mandag 29. september 2008

What's on the table?

Just wanted to post a little update on what I am working on at the moment.
I recently got the last pieces for my giant, so I just had to celebrate by starting to paint him up.
The body is done, but I have to detail his face and assemble and paint his arms and hands.
This is done in between painting my Goblin core units. I'm working on a unit of 40 Night Goblins armed with spears and shields with a full command group. They are mostly out of the "Battle for Skull Pass" set, but I'm not sure if they all come from that set as I've bought them on Ebay.
The command group is almost finished, and I hope to be able to do the rest of the painting on them tomorrow. The regular troops are in every state from "almost finished" to "just started". Hopefully they will all be done within a few weeks, as my table is rather full with 40 Night goblins with shields and hand weapons (and some netters too) in pieces waiting for their initial paintjob followed by assembly and detailing. There are also 40 goblin archers and some more armed with spears and shileds.
I also started on Skarsnik & Gobbla. This will take some work as it is a metal kit. I like the details in the metal minis, but sometimes it is a lot of work getting the different pieces to look good when glued together. I've started to glue together Gobbla, and it is quite clear that it will take quite a lot of greenstuff to make him look "good". The main issue at the moment though, is thinking out what color to paint the skin. I'm leaning towards Scab red with Catachan green and Bleached bone details. But I have to see how the different colors fit together when I get there. At the moment his feet are glued to the body, and I'm working on painting the mouth in order to glue the bottom jaw on to the rest of the body.

Here is a wip (work in progress) pic of my first Standard bearer.

About the buildings

I had some problems with the photo publishing tool, so I had to split the pics into three posts.
All the buildings are painted after the same pattern.
The bricks (especially the gaps in between) and all the cracks in the walls were first primed chaos black, then the walls were painted Codex Grey before the bricks and some other parts were drybrushed Fortress Grey. The rooftiles are all painted in Terracotta and washed with Chestnut ink. The blue on all buildings are Enchanted Blue. The wood is Scorched brown, and the wooden platform and the pillars of the watchtower are drybrushed with Vermin brown.
The details on the walls and the roof figures are Shining Gold and the metal is Boltgun metal.
The yellow figures on the blue part of the chapel walls are Bronzed flesh.

The clock on the chapel wall has the mechanics and the spiked rim around it painted Boltgun metal. Again the yellow is Bronzed flesh. For the roman numbers and the handles I wanted to use gold, but gold on a yellow background was very hard to see, so I used Dwarf Bronze instead.

This is a closeup of the tower door. The smudges of Dwarf Bronze under the door ring has been removed now.
The shields over the door is painted in Shining Gold.
Again like the temple, the guard tower is not ment to belong to any specific area of the world, but it is built on the same standard as the towers in the Empire.

In the novels of Terry Pratchett there are mentions of communication towers called Clacks. I have an idea to build some clacks from scratch, and then use them as signal towers and these GW towers as guard towers where troops can be posted.

The tower (pics)

Here's the watchtower (at last).  I am quite happy with the way it turned out.

The shack (pics)

finally, here are the buidlings

Finally, the pics of the chapel, the tower and the shack. These are all GW buildings, but now that I have finished these I have plans to build some from scratch. They will probably be wooden buildings to begin with.

The Chapel is probably an Empire chapel origianally, but I've decided that this chapel is somewhere in the wilderness in a far away part of the world. I bought a warrior priest to be the minister until I can find a miniature of a munk or something like it to give it a more peaceful look. The idea is to place it on a base with grass, a small pond, and a nice little graveyard. I hope to begin making this as soon as I have finished some of my other miniature projects.

The watchtower and the guardshack will be mounted on a base as well, but I haven't yet decided just what it's going to look like. At the moment I'm thinking something with a rocky hill or a mountainside.

onsdag 24. september 2008

Another general update

Felt it was time for another general update.
My buildings are now completed, and I hope to publish some pictures of them very soon. I just got to set up the light in a way that don't make the pics too dark. Perhaps I should bring in another lamp for photographic purposes. Would be nice to see the details in the pictures...

My Goblin fanatics are finished (as you can see from my last post), and I hope to be able to give them the final protective coating this weekend.

While working on the first batch of core units I came up with another look for the night goblins, so I did some re-painting on my Goblin Big Boss (shown originally in the "my first goblin" post from july 5th). A little earlier I re-painted his scythe from yellow to boltgun metal (as I decided it was a weapon and not a relic or standard), and the latest update on him is painting his hood brown. I did the brown hoods on a group of my night goblins with spear and shield, and I think that looked a little better than all black night goblins. Also I decided that if I should paint en entire army all black it would look dull and I would use a whole lot of black paint... I plan to give the archers black hoods, and the rest of the night goblins will get brown hoods. Will have to see what I do with Skarsnik though...
The plan is to finish one unit at the time, and when I have finished the units on my desk now, I will start on Skarsnik and Gobbla. Pictures will follow as soon as the first unit (or the command group at least) is finished.

tirsdag 23. september 2008

Goblin Fanatics

Here are 4 pics of my Goblin fanatics. There are originally 6 fanatics, but the last two pics were way too dark to see anything. They are part of my (hopeflly) large goblin army to hit the gamingtables sometime in the winter or spring of 2009. More pis of the army and its components will come in future posts.

onsdag 10. september 2008

yet another update

Next time I update I will add some pictures of the projects I've been talking about for some time now. The chapel is 99,8% finished. All that is left is painting a flower motif over the door (some leafs that needs coloring) and finishing two torches that will hang on the front wall. The watchtower is missing two support pillars and two windows. This is all wood, so I need to paint it and do some drybrushing on it to give it the right texture. Apart from that, it is finished and ready to see some action. The Goblin Fanatics are all finished, and I will post a picture of them soon. I have started on the main goblin force, but it will take some time to paint it all. The desk is crawling with all kinds of Goblins, and their King is on his way in the mail. Mostly Games Workshop miniatures, but with a few exceptions. I will try to update with some pictures in the near future.

mandag 1. september 2008

Status update

I don't have any new pictures at the moment, but thought I should add an update to the blog anyway.
I haven't been able to do as much as I had hoped this holliday, so I am not finished with the buildings yet. The small guard shack is completed, but it was only missing a few brushstrokes, so that's not much of an achievment...
The chapel is the next building that will be completed, the building itself is finished, and the large wall-mounted clock is glued in place. It turned out pretty nice, if I may say so myself.
What remains now is adding the statues (they are painted, but not glued to the wall), adding the angels on the roof (not completely painted yet), adding a plant up againt one wall (needs painting) and finally painting the symbols over the front door (I have to decide on a color here).

The watchtower is detailed and drybrushed since the last update, and the chimney is added to the structure. What remains are details on the stairs, some details that I have to add on to the walls of the top platform (a sword rack at least), and I have to decide if I want ornaments on the tower. At the moment I'm not sure where this would look natural, but I have an idea that I'm thinking of. If I decide to add them, they have to be painted first.

My Goblin Fanatics are glued to their bases, and the bases are primed and the gaps filled. I have also added the grass to them, so (if needed) I could take the fanatics to a game. But there won't be much of a game with one big boss with a pet squig and six fanatics, so I need to finish some more goblins soon...
I plan to add some detail to the bases in the near future, some pots, mushrooms and other goblin stuff is painted and ready to add. I also have two squigs that I might add, but they need to have their eyes and teeth painted first. I will see what bases I can fit them on, and if I don't find a base with the Fanatics I will add them to a separate base. I like squigs...
Thinking of modifying them a little bit since it looks like they have some very very heavy drool (looks like a waterfall from the teeth) or perhaps the idea is that they have very long teeth and an open mouth? I will probably cut a lot of it away, so that they look a little more intelligent (if squigs can look intelligent), but at least I can make them look a little less stupid.