søndag 18. august 2024

Glomspite Gitz and a Tank

The Goblins are done, I will take some good pictures of them when I have fixed the lights in my workshop and post here after. I have 36 of what I call "forrest goblins" and I will need to make 4 unit fillers to make a unit of 40.

The next installment for that army will be another box of 40 where 20 will have spears and shields and 20 will have bows and arrows, both with full command.

Then it is the Dankhold Troggoths that are being painted up, the regular troggoth and the troggboss have just a few details left, and I have started to work on their bases, the one that comes from the skirmish game still needs a little more work, but it is also comming along nicely. I plan to add a little water on the base of that one. The trogggoth bases are quite big, so it might be a nice place to add some of the new flowers I bought online. I talked to the staff at the Warhammer store and they said it was ok to use them even if I wanted to use the figures for games or competitions in store. I will post pictures of them too when they are done. So far I think there are just a few details left, like eyes and nails and I think there are a few more things left on the Troggboss. Next Troggoth to be built is Trugg the Troggoth King. I have bought him and the box is waiting to be opened. 

In the mean time I had fun putting together this not so little tank. It was actually a little bigger than I had expected. This is the Macarius, also known as a Macarius Heavy Tank.  

I decided to built it wit hthe Vanquisher cannon as I love those long barreled guns. The yare not so common anymore, so I felt it would be cool to have it on this relic as the tank is from the 31st century. I am thinking that this might be newer, as some forgeworlds seems to be making them still, or at least made them for many years after the Horus Heresy so this mighr be one of those. I will read some more about it in the background and work out some background for them.

The Macarius will fight along side troops from the Solar Auxillia and some of their armored transports and Leman Russ tanks in my Imperial Guard army, so I will paint them up to match that army. But I will also have the possibility to field them as troops for The Horus Heresy if I would like to play that sometime, so I will only use weapon options that are legal for that.
I have another Macharius and I will build that with the classic look of two lascannong in the turret. Since I liked building this one so much, I might add a third one to the army at a later time and give that the regular battle cannon. 

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