søndag 15. januar 2017

Ork mek

I went to my local Games Workshop store yesterday, to spend a day painting miniatures. I got to work quite a lot on a unit of Imperial Guard with two female troopers. I didn't have time to finish it, so I will post pictures at a later time.

They were having a painting class teaching color theory, and the use of that in painting miniatures, so I thought I would attend. The only thing you needed was an assembled and primed miniature, and I had an Ork Mek in my box.

First the entre model got a layer of Naggaroth Nightshade (dark purple) and a wash of Druchii Violet. I left that as the color for all his clothes, and painted over the other parts.
I knew I wanted dark green skin, so I used Castellan Green for that, as I seem to remember that this is the color I have used on my other Orks. If it should be a little off it doesn't matter, as Orks comes in many shades.
A good color to use as a third color according to the color theory was dark yellow, so I used Retributor Armour almost as much as the green. This was used for several metal parts, amongst others the large unit he carries on his back.

I then needed neutral colors for the rest, so I used Dryad Bark on his boots and helmet and on his gloves. Leadbelcher for all parts that i wanted to look metallic, as a shinier metal color would look a bit off for an Ork.
For his tools and weapon I wanted to use more than just Leadbelcher, so I used Abaddon Black, and that was also used on all the tubing on the model as red (that i normally use) would really stand out too much and draw all the attention.
His teeth is painted Rakarth Flesh as this is a neutral color that fits well for this purpose.
The eye lenses needed to be a bright contrast color to try and draw attention to the face, so I used Flash Gitz Yellow on those.

I still need to work on his base, but I will do that when I have painted up a few more Orks. A lot of my 40K figs will have Martian Ironearth or Ironcrust as bases, but some of my Imperial Guard units are city fighters so they will get the grey Astrogranite or Astrogranite Debris bases. And I will probably also use some brown eathtones on parts of my armies, so I am thinking either Astrogranite or brown for the base on this ork.