onsdag 29. september 2010

A new week, new goals!

Finally I have finished the entire unit of Chaos warhounds. 20 hounds is now painted, washed and glued to their bases, waiting along with other miniatures to get their basework done. There are some extra room on the cavalry bases that comes with the hounds, so I am thinking of adding some small shrubbery, some skulls and other stuff to give them some character. This basing will begin as soon as I have cleared some room on my workdesk.

The next project for the Chaos army is a unit of 12 warriors called "The Shining" (pun intended). The unit may grow in size at a later time, I'm quite sure that will happen... This unit will definately have the Chaos feel, but they will be a lot brighter than other units in the army. They will also have a similarly painted knights unit to follow at a later time.
The Shining are all powerful warriors that have been corrupted by the forces of Chaos. They all use swords and shields, and the unit will have full command. Their leader will be a champion named Kubrick and it is said he gets his orders straight from Prince Sigvald. Their armour will be Mithril Silver with gold detail (Shining Gold or Burnished Gold will be decided later), their chainmail will be painted Chainmail (surprise!) and all leather will get the usual browns.

But before I start on this project it is time to do a Warhammer 40.000 project, and this will be the first tank for my Imperial Guard army.
It will be a Leman Russ, but what variant is not decided yet. There are possibilities of making several versions with one kit, and also interchangeable weapons parts, so I will see how I will do this as the project goes forward.
The tank wil have either a two tone or a three tone camouflage pattern, I am still working out the details of the colors. But it will most definately fit with the colours of the remaining elements of the army.

Also I will try and spend some time finishing my units of Imperial Guard, Space Marines and Sisters of Battle standing on my workdesk, in order to be able to start basework on several otherwise finished models. Also I look forward to seeing them completed, as they have been standing on my workdesk for way too long. The longest waiting miniature is probably the Forgeworld Dreadnought; it has been standing there for ages. This is also the model that has needed the most work, but I know how to do all the remaining touches and look forward to seeing it in the glass cabinet along with the rest of the Space Marines.

søndag 19. september 2010

Sunday, and time for an update!

Today I should've had some pirate minis to paint, as it's "International talk like a pirate day", but I don't feel that I have any pirate-looking minis in my armies (at least not yet). I have some thoughts of perhaps making some buccaneer-type units fighting with my Bretonnians (but I have no plans to paint Brets in the near future).
But I digress...
Just before I logged on to write this update, I finished painting the teeth and horns on my last 10 hounds for now (the same ones from my last post). All that is left now is to paint their eyes Blood Red and the inside of their mouths Red Gore. Then they will receive a heavy wash of Devlan Mud and the teeth will get a light wash of Baal Red. Depending on the light-conditions, I hope to do the painting later today and the wash tomorrow or Tuesday. Then the only thing left will be to mount them on their bases. Since I have decided to go for flat bases this time, this will not take more time than it takes for the glue to harden enough for the minis to stand alone. I might consider pinning 4 of the hounds as they are only standing on their hind legs, but I'll see how it works out.
The next Warhammer project will be the Chaos Warriors that are cut from the sprues and waiting in two boxes ready to paint and assemble. This is two units of 12 warriors. Considering the long time it took to finish the hounds, it will probably take some time before all 24 are ready to march to war.

The next Warhammer 40.000 projct is actually an ongoing project already, and that is the completion of all the Imperial Guard and Space Marines standing on the table in the hobby room. There are regular Imperial Guard troopers, Elite forces, Ratlings, Ogryns, and several types of Space Marines. They are all in different stages of painting and assembly, but quite a few of them are only missing the final touches.
After they are done, I will do a Leman Russ Battletank (haven't chosen what type yet).
I've also assembled a forrest of 3 trees and base and the Temple of Skulls to paint up for Warhammer Fantasy. The temple will look good on a table with my Chaos army.
I have no plans to buy my own table yet, as I have no place to keep it, but one can always use a table piece.

onsdag 8. september 2010

Slow progress, but still...

Well, there has been much going on the latest weeks. Puppy training twice a week, arrangements on the weekends, but still I haven't totally laid off painting. I have managed to paint the fur and skin on the last 10 hounds, and hopefully I will be able to start the detailing this Sunday. 
I am planning to have this batch of hounds standing directly on the original bases, but for the next batch of hounds (will follow some time in the future) I am considering to build up the bases to make sort of a rocky terrain. 
 The hounds will be possible to use as two units of 10 or one unit of 20 depending on what the rules say is most optimal and what kinds of enemies I will be facing. The plan is to make movement trays for them, and while doing this, making two trays for 10 hounds and one tray for 20. The trays will be made some time before I am ready to play my first game. Considering the slow pace I paint, I expect it will not be before 2011, even though I had a pledge to do this in 2010. I will see what kind of units I have ready before the year is over...