søndag 18. juni 2017

8th edition is out

Saturday was the official release for the new edition of Warhammer 40.000. We have reached the 8th edition now, and the storyline has been moved forward a bit through the last releases in the 7th edition with the resurrection of Robute Guilliman, the fall of Cadia and all the other things that happened.

For the relase there was a new boxed set called Dark Imperium. With this box Games Worskhop have done many great moves.
- They have included the rulebok with all the rules you need to play 8th edition right in the box. -this means you can atually play after just buying the set, no hidden costs to start. They still want you to buy the codexes and other books though.
- The box is really beautifully packaged
- It introduces the Primaris Marines, a new type of super-Space Marines made to keep the Imperium safe and destroy the forces of Chaos.

I had to get this box, and spent the entire day yesterday at Games Worshop in Oslo building Primaris Marines and trying out the new rules in a game.

I hope I can prime my first models later today (weather permitting), so I can start painting them during the comming week. I plan to paint them up just like my other Gatekeepers. Since I started painting my Space Marines chapter many years ago, Games Workshop has replaced their paints a few times. But I am armed with the colors that will match the best to what I have used before.

The Dark Imperium box includes two types of Marines. You have the noble Ultramarines with their new and improved Primaris Marines, and then you have the foul Deathguard with their Plague Marines and their minions and partners.

Today I assembled 13 of 22 Primaris Marines from the box.

I assembled 2 Space Marine Lieutenants. They are something new, as we only had Captains and Sergeants before. This has made me think that we will see Guilliman doing some exceptions from the Codex Astartes and that we will have chapters with more than 100 Space Marines soon. After all, what else would we need Lieutenants for?

The Captain I left for building the way I usually do (painting as I build), as he has a cape that needs to get special attention,

The Standard Bearer is a veteran Marine called an Ancient with some pretty nifty rules. He was the first Marine I assembled from the box. I had to glue his backpack twice to get it to sit tight, so hopefully there will be no future issues with it.

Then there are 2 5-man Intercessor squads, and I have assembled 1 of them. This is the equivalent of the regular Space Marine 10-man squad, and the basic troops of the Primaris Marines.

The box also contains a 3 man Inceptor squad and this is the buffed up version of the assault marines. I have not built these yet. This edition GW want the flying troops to be in the air, so they come with some new flying stems that makes it possible to field them in the air. I am not sure about how I like these compared to the old assault marines, as their weapons look  little weird with shields on their barrels. But I am sure I'll grow in to liking them as I build and paint them up.

Finally for the good guys the box contain a 5 man Hellblaster squad. This is four marines and a sergeant armed with plasma rifles. They will fill the role of the old devastators. They look mean, and pack a great punch. Only problem is that plasma might blow up in your face from overheating when firing it. In the game we played, my squad ended up in a firefight with a Helldrake, and I lost 2 men to overheating in my first round of shooting.

I have not started to look at the Deathguard models yet but they include 10 Marines, 20 humans and 1 mean looking drone.

I will put pictures up here as I get everything assembled and painted up. I plan to paint at least my good guys up alongside my other projects, so I can use them if GW Oslo holds some gaming events in the future where I can participate.