fredag 31. mars 2017

General update

Since the last post I have had a period where I haven't done much building and painting, but now I am at it again.
Since last time I have done a little work on the two Dwarf units that I have started on. My first unit of Longbeards have their armor painted now, and after their boots are painted, I will go on to paint heads and arms before glueing it on. This is a unit of ten figures, but I will paint up my other Longbeards in the same way, and will probably end with two units of fifteen with full command, or if I want smaller units, three units of ten where only two have full command. These warriors are quite different from previous Dwarf minis, so it will not be natural to mix them with older versions.

I'm also almost done painting the torsos of my oldest set of Dwarf warriors, the unit I have decided to call my Imperial Dwarfs as they have gone to live in the city amongst the humans, but come back to the keep to fight with their brothers in the upcomming battle that they are all mustering for. I will start shortly to prime and paint their arms and heads.

I have also come quite far in painting a unit of regular Warriros, and have started to paint and assemble my first Gyrocopter. The Gyrocopter will take some time still, as I have to prime all small parts manually since I neeed to paint the insiode of the Gyrocopter during assembly. 

Since my last update, I have gotten hold of some Genestealers for Warhammer 40.000 and so far I have assembled a Goliath Rockgrinder (a truck with a huge shield with a huge shield with rotating saws that grinds up rocks), a box called Broodcoven (sort of the 3 leaders of the clan with two small accolytes), and I am in the process of thinking out what colors to use on their skin to make them look almost human while still having a hint of alien on them (so far I am leaning towards Cadian Fleshtone with a purplish wash). 

The Rockgrinder will be painted in light gray (Celestra Gray) with an orange stripe down the front. The orange will be the same as in the uniforms of the troops to match it together.

The regular Genestealers will have orange uniform jackets (Jokaero Orange) with dark grey (Mechanicus Standard Grey) pants, black boots and light grey (Celestra Grey) armor. This will be the same for both miners and soldiers, but with the changes needed to make it work. The Genestealers in other clothing will probably get some sort of red or yellow clothing to fit in but still look different enough that they stand out on the battlefield. 

I have also started on a few test models from my Daemonettes of Slaanesh and so far it seems they will be a little darker and a lot more purple than the ones in the regular art from Games Workshop. I mean when they have a paint called Deamonette Hide, isn't that the natural color to use on their hide? I'll drop by Games Workshop later today and see if they can help me with a color to use on the hair.

Pictures of the things mentioned in this post will be shown as soon as I have anything worth showing.

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