mandag 1. juli 2024

WIP Troggoths and Goblins

I made myself a little goal, I wanted to paint up my entire unit of 36 Goblins to a decent standard this week, and I am happy to say i made it. It was actually kind of satisfying to do it this way and on a short time instead of doing it over many months as I usually end up with.
Now I am not 100% finished to tell the truth, but the figures are done. I bought myself a very fine Kolinsky sable brush so I will try to paint their eyes when I do their bases.
I plan to do the their bases in the same style I do all of my Age of Sigmar bases, but I am trying to decide if I want to add the barbed brackens from Games Workshop like I have on the Squig hoppers or if I want to add some non-GW colorful flowers. This will not be on all the bases as they are small, but where they will fit. My thoughts with using the plastic barbed brackens is tht it will unite the squig hoppers and these goblins, but the colors I use for painting will also do this and by adding the flowers it will show that they live in a different area. After all the Night Goblins and their Squig hoppers lives in caves while these Goblins live outside in the hills in huts.I will lesve the option open until it is time to work on the bases and see what might look the best.
I think I will wait until my Wolf riders are done as they are the cavalry for this tribe, ab from the same area. Their bases are bigger so I will have more room to put things on the bases. 
I have started to paint up a few of the wolves and one rider to test if the same scheme will fit and it certainly looks like it will look good on them as well. It takes some getting used to brown wolves, but they are already starting to grow on me so I am quite sure I will like it in the end. It also explain the fur that the infantry uses for loincloths as I am sure some of the wolves die of age or on the battlefields.

I liked these models so much I have decided to get another unit as GW have re-released them for The Old World. I might get one unit to use for my Gloomspite Gitz army, and another to have with The Old World if I decide to make an army there. I would also love to get a unit of Wolf Riders. There are 15 in a unit, and for my AoS unit I have 13 so I will either see if I can find two more on Ebay or try to think out some unit fillers like I need to have with my regular Goblins as the unit should be 20 strong, so 40 in total.

I have also worked a bit more on my Troggoths while I was at it, and they are also getting close to completion. I was actually supriced to find that the Dankhold Troggoth and the Dankhold Troggboss are the same kit, as they look so different. But apparently they are as the box makes either one.
There is also a smaller Troggoth that has some od the same looks, this one is made for Warcry or Underworlds but looks like it is retired. 
I have painted the skin of all the Troggoths and some of the mushrooms they have on them, but not all of them yet. I need to paint the stems and the underside of the mushrooms and the hard choral things that grow on the Troggoths and the club of the smallest one. I am very pleased with the big mushrooms on the smallest Troggoth and I will try and take some pictures in the near future. This is the first time I have painted spots on mushrooms, and I will try to do this more often at lest on the biggest ones.