groin. But hopefully this will be easier than I expect. Guess I will find that out some weeks from now, as I need to order another Steelhelm unit before I can try this. 

Next unit up will be a unit called Freeguild Fusiliers, and then the Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy.
The Fusiliers are the gunners of the Infantry, and they have "hand cannons" and big shields. 

Also I have noticed that in the new edition of the codex the units are 10 man strong, not 20 like it could be on the old rules. It seems like the unit size now is what you get in a box.
I have just gotten the codex, so I will try to read up on it and do some unit planning this weekend as I have my dogs this week so there will not be much building this weekend.

søndag 21. januar 2024

First bi-weekly update of the year

I built The Red Gobbo's Suprice before Cristmas and have almost finished painting him. I hope to have him done by the next update.
I have also bult Imotekh The Stormlord for the Necrons and Grotmas Gitz (also known as the Black Gobbo) for the Gloomspite Gitz. But because of the extreme cold we've had here in Norway I haven't been able to prime them yet. So I plan to build a few more models so I have enough to fill a box that I use when I prime. 
Today I started building the first of the new units from the Cities of Sigmar series, and I stated with the unit called Freeguild Command Corps. Today i built 3 of the 6 figures and I plan to build the final 3 tomorrow. 
I like the way the new models look, and I plan to build a regular unit next, the Freeguild Steelhelms. 
I think the new models look more military than some of the old units and I will see how I end up arranging my army. I would love to have strict military units with perfect uniforms and strict dicipline, and some more militia type units that fight just as fierce. 

The next units I plan to build will be the Freeguild Marshal and Relic Envoy and then the Pontifex Zenestra Matriarch of the Great Wheel. 

fredag 12. januar 2024

Beginning of the year update. for AoS

In the last post I talked about the situation for some of my 40K armies, but I think we need to mention some of the AoS armies as well... 

The first army I need to mentin is the only army that is "finished" when it comes to building, and that is the Sons of Behemat army. I have all the gargants built, and they are in a various state of painting. I think this is the "easiest" army to finish (if you ever really finish an army) and get them all painted up. If I remember correctly that army consists of 4 Mega-Gargants and 15 Mancrusher Gargants and I think they would look really awesome on the tabletop, although I don't think it would be possible to use them all in a game at the same time as I think that is a ton of points. A lot more than the 1500-2000 that is normal for a game. But then my main idea of the minis has never been to have playable armies but to collect what I like but have leagal minis I can use in a game if I feel like it. And all the Gargants are leagal to use in games either as an army of the Sons of Behemat or as allies in other armies. I Hope I manage to finish a lot more of these models in 2024. 

The Cities of Sigmar is another AoS army that I have gotten off to a "wrong"start with. I bought lots of units and decided  to build my Cities of Sigmar army during 2022 as a "New year - new army" project and I even fiddles around with the thought of fielding them in Armies on PArade that year. I haven't finished painting a single unit yet, but I am very close to finishing my first Steamtank now.
I do have some finished Dwarf units from earlier that I just plan to repaint the bases on. But I have many ideas for this army, and at the end of 2023 Games Workshop released a whole new range of models for this army, and I have some of them and will probably get more as time passes.
I have lots of love for this army, and at the same time I would love to be able to use this both for AoS and for Oldhammer if possible as some of the minis I use for this army is the old Bretonnians that has gotten a re-release in Oldhammer now, and also many of my units are from the Empire range before they were replaced by Games Workshop with the release of the new range. Since I mostly have minis to collect and enjoy building and painting (and converting) I will use the units as I see fit This is an army where it is possible for me to make up a lot of backstory and fluff for the units and characters, and I would love to implement a lot of the characters and plans from my old Dungeons & Dragons past in this.

The third AoS army that needs to be mentiones is the Ogors. They have been a passion for a long time, and I belive I have a lot of models for this army in storage somewhere that I haven't rediscoveed yet. I seem to remember I had a lot of different Maneaters. This army have only one unit that is done, but several units that are in the final stage of painting. The models stand out a bit as they have a much darker skin tone compared to my other aries, and they also have snow/ice bases as the only army in my collection. I hope to finish more modles for this army during the year, but I am not sure it will be a "complete" army by this time next year. But I hope to get to work on them a lot and have fun with it.

The final army I feel like mentioning in this post as the Gloomspite Gitz. As stated before I like to think that I thought about a Gloomspite Gitz army way before Games Workshiop invented the name and made it a playable army (Inever used the term Gloomspite Gitz though, to me they were a mostly goblin based army with some trolls added to the mix and maybe some garagants...

This is an army I work on on and off, and I hope to be able to give this army some love as well for 2024. I love goblins and have so many ideas of what I would like to to to them.

There are several other armies for Aos as well, but we will come back to them at a later time.

New year - new minis

The calendar has turned to January 2024. That means it is the time to make big pledges and promises for the new year, but I have learned and will not do that. 

However, I do hope to get to work more on my models in 2024 than I managed in 2023. And I do plan to document the process better.

At the moment I have started to paint the Stompa I started to build in October, and I plan to make it look like it has been on the battlefield for a while. It will have armorplates in black, metal and yellow, possibly also some red ones, and I plan to weather them with rust. Getting the Stompa painted is the first priority, but I would also like to make a support vehicle that transports extra barrels of promethium that is used to keep the big flamer firing. I was thinking of using one of the old Trukks that I field as War buggies, but I have to see how many barrels I can stack on the flatbed before I make final decitions. Another idea might be to use the looted Cargo-8 Ridgehauler for that purpose, but I think that might be needed elsewhere in the big army. I could also use more than one War buggy if needed I guess, as I do have a selection of them. 

Already I have 3 Trukks / War buggies that serve as mobile rocket launchers, and I am very happy with them. I have them stored at my cabin, but I am thinking of bringing them home, so that I can have all my finished models in one spot. 

Another army that I hope to arm with Cargo-8 Ridgehaulers are my Imperial Guard (Astra Militarum). I always have a lot of minis for this army in various stages of painting and the start of this year is no different. One of the models I look forward to finishing here is my Valkyrie, it has been standing half built for way too long. A lot of it was because I was missing a sprue, but since I "borrowed" that missing piece from my other unbuilt Valkyrie I have what I need to get the job done. 

I also have lots of troops and tanks for this army primed or partially painted, and I would love to see this army grow in 2024 in the form of finished models.

The army I had the biggest plans for many years ago was the Space Marines, I had planned to make a full chapter, and I think I have more than 100 Terminators in various stages of painting and assembly around in my various storage spaces as well as a whole lot of regular marines and also some of the newer Primaris stuff.
I would love to see this army get some love in 2024 as well. At the moment I am almost done painting up a Marine with a flamer that I got as a figure of the month from the Warhammer Store. I have chosen the colors in the current Citadel paint range that I think looks most similar to the original idea I had for the army, and peinting him gave me a little boost to try to do more with this army. I have lots of cool Terminators that originally came with the Space Hulk board game, and some of them also have Tyranid pieces on them, so it would be cool to get them painted and paint the Tyranids like I paint my Tyranid army.

And speaking ot the Tyranids, I still have lots of Tyranids to finish, both assembling and painting to get that army up and going. I actually managed to finish a few units in 2023, and I look forward to keep on working with this army in 2024.

There are lots of other armies that I have for 40K and Necromunda as well, but I will have to come back to them at a later time, as this post is beginning to be too long already.