søndag 19. oktober 2008

The Giant

Finally the first giant is completed. This is a giant that can be used both for my goblin army and my mortal chaos army (provided one still have that option with the new coxex that is comming one of these days).
Mostly I guess he will be used with the goblins, and since their natural enemies are the dwarfs I thought it was fitting that he had a hogtied dwarf in his cage. The dwarf is a slayer (that's the reason for the orange hair)
The shields and armor on the left arm and the shields on the shoulders of the giant are taken from defeated enemies and he has tied them on with leather straps.
The base is first painted brown, and the rocks grey. Then I gave the entire base a layer of devlan mud wash to make it look more alive. There are a few details that are painted separately. The broken cart wheel is painted like the rest of the wooden parts on the miniature. The straws are made from an old painbtush, and "glued" to the base using greenstuff. I had planned to do this for my chapel diorama, so this was a chance to see how this effect would end up. When the base was painted and the giant glued on, I glued some spots of mixed turf on the base. This is done to give the giant some unity to the goblins, for all the goblin bases have this turf mix.

The Complete Colors:
Dwarf and Giant skin: Dwarf Flesh
Giant eyes: Midningt Blue
Giant hair: Teracotta
Dwarf hair: Fiery Orange
Giant nails: Elf Fesh
Giant Teeth and bones in beard: Bleached Bone
Giant pants: Beastial Brown and Chaos Black
Giant protective skin on right arm: Catachan Green
Giant Shields (the strapped on armor plating) are: Regal Blue, Mithril Silver, Chaos Clack, Skull White and Shining Gold, all washed with Badab Black.
All ropes and leather straps: Vermin Brown
All wood: Scorched Brown, drybrushed with Vermin Brown
The stone piece on the club: Fortress Gray withdetails in Shining Gold, washed with Badab Black
The Cow: Beastial Brown skin, Bleached Bone horns, Chaos Black hoofs.
The Barrel: BoltGun Metal bnds, and Shining Gold logo, otherwise painted as wood and ropes.

Base: Graveyard Earh, washed with Devlan Mud
Straws on base: Gaveyard Earth washed with Devlan Mud, detailed with Bronzed Flesh

weekend roundup

Another week has gone by, and I haven't been able to spend that much time at my workbench as I had hoped. But on the positive side, I have finished two out of three ongoing projects. But I have maneged to stove away the garden furniture, and cleaned up the attic (both things done along with my wife). Also I have played at an Oktoberfest (october party, like the ones they have in Bavaria).

The first core unit of goblins are still not done, I estimate three more sittings before they are finished. What is left is painting the rope belts and the leather straps that hold the blade of the spear to the wooden rod. This has to be done for 30 gobbos. Then I have to paint eyes and teeth on 30 to 35 gobbos, and then all 40 needs a final check and basing.

Skarsnik and Gobbla are as good as finished, only thing missing is to place the snotling pointing some fungus in front of the rock Skarsnik is standing on. I haven't decided 100% to add him, as the model looks really cool without him as well, but I'll finish the paintjob on him and compare. Pics will follow soon...

The first giant is completed, and based. The base is made so that I can use him both in my goblin army and my mortal chaos army (provided the new rules still allow this). Pics follows in another post really soon.

The next projects will be a dreadnought and some mortal chaos units. But I still have 40 goblins with spears and 40 with bows assembled, and 40 goblins with hand weapons and shileds in pieces on my desk, so I have plenty of goblins to build. Also I got word that my Goblin King is on his way at last...

I find it very nice to have the possibility not to always build the same stuff. And since I have several armies I like to get to the gaming tables, I find this helps me work a little on them all...

mandag 13. oktober 2008

What's new? Not a lot...

Still I find it's time for a blog update...
I haven't done much since my last update. This weekend I was trawling fleamarkets with my wife on saturday, and on sunday i had to transpose a lot of music for the schoolband I am conducting. And the evenings last week was either spent cleaning aquariums or being somewhere else. The plan was to finish the first goblin core regiment this weekend, but this will take a little more time now. But I am still optimistic, and hope to finish it the comming weekend instead. I started working on the shields again yesterday, and I hope to get the rest of the moons painted today.

Yesterday I did the finishing touches on the metal base of Skarsnik & Gobbla, so now I only have to finish the models before I do the last detailing on the plastic base the metal is glued to. I still haven't decided on what exactly to do on the plastic part of the base, but since all the goblins have grass bases, I think I will make some sand and grass for it.

I also did some modifications to my giant base yesterday. The plan was to add some high grass to it, but I'm not 100% sure of the outcome. I used the brushes of a large brush that I never could use to paint with, and "glued" it to the base using a puddle of Greenstuff. I guess it will look a lot better when it is painted, at least I hope so. Looks a little strange now...

søndag 5. oktober 2008

The end of the weekend...

And so I sit here at the end of yet another weekend where I have spent some hours down in my workshop. This weekend I have been working on my first giant, my first core unit of goblins and Skarsnik & Gobbla. This is the status so far:

The giant is almost finished. I have added two shields to his shoulders, and painted up the sign that is a part of his large club. I have also decided on what extra equipent he will bring with him. In his belt he will have a barrel of the finest beer from the Emipre, and a medium sized cow. In the left hand he'll carry a cage with a hogtied dwarf slayer.
What is left to do now is glueing the cage together after painting the hair on the slayer another layer of fiery orange and then washing it with whatever wash comes to my mind. The club needs a drybrushing with vermin brown to create a feeling of wood, and after that it's just the base left before I can add a giant to my army. The base needs a little work as I plan to add some tall grass that has to be glued on with greenstuff or something similar, and I guess I'll add some arrows that has been fired at the giant without hitting him.

The first core unit of goblins is comming along slowly. The command group is as good as done, and the 35 regular troops are in different stages of almost finished.

Skarnsik & Gobbla are comming along nicely. The basic painting is done, but I need to do some detailing. Also since this set is of metal, some of the paint is peeling off again and I need to to some flicking here and there. But I know from the other metal minis I have painted, that this solves itself after they are coated with the protective coating.

lørdag 4. oktober 2008

WIP Skarnsik & Gobbla

Here is a WIP pic of gobbla. I have also started to work on the base, and the basics of that is now done. I still have to do some more details before I can say that it is finished though.
Skarsnik is still in many pieces, but he is comming along. Gobbla is almost done, and I think he looks cool with these colors. Looking forward to fielding this marverlous beast in my army.

WIP Goblin core unit 1

The first core unit of my goblin army is comming along nicely. It has taken more time than I expected earlier, but I think the result is worth the extra time.
I have decided to go for standard colors for the entire army.
For the night goblins there will be black robes (not very original, I know) and beastial brown leather hoods. The fanatics, some commanders, skarsnik and the goblin king will not have the brown hoods though.
This is the standardbearer for the first unit of night goblins armed with spears and shields. The unit consists of 35 regular goblins and a command group of 5. A few of the regular gobbos might be replaced with netters to get that option in the unit too.
Many of the units will probably have the same banner, so I have decided to separate them by painting the sun ray halo around the moon in different colors. For this unit the color is terracotta.
The mushrooms/fungus on the top of the banner has bleached bone stalks and teracotta hats.

WIP Giant

Here is a WIP pic of the first giant of my goblin army. His hands are being painted separately and I hope to be able to glue them on tomorrow. Since I plan to be able to use this giant in my Chaos army as well (provided this will still be allowed when the new rules ome out), I have decided to give him weapons and equipment that can be used both places. His main weapon will be a club built of a large sign and a tree limb, but I will add some more weapons and equipment a little later on. I just have to decide on what to use. I will build one more giant later, so it would be nice not to give them all the same stuff.

onsdag 1. oktober 2008

Goblins and giants

Just a quick update on the progress of the Goblin army.
The core units have all gotten some more color, but I've found that I have to give all minis an extra checkup on completion as there seem to be some places where I manage to touch them with a color that should be somewhere else (if you catch my drift).
But the first core unit is comming along nicely, even though it takes a little more time than I first expected.

Skarsnik & Gobbla are also comming along. I have painted the inside of Gobbla's mouth and glued it all together. Yesterday I did all the greenstuff work on it, and there were quite a lot of gaps that needed filling. Hopefully I have done this so that it doesn't show when I have painted this big mean monster.
The minis are going to be on a metal base that is glued to the regular GW plastic base. I have started the painting on the metal base, but I think it will need some extra detailing to look realy nice, so I'm thinking something out now.
Skarsnik is at the moment still unassembled and unpainted, but I will add him once Gobbla is done.

The giant is comming along well. His body is finished, and yesterday I added his head. All that is left on the face is to paint his eyes and teeth, as all his face is dwarf flesh at the moment.
For his beard I went with Terracotta, as that seemed to be quite good for a red haired fellow.
His arms are attached to the torso, and they got the first stroke of dwarf flesh yesterday. I also started to paint his hands.
I have discovered that the base will need some work with greenstuff and some old brushes. I am thinking of adding some tall grass some places to make it look more real. If this works well, I will use the same tecnique on the base of Skarsnik & Gobbla and arround the pond for my chapel-grounds.
I will try to add a WIP pic of the giant later today...