søndag 9. september 2018

...and suddenly it's fall...

Summer has come and gone with me not getting much done, but now it's fall and things have started to happen again.
Armies on Parade is about one and a half month away so my main focus is on finishing my entry for that. It is as mentioned earlier Orks, and I'm going for an Ork encampment where they have a small workshop with Grots working on repairing existing warmachines and weapons and building new ones.
It will not be as many figures on the table as last year when I fielded a Dwarf/Duardin clan going to war, but I will have some figures and some warmachines.
Right now I am working on a little bit of everything, trying to paint everything up to a good standard. The good thing with the Armies on Parade competition is that it is the total result that counts and not how you have painted each individual model. And it is everyone that comes to the store that votes so it is not the well known painters that will win (although they sometimes do as they are good at what they do). Everyone has a fair chance, and I like that.

So far I have painted the main parts of my Orks and Grots, the skin and clothes are done but I still need to work on tools/weapons, eyes and mouths and a few minor details before everything get a wash of Nuln Oil to finish it off after the bases are done.
For the bases I'm thinking of using either the Agrellan or the Stirland textured paint. My first board was painted Martian Ironearth and last year everything was Astrogranite Gray so I think one of the browns will fit my Ork army. I should probably try to keep my armies with similar bases as they might face each other on the same gameboard if I ever get around to making one, but I like to be able to do some variation too. And the bases I will use for my Deathwatch will not look that good on my Orks. 
I'll see what is most possible to get as a similar cheap paint for my board, but at the moment I am leaning towards the lighter Agrellan color as it is lighter and will brighten up the figures a little. Especially since Orks are rather dark with their green flesh and purple or black clothing.

I am working on the details of Da Punisha, my Stompa, and there are lots of both big and small details to paint up in different colors. The big trick for the Stompa is to paint in such a way that details stand out but not making it too colorful as it's supposed to be black.

The three mobile Rokkit lauchers are mostly painted, and the Rokkits themselves are also mostly done.  I hope to have these finished in a few sittings. The cars are painted Khorne Red and the Rokkits are black with red, yellow and white details.

I have also done a lot of painting on my home made Grot tanks, and I have started to put the details on them. They are all Khorne Red with Leadbelcher barrels and belts. The belts will be lightly drybrushed with Ryza Rust to give them a worn look, but I will have to decide if this should be done before or after the wash is applied. At the moment I'm thinking after to keep the rust color fresh.

The final big thing that is built is a Morkanaut but that needs priming before I can start to slap the paint on it. I am still debating if I should go for Khorne Red like they're usually painted, or let it be black like the Stompa but with more colorful details (maybe black with red details?). If I go for the last option, this could be to the specific likings of one Big Mek and he could have more black vehicles and warmachines in the big Ork army I will eventually make. Then I could have other Meks or Big Meks with more traditional cravings like red or yellow.

Next week I will make the size of the tabe in paper, so I can see how much space what I have now takes up on the board and plan how I can build the terrain pieces I'd like to have on the board. I would like to get that built quite soon as there are lots of small details to paint on the new Sector Mechanicus terrain. I also hope to get in a few pieces of the old Imperial terrain on the board to act like ruined buildings and some broken pipes and things like that.