onsdag 30. desember 2020

Plans for 2021 - Age of Sigmar

I thought I would split the post about the plans for 2021 up in to two - one for Age of Sigmar and one for 40.000. We will start with Age of Sigmar...

The biggest plan for 2021 is to build a Sons of Behemat army from scratch. I have an old Giant set that I've had for many years and it will be used in this army. So far I have bought two new Mega-Gargants and two regular Gargants (they come in boxes of two now). I have assembled the first Mega-Gargant and started to work on a base for him. I have also assembled the old Giant and glued him to a base. Inspired by an article in White Dwarf I decided to give him a peg leg. Unfortunately it was a little short, but a small pile of rocks at the base solved that problem perfectly.

The next plan will be to build my second Mega-Gargant and two normal Gargants, and then I will check how many more regular Gargants I need to make this a working army. At the moment I figure if each Mega-Gargant have three regular Gargant followers it will make quite a solid army. I have chosen three regular Garants as that is the maximum number allowed in one unit.

I have decided to add a bird to all the "miniatures" or bases in this army to give it my special touch. There are two birds in the box with the two normal Gargants, and I have some spares from earlier so I can also cover the Mega-gargants if there shouldn't be birds in those boxes. 

The next army to build is the Kharadron Overlords. I bought a lot of these models when they were released, but I have never gotten around to do anything with them. This will change for 2021. I don't know how many points this army will be, but I will start with building what I have and see how the army looks when that is done and then supplement it if needed (or not, deep down I know I will get more models for this army no matter if I need to or not).
I have built a few minis from this army before, but only one is painted so far. I have also painted one of the smallest ships. I will decide on a paint scheme for the minis,  as I am not sure of the paint scheme I have used for the one figure that is painted. For the ships I will try my best to replicate the colors I have used, as I am very happy with that.

The third army I will work with is my Gloomspite Gitz. The plan is that part of my Sons of Behemat army also will work as mercenaries for this army if I ever get to take part in a big game. I have a lot of the old Night Goblins and Forrest Goblins (Spider Riders) for this army, and I look forward to seeing it grow. Many models are already assembled and primed and some are also painted and based. I think I will cut the finished figures that are standing on square bases off their bases and mount everything on round bases instead. The army will consist of Grots (Goblins), Gargants and lots of different Trolls. There will be lots of Squigs of different kinds as I really like them. We have gotten some new Squig riders in this range, and I already have built several units of these and more is on the way. For these units I have decided to try and add plants to the bases, and I will see if that can be done on some of the regular Grot bases as well as the big spider bases.

The fourth army are my Sylvaneth, I have two more Treelords to assemble and paint, and lots of regular trees. I know that I am missing a few character models for this army, and some medium sized models but they can be added as I go along. I know how I want to paint the models in this range, and how I want the overall look to be. I am very happy with how my two existing Treelords have turned out, and since I use contrast paints for most of the basics in this army I can get a lot done over a short period of time once the minis are assembled and primed. I have several forests that I want to build for this army. Originally I wanted a mix of the old and the new, but I found out I have so many of the old ones that I think I will stick to using them if that will work. 

The fifth army are what is now called the Cities of Sigmar. I don't know if I can make this a legal game playing army, but I do want to make something of it. I have lots of scenery that I am currently working on that will look good with this army, and I have more scenery that I haven't worked on yet. One of the things I haven't worked on so far is a big castle for "the good guys" and I would love to build that in to something special. I will see how much stuff I have and how it can be assembled. Also I have lots of the old Dwarf miniatures (Duardin now) that I would love to build and paint as I generally love those figures. I plan to place these on the square bases the came with. I have some Bretonnina models as well, and I would love to build them as part of this army as well, I am sure I can find some sort of "legal" description to fit them in to the units that are accepted to use for this army.

The sixth army are my Chaos army. At the moment I don't think there are rules for building a Chaos Unlimited army, but I have mostly elements from Salves of Darkness (what used to be Chaos Unlimited), Khorne and Nurgle with a little bit of Slaanesh  in the mix. A lot of this army are Chaos Warriors and Chaos Knights that has been started a long time ago but never finished and if I just start I think I can finish quite a lot in a short time. I love the old Chaos Warrior models, and I also have a unit of the new ones that look very good (and quite similar) so I look forward to getting those done. This is apparently one of the units where Games Workshop has done a lot for gender equality in the later years and there are supposed to be many female heads with the new Chaos Warriors. I will see how they look, and maybe if I get some to spare that don't look too chaotic, I can use some of them for my Astra Militarum army.

The final army are my Ogors. I have lots of them in my storage and I think I know how I would like to paint the regular troops up. I hope I can get something done on this army for 2021 too. As far as I know they have one piece of specific scenery, and that is ordered from Games Workshop. I have used some of these models for my Astra Militarum 40K army, but there is plenty left to make up a good sized Age of Sigmar army for this faction. Lot of plastic, but also quite a lot of resin models for this range.

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