mandag 24. mai 2021

So, what is going on now?

It has been a long time without a proper update again, even in this ties of Covi-19 I don't seem to get the hang of regulat painting sessions and updates even though I did ok on the models work and paint for a while.

Games Workshop teased a great looking Sylvaneth Tree Revenant comming out somtime in the future, playing some sort of "flute of life" and transporting some soldpods (if I am not mistaken). So since I want that miniature in my army I need to add some other Tree Revanents in the army too.
So far I have bought and built a unit of 10 Tree Revenants with command, and I plan to make that the standard unit size as a unit can be from 5 to 30. By makingthe units any bigger it will take too many miniatures to make the amount of units that I need.
I have also ordered a box of Ylthati's Guardians, a unit of 4 Tree Revenants that really is a unit from Warhammer Underworlds but the unit is also a legal unit for Age of Sigmar. They should be in store waiting for me, along with Treebeard from the Lord of the Rings range.

I have been working with asembling some units for my Gloompite Gitz army. The first unit is a unit that doesn't seem to be an official unit anymore unfortionately, the Gnarly Cavesquigs. I hope I have another unit of these in storage as they ar the best looking Cave squigs ever made and 10 squigs is enough for one unit. If I doesn't have anymore I will blend them in to an existing unit just to get them on the table.
The oher unit I hve been woking with is not relly a single unit, but a single set from Forgeworld. 
 It is called The Night Goblin Command Set and consist of one shaman doing some heavy stuff, one standard bearer with a big stick with two banners on, and a grot riding a giant squig with a lot of armor on it. They all looks great, but I think I need to use them as separate figures or in other units. I will probably use the Standard berer as the standard bearer for the Goblin King or his highest ranking General. The goblin on a giant cave squig I am sure I can field alongside some of the others I have, I will have to check the rules to see how many there can be in a unit, and the Shaman is probably a sngle figure anyway.

Aslo I have been able to paint some skin on a couple more of my Sons of Behemat gargants. I am trying out a couple of different skintones as I like some variety. The Bugmans Glow got to be very dark pink when used on the white primer, so I am exited to see how it will look after a wash and drybrush. I will keep using Kislev Flesh on the original bothers and my other Mega Gargant, and I will also use Cadian Fleshtone on some of them.

torsdag 13. mai 2021

There hasn't been many updates lately, but that is not because of lack of projects. It is more the lack of being able to finish what I start.

Since the last update Games Workshop have changed the setup of my Sylvaneth Army. The way they have done this is by teasing an upcomming release of a Tree revenant playing a sort of "flute of life".
I want to have that model in my army, but I can't have only one Tree Revenant as that would look very weird. So even though I originally planned on only having trees I am now going to get myself some boxes of Tree Revenants to add to the army. I still will have a majority of plain trees of all sorts, but I will have a few units of Tree Revenants. Exactly how many it will be, time will show.

I have also decided after reading about the Ironbark clan that I ned more Kurnough Hunters. The idea now is to expand all units from tree to six strong. I will also need one or two more units with swords, so that mean I will need several boxes, but I will do it a little over time. 
I have also decided I will get the Threebeard figure from Lord of the Rings to add to the army as a Treelord Ancient. I had planned to get the regular Ents as well, but I think they will stand out too much so I have decided (well, almost decided at least) to leave them out of the army.
At the moment I am working on glueing together the last three Kurnough Hunters that I have in the house, to complete the units with swords and scythes. This gives me one legal unit of each type. Then as I wrote above each unit will expand in size at a later time. I will also assembe the last two Treelords so I can prime and paint them. I will make one as a Treelord and one as an Ancient.

For Warhammer 40K I have started to paint up my captains for my Deathwatch army. They have been standing on my desk with their capes done for a long time, and I figure I need to get some work done on this army as it is all assembled and primed black. So far I have done the faces and the weapon casisngs for my 6 captains, but I plan to keep working on them  a little at the time until I can call them done. I also intend to take a trip to Games Workshop in the near future, as they hav reopened after being closed due to Covid-restrictions in Oslo. If the store is not too crowded when I m there I will ask for tips on how to re-create the blue glaze that is out of production now. I would very much like to use that on the bases both for Deathwatch and Kharadron Overlords from AoS so I need to use something that is available now. I am thinking that I might be able to use a blue contrast paint thinned with the Lamian medium made for the Contrast range. But I will hear if they have any better ideas.

I also have some Ork models standing on my desk that I would like to paint up. I have the dinosaur gun-platform that I need to prime and paint but I have not decided on what color to use yet so I might just prime it and leave it on the shelf until I decide. 
The Wazbom Blastajet I primed black and will be painted black, so I think that is the unit that will be finished first. I will have to cover everything in a thin layer of black paint so that I can cover up any mistakes as the paint from the pot and the primer has a different shine to it, and then there are a lot of different details to paint. Still I don't think it is too many different colors. I am thinking that I will use two metal colors (one copper and one plain metal) and then sme tubes will need red paint, and the pilot needs several colors. But I think that will mostly be it.
The last unit is the new Haza Hoff. I have actually re-written my fluff to explain how Ghazghkull Thraka can be in two different armies with two different names, and I think I have come up with an explanation that will work well both for the real Ghazhgkull and for my warboss. It will need several colors and has a lot of details so I will take my time to make sure I paint him as a centerpiece. He is not the biggest model in my army, but he is perhaps the most important and a lot of people will probably look at him if I field him. 

lørdag 1. mai 2021

I have just finished going through the entire blog, I have fixed several spelling mistakes and fixed the label tags for every post.
It was quite interesting to read through everything I had written and see when I talked about doing things for the first time and how long it takes to get things done.
I have a few examples that stands out that I would like to mention:

- Blimp for the Dwarfs: This was first mentioned in a blog post way back in Novermber 2010 where I talked about building a Dwarf Airforce. This was many years before we got Kharadron Overords who are sky-travelling Dwarfs, and the only flying Dwarfs was a Gyrocopter set. And one of the things I talked about for this Airforce was to make a blimp. It took 3 years before I named the bimp the Badyear Blimp (pun on Goodyear). It is still just a few pieces here and there... The Airforce got a Gyrobomber for Armies on Parade in 2017, but that is all they have at the moment. I still have plans both for a blimp and for balloons,

- Building of towers: Back in January 2011 I said I would have several towers finished before the year was over. They are all built now, and I have started painting them. So maybe they will be done by the end of 2021 as sort of a 10-year aniversary.

- In 2014 I talked about my scary forest, and that is as good as done now. Only thing missing is to paint the rim of the base and that will be done as soon as I have cleaned up my desk a little so I have room to put it on the paper covers while painting. This mean I have to paint leaves on about 12 Sylvaneth Dryads first,

- In August 2015 I talked about having gotten some trees. Back then I think they were still part of the Wood Elf range, but now they are known as Sylvaneth and is their own standing army. These trees are some of the ones I am working on now... Some of them have been painted up before, but then they were primed again with a light primer when I decided to use Contrast paint on my trees. It is still the same minis that are released today, and the same sprues.