lørdag 31. mai 2014

Quake cannon craters

Last night I assembled 4 quake cannon craters as scenery for my 40K table-to-come.
I had high hopes for these, but was a little bit dissapointed when assembling them, as it wasn't such a tight fit that I woud have wanted.
The assembly in itself was a no-brainer, with 8 half craters going to end up as 4 craters. But for some of them, the fitting was a bit off from perfect.
So I will need to use a little bit of liquid greenstuff to make the craters look good before I paint them.
I think I will buy one more pack, and keep some craters as half-craters, so they look more like ruins or rubble, as they look quite good apart from the fit.
I have tried to assemble the craters so they all get an individual look, while finding crater pieces that look good together.

They are now ready to be sprayed black, before I start the big job of painting up all the details.

Da Waaagh! iz commin'

I was told from the staff at my local GamesWorkshop that something awsome would show up on pre-order today. So when I went to the Games Workshop website this morning, it made me re-think my entire Ork collection.
I was originally just planning to have a small warband so that I could play with conversions, and perhaps use up some spares on wild weapon creations. They were going to be fast movers, so I was going for Trukks and other "fast" equipment.
But after seeing the new Gorkanaut and Morkanaut that will be released next week I know that plan goes down the drain. I need at least one of each, and that means that I might as well also include some Deff Dreads and Killa Kans.

To prepare for what might come (before I saw the images on the website) i sat down last night and assembled my first unit for "Da Night Raidaz" (not sure how to spell the last word yet, Ridaz og Raidaz).
The first unit was a box of Gretchin with a Runtherd armed with a Grot-prod and Squig-hound, for a total of 45 points.

It was quite an easy unit to assemble, but I don't think I will have that many of them, as there are very limited possibilities to make them look different from each other. The Runtherd is possible to do some modifications on, but the Gretchins can only get so many different heads, and some of them are finished in the box just needing to be glued to the base.

I have also started to assemble some Boyz this morning, and so far 3 of them are standing ready to go to the paintstation. The rest of the box will follow after I have done the household things that needs to be done today.

torsdag 29. mai 2014

Imperial Bunker

I had a little time off from unpacking boxes (after unpacking 6 of them I thought I needed a treat), so I assembled the Imperial Bunker from the Wall of Martyrs buildings.
This was quite easy to fit and glue together, but it'll be a small nightmare to paint with all the details around the building walls. There is a lot of dead Imperial Guard troops and wrecked equipment, and this needs to be painted in its original colours and then weathered to look old and ragged.
Not really sure how ceramite (or what ever the Imperial Guard helmets are made of) degrades with age, but I guess I'll think of something.
I know I will paint the helmets in a few different colours to show that there has been many battles fought around the bunker, and that many different Guard units has fought there over time.

The bunker walls will probably be sprayed with black base spray, just like all the buildings that I create from the Imperial Sector buildings. But when I was at Games Workshop in Oslo on Tuesday I got a tip not to leave the walls just sprayed that way, but to drybrush them a bit with grey. So I will do this, and then paint all the details. Hopefully this will make it look both like real walls, and fit the look of my bases.

lørdag 24. mai 2014


I have started adding to my Imperial Guard army, or Astra Militarium as that army is called now. And first out is a pack of 3 Bullgryns.
A Bullgryn is basically an Ogryn with other armour and weaponry, but apart from that they seem to be identical. And Ogryns are really just the 40K version of Ogres.
So I decided to try to do some headswapping with Ogres. The first Ogre box I found was a box of Leadbelchers, and that kit includes a lot of great heads for this kind of swapping, while still leaving enough great heads to build the Leadbelcher unit.

The Bullgryn box can make 3 Bullgryns, and as I needed one Bone 'ead (the Bullgryn Sargeant) I only needed two heads as the Bone 'ead has implants in his head. The Bullgryn box also comes with one bearded head, so in the end I only took one head from the Leadbelcher kit. But for my next Bullgryns I will need to steal 3 Leadbelcher heads to make them unique.

One of the things I like with Warhammer Fantasy Ogres is that they have so many cool heads, and I don't really need to use the dull bald heads. But these heads might look good on regular 40K Orgyns.

The three Bullgryns I have made now are armed with Grenadier gauntlets and Slabshiels, and I plan to make several more like them, as they are the models that I like the most from the Ogryn/Bullgryn range. These models can be used for several roles on the battlefield. Two of these roles being linebreakers or line holders, and I think that these roles fit Ogryns well as they seem to be too stupid to be scared. These models will all have heads with facial hair of some sorts.
Then I will make some Bullgryns (thinking of a unit of 5 as 2 is too little for a full unit) with battle mauls and suppression shields. The last mini of the box(es) of 3 will be used as the character Nork Deddog who will be the personal bodyguard for one of my army commanders. The Bullgryns with battle mauls will have heads with gasmasks.

I will also make regular Ogryns with ripperguns, and I will try to use bald heads to make them stand out from the Bullgryns.

I am not sure if I can use Orgyns and Bullgryns as part of the same units, but they might be from the same company and that company will have one or two Commisars. One of them will be the one newly released from Games Workshop, as he looks really mean. He will be a character and get a back story in the fluff.

torsdag 8. mai 2014

Finished assembling the Shrine

Just got the last pieces of walkways done yesterday.
Hopefully it has all dried allright by now, so that I can go to the next step and spraypaint the entire building with a basecoat of black.
If everything goes according to my plan, I won't have to paint the entire building after that, but just paint everything that is supposed to be of another colour than black. This would be all the details on the outside, and some details on the inside as well.
I hope I get to do it that way, as it will save a lot of time and paint. It will still take a long time to finish as there is a lot of details, but since this is a centerpiece it will be worth it.

The black buildings will look good with the dark grey and black ground, and they will get lots of little details that will give each building a special look.

I plan to build the other Shrine of the Aquila that I have as the next building. It will be built strait out of the box, and will be a corner piece. This will not get any extra stuff, so it will look a lot simpler than the shrine that I have built now. But both buildings will get a lot of gold or bronze paint on the big eagle head and the wall section that is on the front, so this will be a very clear contrast to the black of the rest of the bulding. The big Shrine will also have the same metal color on some of the structures that looks like an eagle head, and on some other places of the building.

I will buy a few more buldings, and these will be assembled from my imagination to fit some design ideas I have. I will have two buildings with a bridge between them, and maybe I will have a building that is still rather intact with a Skyshield Landingpad attached to it somwhere, or a building with a short bridge to the skyshield. Looking forward to letting my imagination run free.

søndag 4. mai 2014

Shrine of the Aquila, assembled

Here are some pics of my modified Shrine of the Aquila that I built at Games Workshop Oslo yesterday.
The Shirine is a lot bigger than the original, as it got two extra wall sections, and it has a lot of extra details.

The next step is to prime it black ,and then paint all the details. Pictures of this will come in the future.

The shrine seen from the inside. I will add some more walkways to the front, but I needed the side walkways to dry first as I need to put support beams under them to hold up the back of the walkways.

The left side wall with the added elements from the GW bitbox. The lamp posts on the top seems to indicate that there was a walkway up from the ground there once.

The left wall seen from afar. This shows how tall the building really is, and it is all one wall section. It will be a pain in the butt painting all the skulls on the wall section in the middle.

This is the building seen from the front. The pice on the left front is supposed to be a blast door that has been blown. The real reson for this is that I messed up and assembled the extra wall the wrong way. Still I think it worked out nice.

I Just couldn't help myself seeing what it would look like with a Space Marine up front. This is my Interrogator Chaplain. He too is waiting to get painted up. In the future I believe there will be a lot of Space Marines around this building.

The right side additions are a lot smaller, but still quite nice in my humble opinion.

The last shot is a shot ot the entire right side. Notice the ladder on the wall going up to the walkway that has been blown away. I like to think that this has been a guard room of some sorts, and therefore been blown to pieces in the fighting.

Finally got some modelling done!

It has been a long time without updates, but hopefully this is past me now
I am all but moved in to my new hobby room (but not to the rest of the house yet), and I see I have a lot of miniatures that I would love to start to assemble and paint. It's amazing what you find when you put everything in boxes and unpack the boxes again.

Yesterday I spent several hours at Games Workshop in Oslo on a Scenery workshop. They gave us full access to their bitbox, and I had a blast! Working on my own stuff, talking to fellow hobbyists and helping out some younger kids with a few things that needed some strength (cutting up pices of scenery for battle damage and miniature bases mostly). It was fun throwing ideas around the table, where every voice was heared, from the two 8 year old girls, to the teen boys, through the boys in their 20's and up to me in my early 40's.

I haven't built any Warhammer 40K scenery before so I didn't know anything about the size of the models. So I bought me a Shrine of the Aquila, and found some nice spare walls and some walls and stuff from other sprues in the store bitbox, and started my assembly.
The result is a huge shrine (2 extra wall sections when compared to the original) with some smaller walls on the outside, and some nice detail (at lest I think so).

The Shrine will be the center piece in my ruined 40K city on the nameless (at least so far) black world where my Imperial Guard and Space Marines fight evil forces.

I assembled almost everything yesterday, except from a few walkways inside the building. They need to be glued to the other walkways, and they need to dry first.

The Shrine was a pleassure to work with, but it did give me a few challenges. In store we all worked on paint stations, and I found that my huge Shrine sometimes was a little too big to handle on the paintstation. So I built one wallsection at the time, and left them on the box under my chair to dry as soon as the glue started to settle. Then I took each piece out and added more details to it in turn.
This will not be a problem with terrain building in my own hobby room however, as I don't intend to have a paint station. I will just have a mat to paint on. All my paints are on the shelves right in front of me, so they are easily accessible without a paintstation.

I will make a post presenting my workspace when I get a few more boxes stored away (I need to move a few cabinets from my old hobby room still)