mandag 24. november 2014

update week 47

This week I have finished painting the leather on the batch of Orks. I have also started to paint all the metal parts. So far I have painted all the choppas, and next time I plan to do horns (some are done already), belt buckles and the shootas.
Then I will use the yellow and reds on armourplates attached to their bodies.

The Chaos Terminators have gotten some progress. All the silver details are painted on the torsos.
I still have to paint the details on their arms, but I wanted to get some other things done on there first.
I have painted the horns, and glued on all the heads. What remains with the horns are a few tips that I will paint in silver. The box art has these parts painted in gold, but I think silver will be more in the right style for my troops. Would be weird to have the tips of the horns as the only thing in gold, except from their ammunition.

I coudn't keep my hands away from assembling yet another kit, so I started on a Command Squad for my Imperial Guard army. 
The formal name for this army is Militarum Tempestus (that's what their codex says), but they serve as the elite forces of the Astra Militatum. But I am so old I simply call them all for Imperial Guard. 
The Militarum Tempestus is, at least in my opinion, just new figures to replace the old metal Storm trooper figures that was on sale before.
Their codex shows that they often fight alongside Space Marines or Inquisition forces. My force will be split into two different teams. One wearing berets and no respirators, and one unit with full protection gear.
I started with the Scions Command Squad, with a Tempestor Prime, a standard bearer, a medic, a vox operator and a heavy weapon expert armed with a big plastma gun. They are all without respirators and wearing red berets. The Tempestor Prime is wearting a leather greatcoat over his shoulders, and this has given me the chance to practice painting fine details, and so far I am quite happy with the way it has tuned out.

Here is a picture of the chaotic worktable at the moment,. This is taken just as I was finishing up work yesterday. The greatcoat is in front to the left in the picture.

mandag 10. november 2014

What have I done this week?

This week I have done a little different things.

I have participated in a Games Workshop Terrain Masterclass and made a haunted wood (see the two previous posts for details),  this will be used as a terrain piece for my Warhammer Fantasy line-up when it is painted up.
It can be used either as a separate piece, or in combination with other wood terrain or the Garden of Morr.

That is the only Fantasy related thing I have done, apart from finding one Witch hunter that is about 75% painted on a shelf and put him with the Ogres I have assembled but not painted yet. I will finish the paintjob on him and use him as part of the armed forces defending my little village for my Warhammer FB scenery.

For Warthammer 40K I have worked with 3 things (two of them is connected).

I have put more paint on my Orks band with sluggas and choppas (including two heavy weapons and a Nob). This is nineteen models if I remember correctly, and then I have the two test models for the army that will make up the rest of the group.  They now have all the black painted, all the green skin, and about half of them also have all leather parts painted.
I noticed when I painted the leather that I need to go back and sharpen up some lines with black at a later time, but that should not be a big job.
Next I will finish the leather for the rest of the grup, and then I will start on the metals for the beltbuckles and weapons, do some red and yellow armour, and paint the remains of the weapons with red or black and paint the ammunition gold. I estimate a good 4 or 5 sittings with this unit to get them ready for the final washes and basework.

Then I have painted a Chaos Terminator Lord and 10 Chaos terminators. These have all gotten their Dark Angels Green (or Caliban Green depending on if it is an old or new pot of paint) armour painted. I have painted the torsos, the arms and the heads. Next step here is to paint the silver details on the armour, and then I need to paint the weapons (base colour of black, but with lots of detailing), and some other details like horns (two colours ) and other stuff. So I estimate about 4 sittings with these fellows as well.

Some details of the Haunted wood...

Took some more pictures of the haunted wood. Was a litle dark, so I used the flash on the camera.
The pics are not great, but I thought I should post them anyway as they show how things are built, and with the flash I sort of thought of lightning...

First we have a shot of the whole thing...

Details of one tree,  Notice the two heads hanging by their hair in the back of the tree, and a small shrine bolted to the tree.

When the tree is removed from the base, this appears. The dead man burried here must have been burried in a hurry, as his feet still are above ground...

This zombie is almost out of his grave. I chopped off his feet (the ones used on the previous picture) to get this effect.I needed him to be of  a certain height in order to arm him with the schythe.

This zombie is just as eager to fight, but he hasn't gotten that far out of his grave yet. He is pulling himself up though. This was done by adding one arm at a slightly weird angle, and the torso was cut just a little to give it a perfect tilt.

Here is a close-up of the temple, and how greenstuff has been added to fill the gaps between the base and the temple. I tried to make the greenstuff look a bit like moss or weeds.

A man has been hung from this three, and then left there to rot. If you look closely, you can see his arms and one leg on the ground under the tree...

lørdag 8. november 2014

Had fun at Games Workshop again...

I was attending a Terrain Master Class today at Games Workshop in Oslo. The terrain we were making was a haunted forrest. The idea was from a picture in the Nagash book (Part II). 
The picture in the Nagash book was using 3 Citadel wood sets and 1 Garden of Morr, but we chose to just use the 1 wood set. Still it is possible to add more at a later time if one want to do so...
It might be hard to see from the pictures, but the little chapel in the middle is a little crooked and is about to sink into the swamp. But while the chapel is slowly sinking, two zombies are rising from the dead.

The chapel is from the Garden of Morr set, and has been cut at an angle to look like it is sinking, and then I have used greenstuff to fill the gaps between the walls and the base. There are several pieces in the trees from the Vampire Counts Zombie set (bells, sculls and half a dead body), and the tombstones and the zombies comes from this set as well.
The rest is from the Citadel Wood set.

Here are two pics from different angles to show what it looks like:

What you don't see here is that I felt like using the feet from the zombie on the far right. They are sticking up in front of a tombstone hidden behind the tree in front of the chapel.

Next step now is to basecoat the model with black spray, and then paint it up to look like a swampy forrest, and make it look a little scary with the choises of colours as well. So no really bright colours on this, except the white for sculls...

I'd like to give a BIG thanks to Mike, Mats and Mattias for hosting events like these, and for going through with them no matter if it is eight participants or just one like it was today...

fredag 7. november 2014

The Knghts of Oblivion (Chaos Space Marines)

Here are the first pics of my Chaos Space Marines.
This is the three "snap-tite" marines that my wife bought me, and they will be followed by more Chaos Space Marines quite soon.
I will paint on eye-lenses on them, but I am still debating with myself on the colour of the lenses. I tratidionally use red for my Space Marines, but I think that blue or light green also would look good on these. That would also make a difference between regular marines and chaos marines.

Currently I am working on reinforcements for the Chaos warband, with one Terminator Lord and ten Terminators.

torsdag 6. november 2014

Big Mek Gyvva and his trusted oiler + two Meganobz

Big Mek Gyvva is the biggest Mek in my army, he is the Mek leader, and if he choose to go against Big Boss Hazza Hoff and follow someone else, it is likely that most of the other Big Meks and Meks will follow him without question.
But Mek Gyvva has an agreement with Hazza Hoff, and will follow him in order to achieve his goals and ambitions.
Mek Gyvva is smart enough to know that he can't be best at everything, so he has assigned two other Big Meks to assist him with arming the Waagh! and some regular Meks to do maintenence work.
Mek Gyvva himself is specializing in creating big equipment like Gorkanoauts/Morkanauts, Battle Wagons and Stompas, but he also think out some weird and special stuff. Big Mek Cludd is in charge of more everyday thngs like Trukks and Mega armour, and finally the gun crazy Big Mek Clann who is in charge of making the big guns and special weapons for the army. Mek Gyvva and Mek Cludd are both in Mega armour. Mek Gyvva has a tellyport blasta, while Mek Cludd carries a kustom forcefield. Mek Clann is walking around with a shokk attack gun.

Here we have Big Mek Gyvva and his trusted Grot oiler (no name yet)

The set makes tree figures, so I also made two Meganobz who also got the yellow armour. The plan is to make the next batch with red armour (including Big Mek Cludd), and then I'll see what I do with the last batch. With what I have now I will get two Big Meks and seven Meganobz for the army.
After these pics was taken I noticed I had forgotten to paint the sculls on the pole on the Meganob on the right in the pics. This is now fixed.

Here is a more detailed picture of the tellyport blasta on Big Mek Gyvvas back, and some details from the bases. The first two base pics are Big Mek Gyvva, while the last pic is from one of the Meganobz.
The details are resin casts from the Wahammer 40K basing kit.

Fast attack... Orks

The bikers had to be red, after all most bikers are some sort of speed freeks. So I painted the bikes red with yellow details.
These bikers are from the same box as the Trukk, and for now they are a trio, but there might be more bikes in the future. They took me a long time to paint, as there were many details, and I see some places where the assembly could have been done a bit more precise (like the front "bumpers", but it was rather hard to allign them perfectly. If there are more bikers in this army in the future, I will try and find some other weapons for them, to make variety for the larger unit. But for now, here are the three first...

First we have the boss with his big axe, and a Grot hanging on for his life from the bosspole.

This second one is my favorite. He looks like he's taken straight out of a biker movie, swinging a spare bike chain as a crude but very effectve weapon considering the strength he will hit his enemies with. The greatest detail on this model, and probably why he is my favorite, is the scull on the back of his leather vest.

 And here we have the third biker, like his partner this one is also swinging a crude but effetive weapon. The metal pipe will easily smash an Imperial Guard helmet and crack the sculls of the guardsman wearng it.

 An finally the group shot...

The Waaagh! is comming!

As promised, here are some pics of the finished minis for my Ork army.

First out is the Big Boss, and leader of the Waaagh! Big Boss Hazza Hoff, and his squig Hoobi.
As you might see on the pictures they are both missing eyes for the moment, but they will get their eyes as soon as I have practised on some regular orks that will be parts of big groups.

I chose to paint him red with yellow details, as I have 3 main colours in my Ork army, red, yellow and black. With the red paint he stands out a bit in a crowd, and being so huge he will be easy to spot on the battlefield for all his fellow orks (and the enemy but an ork don't bother with that).

I also finished the Trukk, this will be followed by more trukks in the future, bur for now this is my only one. It is black with red and yellow details. Both the assault ramps can be lowered and raised, but apart from that there are not much moving parts.

This set had a lot of details, and took a long time to paint. Still, I think it turned out pretty good in the end...

mandag 3. november 2014

What to build next...

Last week I finished the last details on my Chaos Space Marine "snap-tite" trio. They still need wash and basework, but who doesn't these days. I also got to paint the last details on to my first two Ork Meganobz and glue the wires to the teleportation device on my first Big Mek.

I have started on my Chaos Lord in Terminator armour and decided what parts to use for him. I have glued his body and legs together, and glued that onto the built-up base that came with the box.
Today I will see if I can add spikes on his back, and glue the arms on. I will see if the arms get in the way of the body, and if they do I will have to wait with one or both arms. I have already decided to wait with the head and the cape.
I plan to assemble a unit of five chaos terminators together with the lord. I might even make all 10 at the same time. It depends a bit on how much I can assemble before I finish the painting.
My plan is that all the terminators will have as much horns as possible, and at least one weapon with a chainsaw in it. Either a chainfist or a gun of some sort with a chain blade on it. That is one thing that looks really scary on the chaos miniatures, and I will do my best to make that for as many chaos models as possible.
Also I love the terminator heads with horns, so I will have horns on as many Chaos space marines as possible, some will have to go without, but I will use thoise heads first. For the terminators I think I can get "tusks" on eight of them as well as the Lord, and then two of them will get more like rhino horns.I know there is a really cool head inthe Terminator Lord box, with high metal horns, and if it don't look too futuristic I can use it on a khorne Lord in my Chaos FB army. If it looks really futuristic I might put in on a champion somewhere in my 40K Chaos army.

Hopefully I can restrain myself from starting yet another project and instead paint up some of the many minis I have allready started. But I fear I might end up with one more project...
Still, I need to get all bought boxes assembled so that might not be too bad.

I will try to get some pics of my Ork bikers, the two Meganobz and Big Mek Gyvver and his trusted Grot oiler. Also of Big Boss Hazza Hoff and the finished Trukk.
I think that will be one of my tasks for this week, to update you with pics of the beginning of the Green Waaagh!