søndag 23. juni 2024

WIP Goblins

It is time to show off another work in progress project. This time it is Goblins. Like the Troggoths in the previous post they will be part of the Gloomspite Gitz army. 
The Gloomspite Gitz used to be known as Night Goblins, and these figures were just Goblins. Today these figures are out of production and there are only Gloomspite Gitz (the old Night Goblins with some new models) left in the range. But since these figures have the same weapons and equipment as the current Gloomspite Gitz I figure they can be used with the same stats if I should decide to play.

I am working on changing my hobby nook and as part of that I took all my cardboard boxes out of a storage unit that I plan to throw out and repalce with cler boxes that can be stacked. In one of those cardboard boxes I found 36 of these old Goblins. 
The lore of my Gloomspite Gitz army will say that these Goblins live in the hills in the thin forrests (the spider Grots live in the deep forrrests under the hills),  so they don't need to wear robes to protect from the sun like the Night Goblins do. I also have several (17 I think) of the old Goblin Wolf riders and they will be part of the same tribe as their cavalry units. I think they will be staying in the hills, and then the new Wolf riders will live higher up in the low mountains and then you will have the Ogors higher up in the hills where there are snow on the peaks.

I have used mostly Contrast paints on these figures, and I think I will use these colors for painting up all of the Grots/Gitz going forward. I might even re-paint some of my old Night Goblins, but I will wait and see what they will look like with this color scheme first. There are some things that need regular paints, but most if it will be contrast.
Everything is primed white or light gray depending on what I have available when I do the priming. Then I try to paint everything from the inner layer and out. So I start with the skin, and for that I use Gutrippa Flesh. It gives the figures a nice light green color, not too different from the color I used before but with more shadiows in the recesses. 
Then I use different browns or reddish browns for clothes and wood. I use Snakebite Letaher for the shoes and the leather vests they wear, and I figure I might need to use another color for the studs on the vests that have them, but I haven't decided yet. Think I will drop by my local Warhammer store and ask for their advice on this.
Another color that looks almost the same is Gore-Grunta Fur, and I used that for the fur on the helmets for the Goblins that have them. Some have bare heads and some have helmets without fur on it. They also have fur on their loincloths. I have used this color on the animals for my Ogor cavaly, and I also plan to use this on the wolves for the Wolf Riders.
For the banner and pants I have used both Black Legion and Black Templar, but I am leaning towards continuing with two coats of Black Templar in the future as that gives a finish that looks more like worn cloth. The first layer is sort of gray, but it turns to a quite nice black when the seconnd layer is applied.
The wood for the spears, banner poles and wooden shields are Wyldwood. This is a rather dark wood color, but it looks good. It is this color I use for much of my Sylvaneth army as well.
The shields that look like they are vowen are painted in Nazdreg Yellow to show that this is a softer material than the regular wood. All metal are painted with Ledbelcher, this is a Base color.
For the minis I have painted now, this color has been used on the spikes on the shields, the helmets, the tip of the spears and the insturment of the musician. I wanted to use this color as I don't like the gray contrast paint that many use as metal if they paint everything with contrast. I plan to paint the mouths and teeth in purple (or dark pink) and off-white and that too will be either Basepaint or layer paint, and I will also paint the eyes with a red from one of these ranges.
I have also used a rather dark gold for the details on the instument of the musician, If I remember correctly it is called Bathazar Gold.
I have decided to add a little brightness to some of the models so I use Flesh Tearers Red for the tassels hanging from the end of the sword of the leader and from a trophy pole. I'll see if there are other places I can use this as well, and I already know there are some areas where I can use this on some of the Wolf riders to tie these units together.
Finally I use Skeleton Horde for the skulls on the wooden shields and for the thin leather straps that some of the Goblins have on their spears and around their wrists to keep the spear solidly in their hands. nd also wrapped around their spears.

The bases will be the classic dark brown Stirland Mud or Stirland Battlemire, that I use on all my AoS models and if I have room on the bases then some of them will get some of the brbed brackets that I have on the bases of my Squig Hoppers to tie the army together,

Now for some pictures...

The first two pictures are of a Goblin with a solid wooden shield. The skull symbol on the shield was not painted when the pictures were taken. The pictures are a little dark, so I will make sure to have better light when taking pictures of the finished models.

This is the other version with the vowen shields with a big metal spike on it.

At the moment I have painted 10 of these to the leverl you can see on these pictures, and I have started with the skin on the next batch of 10.
I just deliverd my dog to my Ex so now I have a week where I can do a lot of Warhammer stuff, so I hope to do quite a bit of painting and maybe a little building this week. I will post an update on it in a week to tell how much I managed to get done.