lørdag 18. juni 2016

Revisiting an old box - Warriors of Chaos Spearhead

Several years ago Games Workshop released a box called Warriors of Chaos Spearhead. This was a box with all the new models that came out for a Chaos release. I'm not sure when this was, but it was several years ago when characters were released in metal.
The box included the following units: Ten Chaos Warhounds, five Chaos Marauder Horsemen and five Chaos Knights. These are all plastic minis, and it was the first release of the new plastic knights (the ones still on sale).
The box also contains a lot of metal miniatures: Five Chaos Warriors chosen, five Chaos Warriors chosen command, a Chaos Nurgle sorcerer, a Khorne Chaos Lord on Juggernaut, a Chaos Lord on Daemonic mount, a Chaos Champion of Khorne, Sigvald the Magnificent and Wulfrik the Wanderer.

I have built and painted the Chaos Warhounds a long time ago, but then the rest of the units have stayed in the box.. So I figure this is a good time to get a big box off the shelves.

The Nurgle Sorcerer didn't need any assembly, just a cleanup so he is ready for priming and painting. The mini is exactly like the current plastic one, but the details are more crisp and clean on the plastic one. I plan to use them both in the army.
Sigvald the Magnificent will lead my Slaanesh faction, and as mentioned earlier he will still be Sigvald in my army even though the official rules has reduced him to a plain chaos lord. I have cleaned him up and started to assemble him. I've gotten his torso together, and tomorrow I will attach his arms. His sword has kept up magnificently well in the box compared to other thin parts in the box.
The Khorne Lord on Juggernaut will lead my unit of Juggernaut riding warriors, so I will paint him up like them, maybe use a little more gold to show he is a Lord.
The Lord on Daemonic mount will be one of the leaders for my Slaves of Darkness faction, and I'm not sure yet what role Wulfrik will get (or the Exalted Hero of Chaos as he is reduced to) but he will also be in the Slaves of Darkness part of the army.

The Knights will be batch built along with the other Knight boxes, as I have thirty Knights in total. I'll probably build maximum fifteen a the time. I need to get new bases for a few of them as they have the small square cavalry bases in their boxes. I'm not sure if I will use those small square bases for the smaller Maruder horsemen or if I will get them cavalry bases as well. I'll chat with the guys at the Games Workshop store tomorrow and hear what they mean and see what size bases they come with in the current box.

I think I need to use the bitzbox extensively for my Chosen and Chosen command, as they seem to have several broken or very badly bent wepons. I'll salvage what I can, and then I need to find replacements for what cant be used. I plan to use them with my Slaves of Darkness.

tirsdag 14. juni 2016

More chaos

Feeling a little excited that Games Workshop has released new scenery for Warhammer 40K. They have released transport containers that works well as cover for normal troops, and they look quite cool. 
The box contains thee big containers, nine barrels and twelve crates of different sizes. I'm looking forward to starting to assemble these sets, but I will hold off until I have finished my AoS Chaos army.

Another release that I like a lot is scenic bases of all sizes for 40K. The bases are made to match the game board that looks like a city, I plan to get some of these for my Space Marines and Imperial Guard armies in the future, but I will have to see what units I would like to use them on first, so that I buy the right sizes. Both these armies operate in different terrain, so I will not use them for all the minis.

I'm almost done assembling the AoS starter set for my Chaos Army. The final five Bloodreavers are assembled but not glued to their bases yet. They are all standing on one leg, so if I just glue them and drop them they will fall down. So I either need to sit and hold them in position until they dry, or find something to lean them up against.
When they stand firmly on their bases, I will take all the figures from the start set and prime them black.

Not sure what the next unit for assembly will be, but I know I'll have to start painting something again soon, as the units pile up on my desk and in boxes standing around it. I thought I would see if I could rearrange the units a bit so that each box contains units of the same faction. This will give me a better overview of what is left to paint for each faction.