mandag 19. juli 2010

Progress and future plans

I managed to get a good finish on sunday, and finished the fur on 9 hounds, bringing the total up to 10. When all 10 hounds are done, I will start on the last 10.
I also took a look at the hound painted when the light was a little too low, and found I missed a few spots, so I fixed that. Tonight I hope to paint the hide on the hounds, and then I will have to fix some spots on the one that was used as a test scheme as well.
The test actually looked quite good, and I am looking forward to seeing vast numbers of Chaos Warriors with those kind of capes. If I hadn't coated my old warriors, I would have gone back and redone their capes to the new scheme.

When the hounds are done I will start on my warriors. From the new rules it seems good to have larger units. I had originally thought each unit to consist of 12 warriors, but I might re-think and go for 24 instead. But I don't have to decide before I start on the next batch of 12 warriors, and knowing me that might take a while.

I have also started to think about building some scenery to use with the miniatures.
I have assembled my Temple of Skulls (really not much to assemble as most of it comes in one big piece) and I think it is so big it will need a layer of black basecoat. Then I will see how it is best to proceed with the painting, but I'm guessing a combination of techniques. Also I think some work with flock or sand might be needed.

When the new Warhammer Rulebook was released the GW store in Oslo had a very cool tower with a building on top of it, and in the rulebook there is a picture of a tower with a ship on top.
This combined with the book I'm reading (Nation by Terry Pratchett) made me want to scratch build my own scenery. The idea with a boat being somewhere it's not expected to got to me, and I would love to build a house or fortress and put a boat on top of it. Then for fluff I can say it belongs to a Bretonnian sea captain. After all, I think I will paint my Bretonnian army eventually. I relly like some of the miniatures, and I have enough sets on the shelves to make a small army.
But knowing how fast I am, it will probably be a long time yet...

lørdag 17. juli 2010


I got to a slow start on the hounds, but I'm finally on my way.
The plan was to have 20 hounds done by the end of the weekend, but I will have to expand that timeframe a little. I've been spending the day at my In-law's cabin together with that side of the familly and my two dogs. Still, I managed to paint the fur on three dogs, and I also managed to paint the skin on one of them.
I could have done the skin on all three, but I figured it would be a good idea to see how the color scheme looks before I go into mass production. So far it looks good, but the light is a little low so I will wait for the regular daylight tomorrow before I decide.

Last saturday saw the release of 8th edition of the regular Warhammer rules. One of the events in the Games Workshop store in Oslo was to guess how many metal pieces they had stuffed in to a large plastic jar. I came closest with my guess of 298 (the correct answer was 315) and my price was that I won the enitre thing. 5,4 kilos of bitbox fun! Looking for something special, let me know and I will see if I can help.
I have looked through it and found that it was some LOTR minis that I will try to pass on to others (except perhaps for some figures from the movie that I can paint up for fun), also a lot of Warhammer stuff, and some 40K stuff (an Imperial tank driver and two Cadian snipers to mention some of the stuff I will use).
I will look through all the Warhammer stuff and try to sell off some of the things I know I will never use, like a lot of elves, lizardmen, etc.
But There was some really cool stuff there as well, some Bretonnian minis that I will use for my Bret army whenever that will be painted up, some nice chaos stuff for that army, and some Dwarf pieces.
Among these pieces were a cannon (just the barrel sadly) that turned out to be a Dwarf Flame Cannon. I also got the crew, except the Dwarf with the flag. I will try to use this for something experimental built by a semi-crazy Egineer (the dwarfs seem to have plenty of those).

fredag 16. juli 2010

yet another update

There has been some changes in the progress plans...
Last friday my house got hit by Hurricane Amanda...
Relax, it's not that kind of a hurricane, so there is no need to send relieve packages of any kind. Me and my wife just got a second dog.
From before we have Nemi, the very prototype of a kind dog. She's a 6 years old German Shepherd, very easy going and very relaxed. My workspace is in the basement, and on hot summer days she likes to be there with me since it's one of the colder places in the house.
Last friday (1 week ago today, where does the time go...) Amanda hit the house. She was 8 weeks old (9 now) and has a lot of energy like little puppies do. It's 100% action for some time, then comes a time with sleep and relaxation before it's 100% action again.

Because Amanda came to our house I have to work from the livingroom for a little while, sort of like I did with my mobile workstation before I got my workspace done.
This reduces the number of minis I can work with at the same time, so what is on the worktable is left there for a little while. I will get some time to sit there when I start my holliday in little over a week. Until then I work from my recliner chair, packing away my stuff every night.
I use newspaper to paint on, so I decided to paint things that didn't need to lay long to dry and risk being stuck to the paper (it always looks ugly when the paper is removed).
20 Chaos Warhounds seemed like a good start, they are now assembled and ready to be painted. The idea is to paint them in the same colours as the capes of the warriors. Not suggesting anything ofcourse, purely a coincidence... (yeah right...)
The hounds will be fielded in 4 units of 5 or 2 units of 10, depending on rules and tactics.
Beastial Brown skin, Graveyard Earth fur, and Bleached Bone horns are the main plan for the colour scheme.
The old chaos warriors have Scorched Brown capes, but I have found that it might look better with capes painted a little lighter brown, especially for those units that will have other armour than the regular black old warriors.