tirsdag 15. november 2011

Got some more painting done...

I seem to be on the roll these days. Painting several days in a row is a good habit that I will do my best to keep up. I know there will be little if any painting on Wednesdays and Thursdays as I conduct a school windband on Wednesdays and on Thursdays I play in a bigband. Because of this I am home late, and that means less time to paint. But if I could get in to a habit of painting at least 2 weekdays and at least one of the two days of the weekend, I would get a lot done in a short time. I have so much I would love to paint up, so I could really gain a lot from getting this to work.

Todays painting session was used to paint both my Baneblade and the new Ogre unit I have been talking about the last few days.
On the Baneblade I did the last of the black painting, painting the track guards and the drivewheels for the tracks, and also the end of the exhaust pipes. I also painted the last lascannon, and the twin heavy bolters on the right side.
Remaining before completion: Painting the back of the tank (several colors will be needed here), painting and glueing the remaining pieces to the gunner and the commander, painting and adding the heavy stubber in the turret and painting and adding tools and spare parts on the tank.

The Ogres got all the leather painted, so they now have Beastial Brown belts and boots. I know Games Workshop painters usually paint boots black, but it is one of my peculiarities that boots shall be brown. I started this on my Chaos warriors after the first batch got all black, and have decided to do this as one of my "things" for all the armies from Warhammer Fantasy. The next step for the Orges will be to paint hair and skin.
Remaining before completion: Hair, skin, weapons, banner, shields on the bellies, and also to paint the Gnoblars I choose to add to the unit.
For the hair I have decided to paint it in a red-brown color for the entire army (perhaps with a few exceptions, but not many), and that color will probably be Terracotta.
I have a good feeling both for the Baneblade and the Ogres now, even though I know it will take some days until they are done. 

søndag 13. november 2011

Ogre update

Just a small update on the Ogre progress before I go to bed at midnight...
I have now painted the pants of my ogres, and as an experiment I tried to use three different colors for my six big Ogre warriors.
Two Ogres for each color: Shadow Gray (sort of blueish gray), Astronomican Gray (a light gray color) and Dark Angels Green (a dark, bright green, and the same color as the capes and hoods of my elite Space Marines).
From looking at the colors while they are drying, I think I will end up with most Ogres having bright pants. the dark green color looks very nice, and I think when I add the brown leather boots it will be a nice match.
There are two reasons for me trying out different colors within the unit:
1: Most pictures I see of Ogres have different colored pants within the unit, so it sort of goes with the flow
2: I wanted to test out what works and what doesn't work, if I'll start a bigger production of Ogres in the future (and let's face it, when one unit is in the house, it is most likely that others will follow at a later time).

So far the only thing that has disappointed me slightly is that even though the Gnoblars are high in numbers (6+1 to be exact), there are only two poses (well, three if you add the Gnoblar intended to be atop the banner). Still, I figure if there are other poses on the Gnoblars in other units one can still mix and match, and the poses in this box can fit in any kind of unit.

So far the Ogres have been a pleasure to assemble, and I look forward to working more with them after work tomorrow (or rather today...).

and in came the Ogres

It is official!
Once again I have failed to finish one project before starting another.
This time it is my Baneblade that is standing 92% painted on the dining room table, and on my worktable there are a unit of six regular ogres. 
Right now they are standing placed on their bases, with their bodies attatched to their heads and both arms. In front of them are the belly shields and their hands lined up for each ogre.

The plan now is to paint one color on the Baneblade, and then while that is drying I will paint some ogres, and so on, until at least one thing is finished.
I also have a lot of Marines that needs to be painted, and I would love to start painting and assembling some river trolls for my goblin army.
Speaking of Marines, I started to count how many terminators I can field, and have found that I can field my entire first company in terminator armor if necessary. That will look mighty fine for games of Apocalypse, and also it will give me several options to assemble the force I need at all times.
The rest of my marine units are falling behind though, so for now a force of terminators and dreadnoughts are my solution if a force should be called upon to fight.

When it comes to the Goblin army I have 6 river trolls (2 boxes of 3 trolls) that I would love to see painted up and ready for the table. I even bought a special yellow-brown paint for them, as I figure them being yellow-brown and green, with perhaps some other colors as details. Also it would be nice to get some more goblins painted up, as they are a horde army.

While I visited my local Games Workshop store this Friday, I also bouth myself the 2012 subscription for White Dwarf (remembering that it took a few issues before I started getting it in the mail the last time), so with a few issues this time, I would get my first issue for 2012 in January and that works out perfect.
This year the miniature that came with the subscription was the Dwarf dressed up as a pitate, complete with a parrot and a treasure chest. For about a year I have been thinking of making my own airship, using the 2011 White Dwarf figure as the pilot, so this year I might have to consider also making a boat or at least something maritime for him to be added to the army.