søndag 19. juli 2015

Pictures of Da Big 'Un (pic heavy)

A promised, here are some pictures of the big tank that I won on the Games Workshop Oslo Birthday.

Had to take pictures from a distance to get the entire tank in the pitures...

And now for some detail pictures... The front is from the Battlewagon

Four Vulcan Megabolters shreds away whatever infantry is sent to storm the tank, this is on the left side of the tank.

And on the right side we have the first big gun. I'm not sure exactly what kind of gun it is.

The right hand turret is the main gun from the Baneblade, and on top of that is the big turret from the Battlewagon.

The left hand main turret is armed with another big gun of unknown origin.

Then we have some pictures of some of the details that is added to the tank.

And finally a crew member, also armed with a big gun...