søndag 16. juli 2023

Tyranids color cheme

Yeserday I wrote that I had bought the Leviathan box and that I would start a Tyranids army and build it up slowly to an acceptible size. 

When I was at the store I talked about my plans and got a "miniature of the month" called a Termagant to use as a test model for my color scheme. The Termagant is one of the smaller creatures of the Tyranid army and it is armed with some sort of bio-gun. There are several of these in the Leviathan box, and in the new online reveal yesterday we were shown this same creture with a lot of different weapons. 
This is apparently one of the most common creatures in a hive fleet, sort of the infantry, so I look forward to building and painting up a lot of them with different weapons options. 

I think I have found the color scheme I want to use.

The colors I have landed on is Morghast Bone for the bodies. I wanted a light color, but white is hard to get to look good at least without painting many layers. And I think this color will fit well as some sort of camouflage against my bases that will be Armageddon Dust or Armageddon Dunes like I do with all (at least almost all) my 40K models.
For the claws I wanted a horn color, so I went with Nazdreg Yellow. This is a color I use for most of the horns I paint in Age of Sigmar. This gives the claws a natural color, but not the classic black that you see on many pictures of Tyranids.
Then the hard scales, or the armor if you like, got painted with Genestealer Purple. This is a light purple color and I like that. I also think it contrasts well with the Morghast Bone and I have known for a long time that I would like to use purple on my Tyranids if I ever wanted to get this army.
The tongue and what looks like gills on the body has been painted with Volupus Pink. This is the same color I have used for tongues and the insides of mouths on a lot of other projects and I'm quite happy with that. 

After these pics were taken I painted the teeth Screaming Scull as this is whiter than Morghast Bone but not classic white.

I also found the color I think I want to use for the bio-weapons and I landed on Phonecian Purple. It is a darker purple but still quite bright. I have painted it on now, and to make it clear that the weapon is biological and part of the organism I painted the scales on the top of the weapon Genestealer Purple to match the scales on the body of the Termagant.

I will have another look at the model tomorrow, and if I'm still happy with the colors I will put Armageddon Dunes or Dust on the base, and then start with washes and drybrushing if I feel I need that after. My idea right now is to use the same paint as I have used now to drybrush.
I will post final pics when this work is done.

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