tirsdag 25. oktober 2011

Finally some progess again...

I am happy to report some progress on the Baneblade again. I finally took the box down from the shelf and on to my livingroom table. One side of the tank is now finished, except for the lasgun tower and the twin heavy bolters that need a touch of Boltgun metal.
The small front turret with twin heavy bolters is finished, and will be placed on the tank when the other side of the hull is painted.
The main turret is finished, but I am still painting the Commander and the Gunner. I have not yet painted and glued on the heavy stubber that the gunner will be using or the hatches that will be glued on in open position to provide some cover for the backs of the personell in the turret.
I also have a grille on the back of the main hull that needs to be painted before it is glued on, as it shows off the engine below. But before I do that, I need to do some weathering on the engineblock. This will probably be achieved with a layer of black ink over the shining metal parts.

When I was looking for some more colors for the Baneblade paintjob, I also found a tray of Marines that I had put down on a shelf under the livingroom table to work on later. 15 terminators, among them 10 close combat terminators if my eyes didn't fool me. Also there were two attack bikes that appeared to only need washes, and it also appeared to be one or two other marines on there.
I look forward to diving in to the painting of these marines again, and not to mention all the marines I have in my giant Lego brick standing on top of the dvd cabinet. I think with the terminators already finished and the ones on the tray and in the Lego brick I have enough terminators to field my 1st company almost entirely with terminators if an Apocalypse game should require it. But I will usually have at least some units with Sternguard or Vanguard veterans entering the battlefield in drop pods or Stormravens.

I'm really looking forward to completing units and adding up their points and getting them ready for combat. It is very motivating to see an army increase in points and number of models.
Still I have a lot of scouts in my glass cabinet that needs the upgrade to the new look. This will not take a lot of work though, as I think all that is needed is to repaint one shoulder with the dark colour, add the insignia and give them a wash. Also I will need to make the scout sergeants a bit more visible, but this should not be too much extra work as soon as I have decided on how to do it.
Also I might think up a way to differentiate between the marines-in-training and the full battlebrothers that still serve as scouts. I figure this can be done by finding some way of showing off veteran status and have a few ideas on how this might be done. I will test this as soon as I can.
Apart from this I think it is only one regular Dreadnought and a Rhino to upgrade before all finished models have a unified look.

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