mandag 18. mai 2015

Long time without painting

There's been quite a while without painting now, and I don't really know why. Life has just gotten in the way I guess.
Yesterday I finally got to sit for a little while, and got a little painting done.
I painted almost everything on my heavily modified Nurgle Chaos Lord. I need to do some cleanup and detail work, but everything except for his hair got the first layer of paint yesterday.
He is modified away from Nurgle, but I am not sure if he is modified away from chaos itself or not.
The idea is that he is a blacksmith (or the son of one), and that he's been fighting and lost his left arm in battle. His big axe is replaced with a staff that should be easier to work with one hand.
If all works according to plan he will lead an Empire flagellant warband to battle, at least for diorama purposes, as I don't have an Empire army.

I worked on my dwarf fence, and got the stone in the right color, so now I need to wash and do a drybrush or a careful layer to get the details to stand out.

I also did some more work on Grimm Burloksson, and my next step with him now is to glue his head to the torso. Then I need to paint his metal arm and special gun, and his entire backpack-thingy.

I got some paint on my two assembled Rangers for my new Ranger unit as well. They have gotten a little bit of paint from before, but yesterday I painted the skin, so they are slowly coming along. I plan to paint them up as test models for the unit, but it will be a few challenges as they are glued up and ready. The rest of the unit is just ready to assemble, so I will not get as many problems with reaching the details on them.

For 40K I think I know how to detail my Chaos Terminators, and I will start that very soon. It will be detail work to avoid getting green paint on all the silver bits, but I will just have to take my time.

I have a plan for the base of my first Ork flyer too, and I will try to detail both the plane and base according to the tips I got from the Games Workshop staff after the last painting competition I attended. I will also try to give the plane some details, where the entire plane is lightly washed and highlighted, but the parts that needs to be worn or grimy will be heavily weathered and washed.
If it work out nice, I will use it for my competition entry for the flyer category when that comes later this year.

mandag 4. mai 2015

One week later...

A week have passed, but there hasn't been to much of an update on the miniature front unfortunately.

I have done a bit more on two of my Dreadnoughts, but they are still not done.
Both the librarian Dreadnought and the first Grey Knight Dreadnought have gotten their legs painted except for their tubing and feet.
I have added and painted the leg shields on both of them, as the pistons behind the shield are painted now. I have also glued the head to the torso on the Grey Knight Dread (the Librarian already have a head attached) and cleaned up the painting on the head. I now need to paint the eyes before I can add the sarcofagi. I plan to have light blue eyes on all my Grey Knights, so I will experiment a little bit with that the next time I sit down to paint.
I have also started to paint up the force weapon for my Librarian, but I am still not 100% sure of how to do it. I am debating with myself over what color to have in the recesses of the blade. Right now I have painted it gold, but maybe a light blue or the green I use for Plasma weapons would be better to imply there is some sort of force field there...

I have also done a little bit on my new Dwarf army.
I started to paint the wagons for my ponies, I have painted the inside of the open wagons, and the idea is to use some typhus corrosion and some rust on the inside. Not too much, as the Dwarfs maintain their equipment well, but just a bit to add some detail. After all, the wagons get filled with ore every day, so some wear and tear must be expected.
I've also started to paint the outside of the wagons, and the outside will be a combination of copper, gold and metal. So far I have started to paint the copper.

The 30 strong Ranger unit is ready for assembly and painting, I have all the torsos and bases in a box, and a lot of sprues with arms and extras in another box... I have plans for one unit of 30 Quarrelers, all the minis are just waiting for a spare box to go into, and then I have 20 caped dwarfs to be assembled as Thunderers.
I bought a new clear blue base paint on Saturday that I plan to use a lot on my dwarfs, and I will use that on the capes of my Thunderers if it looks good on a test subject.
I have two dwarfs that are already assembled that I will use in the Ranger unit, and I am using them as test subjects for my Rangers. They are slowly coming along, and the next step for them is to get a face.

My dwarf Engineer is coming along. The torso is painted up, and I have started on the beard and helmet. I think it's smart to paint that before I glue the parts together to avoid paint splatter on already painted parts.
I will also paint his very special gun and the creation on his back separately for the same reason.

In the Battle for Skull Pass box there was a stone fence thing, with three dwarf figures carved in stone, and chains with shields attached between them. I have painted the metals so far, and done the base color for the stone. Next sitting I will finish painting the stones, and then I can do detail work after that.