tirsdag 15. desember 2009

Back to everyday life...

My mother passed away a month ago, and life is slowly returning to normal (or as normal as it can be after something like that). 
Among the christmas preparations I am finding a little time to spend in my workshop again. Slowly the big group of Space Marines are taking steps towards being operative units in the 2nd Ultras. I have decided to go for the regular Ultramarine "patch" on them, but some tests done on previous Marines have showed that using watermarks is a bad idea (at least for me), so I have decided to paint the logo on to the shoulders of the Marines. I will try this for the first time one of the first days, and the result will be shown here when I feel it looks ok. I fear that a few troops will have a heavy blue coating on their shouldergards from where I've had the need to paint over bad U's. But that is some of the charm of the hobby. I am not now, and I will never be as good as some of the painters I see in White Dwarf Magazine or on the Warhammer Forum, but I feel that I paint well enough for tabletop quality, and I have been given credit for being accurate and good choise of colors (for my Space Marine army). 
I will try to to put together a fighting list of Space Marines from the minis I have finished and still have on my shelves, so that I can start to go a few friendly rounds at my local Games Workshop Store in the new year that is closing in on us. 
I also have an Imperial Guard army now, that has seen the light this autumn. So far 5 regular troopers are standing on my work table waiting to get their basing and unit markings done. As with the Space Marines I will go for hand painted markings, but I think it will be mostly unit numbers painted on to one shoulder guard. Perhaps a very simple logo on the other shoulderguard some time in the future, time will show...

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