tirsdag 15. november 2011

Got some more painting done...

I seem to be on the roll these days. Painting several days in a row is a good habit that I will do my best to keep up. I know there will be little if any painting on Wednesdays and Thursdays as I conduct a school windband on Wednesdays and on Thursdays I play in a bigband. Because of this I am home late, and that means less time to paint. But if I could get in to a habit of painting at least 2 weekdays and at least one of the two days of the weekend, I would get a lot done in a short time. I have so much I would love to paint up, so I could really gain a lot from getting this to work.

Todays painting session was used to paint both my Baneblade and the new Ogre unit I have been talking about the last few days.
On the Baneblade I did the last of the black painting, painting the track guards and the drivewheels for the tracks, and also the end of the exhaust pipes. I also painted the last lascannon, and the twin heavy bolters on the right side.
Remaining before completion: Painting the back of the tank (several colors will be needed here), painting and glueing the remaining pieces to the gunner and the commander, painting and adding the heavy stubber in the turret and painting and adding tools and spare parts on the tank.

The Ogres got all the leather painted, so they now have Beastial Brown belts and boots. I know Games Workshop painters usually paint boots black, but it is one of my peculiarities that boots shall be brown. I started this on my Chaos warriors after the first batch got all black, and have decided to do this as one of my "things" for all the armies from Warhammer Fantasy. The next step for the Orges will be to paint hair and skin.
Remaining before completion: Hair, skin, weapons, banner, shields on the bellies, and also to paint the Gnoblars I choose to add to the unit.
For the hair I have decided to paint it in a red-brown color for the entire army (perhaps with a few exceptions, but not many), and that color will probably be Terracotta.
I have a good feeling both for the Baneblade and the Ogres now, even though I know it will take some days until they are done. 

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