søndag 29. juli 2012

Break in construction

There has been a halt in the painting process. I've been away for a holiday for two weeks, and when I got back we started to tear down the kitchen. We are now in the last part of the process of building the new kitchen, but I expect I have to work on the kitchen for at least a couple more days and then I expect I will need at least one day to help the wife get everything back down from the attic and back in to the new kitchen cabinets.  But as soon as that is done, the Imperial Guard will get their reinforcements, and I will start to paint my River Trolls for my Goblin army.

Had a trip to Games Workshop the other day, and brought home a solid reinforcement for my Space Marines. In 6th ed. the Stormraven is allowed as a flyer for all chapters, and as a result of that I had to have one. I had planned to get one some tine in the future anyway, but this gave me the kick to get it now. Imagine a Stormraven comming in to a hot landing zone flanked by two stormtalons... 
I admit I only have one Stormtalon at the moment, but I expect to have at least one more sometime in the future. But I won't buy the second one until I have built my first. If it is crap to build, then I will manage with one.

I also got some more Ogres to make up my army. I will sum up what I have here in a later post, as I don't remember right now what is down in the basement.

The Imperial Guard get their first psyker later this week, the Primaris Psyker. He has been ordered through the collect in store option at Games Workshop in Oslo and they hope to have it in store on Thursday afternoon so that I can collect it after work on Friday. In the same shipment is also a unit of Regimental Advisors.
The Ogres gets a maneater in the shipment, but I am thinking of using him for another position after having a chat with one of the team at GW. It is the Maneater with the treassure chests (Paymaster Maneater), and I look forward to working with him. 
The Goblins gets some Gnarly Cave Squigs. I have been wanting to get those squigs since I started to collect Goblins, so they might be bumped up to be the next Fantasy project after the Trolls. But they are really not a big job, so I might do them in between other projects as well. I'll see how it looks when they arrive.

The final item in that shipment is an Inquisitor. I will probably field him with the Sisters or my Marines, but I really got him because I love the model. I have been looking for it on Ebay for a while, but now it is released in Fine Cast and I felt it was the time to get him home. It is the Inquisitor who looks like he could have been on the Mayflower when it first came to found English colonies in North America.

Well, off to the kitchen for some IKEA assembly-work...

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