lørdag 1. september 2012

Troll update

I'm sitting here working on painting my trolls, while my wife is working on painting the windowstill in the kitchen. I'm not sure she feels that it is the optimal sharing of work, but it works fine for me and she was the one wanting to paint anyway.
I have finished the troll torsos and painted most of the arms. Working on details now, and hope to start gluing arms on to the trolls tomorrow.
What I see right away, is that I will need to use some liquid greenstuff on the arm sockets in order to make it look smooth, but it won't be too much work. Will need to paint some base color after that, so I might not be done with the trolls until the beginning of next week.
I'm still pretty happy with the colors, and feel confident making another batch of 3 Trolls with the same color scheme at a later time.